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In This Issue:
The Agricultural Department and California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) will give a presentation on mountain lion activity in El Dorado County.
Agenda, presentation and meeting participation instructions for Item 51. 24-1017 are here: eldorado.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=6779365&GUID=9B96A99E-5987-4DD7-8196-A5E68A605A8A&Options=&Search=
Any written correspondence should be directed to the County of El Dorado Board of Supervisors, 330 Fair Lane, Placerville, CA 95667 or via email:edc.cob@edcgov.us
Please submit your comment via email before 4:00 p.m. on the day prior to the Board meeting. Your comment will be placed into the public record and forwarded to the Board of Supervisors.
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Full News Release here: www.fs.usda.gov/detail/eldorado/news-events/?cid=FSEPRD1186747
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Fences can cause serious injuries and even death for wildlife. Installing wildlife friendly fencing can help prevent these incidents and keep wildlife safe. Wildlife damage to your fencing is also costly and frustrating to fix. By tailoring fence design and placement, you can reduce wildlife injuries and decrease damage to your fences.
Residential Fencing: www.eldoradocounty.ca.gov/files/assets/county/v/1/documents/land-use/agriculture/agriculture-documents/wildlife-friendly-fencing-final-6.25.2024.pdf
Agriculture Fencing: www.eldoradocounty.ca.gov/files/assets/county/v/1/documents/land-use/agriculture/agriculture-documents/agricultural-wildlife-friendly-fencing-final-6.25.2024.pdf
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Workshop to provide an overview of CEQA and will touch on the following areas: Application of CEQA to discretionary actions of the County; Context and legislative intent of CEQA; Overview of environmental review process steps (preliminary review, exemptions, negative declaration/mitigated negative declaration process, EIR process, and subsequent review); Responsibilities of decision-makers under CEQA; and Recent changes in CEQA, to be presented and questions moderated by Pat Angell from Ascent Environmental, Inc. No formal action by the Planning Commission will be taken.
Video and presentation material for Agenda Item 2. 24-1140: eldorado.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=1201722&GUID=DD8C5D54-521A-49A6-BB4E-98D787A97B55&Options=info|&Search=
Item begins 04:40 minutes after the start of the meeting.
Thank you to Assemblymember Joe Patterson for sharing information on the Safe Return Program. The Safe Return Program is a 24-hour response service that protects seniors who have lost their ability to recognize familiar faces, places, names and neighborhoods. The Safe Return program has a 98% success rate in safely returning registered seniors to their homes and families. To find out more, contact the MedicAlert Foundation at 800-432-5378 or visit MedicAlert.org
Press Release: www.eldoradocounty.ca.gov/County-Government/Countywide-Press-Releases/COUNTY-OFFICIALS-INVITE-PUBLIC-TO-GRAND-OPENING-OF-FIRST-OFFICIAL-DOG-PARK
The El Dorado County Area Agency on Aging has a limited supply of Farmers’ Market coupon booklets for El Dorado County older adults who meet age and income guidelines. Each booklet has five checks redeemable for $10 each to be used at Certified Farmers’ Markets in California to buy fresh fruits, vegetables, cut herbs and raw unprocessed honey.
Press Release: www.eldoradocounty.ca.gov/County-Government/Countywide-Press-Releases/Senior-Coupon-Booklet-for-Farmers-Markets