Government Finance Officers Association honors excellence in CalHFA’s financial reporting
The California Housing Finance Agency has once again earned two Government Finance Officers Association awards for excellent financial reporting, marking the fifth consecutive year of recognition.
GFOA honored CalHFA’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2021-22 with a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Finance Reporting and lauded CalHFA’s companion document – the Popular Annual Financial Report – as well. The reports detail CalHFA’s financial position in styles that are suitable for financial professionals or a novice.
“Earning this honor for a fifth year in a row recognizes CalHFA’s long-term commitment to being an effective and transparent steward of funds that are used to finance housing opportunities for low- and moderate-income Californians,” said CalHFA Executive Director Tiena Johnson Hall.
The GFOA Certificate of Achievement honors financial reporting that goes beyond the minimum requirements of generally accepted accounting principles to evidence the spirit of transparency and full disclosure. It is the highest form of recognition in government accounting and financial reporting.
Click here to view the full press release on the CalHFA website.