Take Action: AT&T Landlines, Cannabis Ordinance Update, Public Workshop on Zoning Ordinance Amendments, Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), OHV Grants, Assemblyman Patterson Townhall, Library Commission Vacancy

El Dorado County

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In This Issue:

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Make Your Voice Heard!

The CPUC has set up a webpage page for submitting written comments regarding AT&T’s request: https://apps.cpuc.ca.gov/apex/f?p=401:65:0::NO:RP,57,RIR:P5_PROCEEDING_SELECT:A2303003


View Only:

-Live video broadcast with English or Spanish captions via webcast: http://www.adminmonitor.com/ca/cpuc

-Participants who choose to view via webcast will have audio and video but will not be able to make verbal comments. If you would like to make a comment during the forums, refer to the phone-in information below.

-For captions, after clicking on the name of the meeting, click the green button below the video for captions. Then select captions by clicking on the white icon next to the word “live” at the bottom of the video.

-The public forums will be recorded and archived for future viewing.

Phone-in to Make Comment:

-Phone: 1-800-857-1917, passcode: 6032788#

-Participants will have audio and will be able to make comments. (To make a comment, after entering the passcode, when prompted press *1, unmute your phone, and record your name.)

-Wait times depend on the number of speakers in the public comment queue. During times of high call volumes, wait times will be longer. The operator will call on you when it is your turn to speak.

Full instructions to participate in the hearings are here: https://www.cpuc.ca.gov/pph 


att 1

Click for map: https://attcacolr.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=5d00a721f508432c9c7f1894084abc20 

  • At least one telephone company in our area is legally required to provide access to phone service to anyone in its service territory who requests it. This is known as the Carrier of Last Resort (COLR) obligation which ensures that everyone in California has access to reliable phone service. AT&T is the designated COLR in El Dorado County and, thereby, required to provide “Plain Old Telephone Service,” also known as POTS or landline phone service, upon request to all residential and business customers. POTS has a uniform set of minimum service standards and regulations that does not extend to new technologies that provide similar service, such as wireline Voice Over IP (VoIP). While it is not unusual for one company to replace another as a COLR, AT&T is requesting permission to abandon its COLR obligation without finding a replacement.
  • AT&T is asking the CPUC (California Public Utilities Commission) to allow it to decide whether you can get AT&T telephone service, even if there is no other telephone provider in your area who is obligated to provide service.
  • AT&T is asking the CPUC to change the rules and remove the safety net that guarantees access to affordable, quality phone service.
  • If approved by the CPUC, over 580,000 affected AT&T customers would be left with fewer options in terms of choice, quality, and affordability. Alternative services, such as VoIP and wireless, have no obligation to serve a customer or to provide equivalent services to AT&T landline customers, including no obligation to provide reliable access to 9-1-1 or LifeLine program discounts.

Lastly, please know that El Dorado County leadership is working to determine what steps we can take to engage in this issue, including joining forces with other counties and organizations. 

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Cannabis ord

If you live on or near parcels that are zoned Rural Lands (RL), Planned Agriculture (PA), Limited Agricultural (LA), or Agricultural Grazing (AG), you could be impacted by changes to the Cannabis Ordinance. The county’s ordinance is separate from the State regulation that allows you to grow up to 6 plants at home.


The voters in El Dorado County passed ballot measures in 2018 that created a Cannabis Ordinance to permit cannabis cultivation, dispensaries, and manufacturing in El Dorado County. That Ordinance had criteria for setbacks, environmental review, and other regulations. The El Dorado Growers Alliance (EDGA) was the driving force for the campaign to pass the ballot measures. Campaign materials stated, “Vote Yes For Safer Communities, New Enforcement and Safe Cannabis.” Residents tell me that they appreciate that El Dorado County has not followed the path of Mendocino, Humboldt, and other counties that have been overrun with cannabis farms. Residents have also expressed their appreciation for the El Dorado Sheriff’s Office (EDSO) and their efforts to rid our county of illegal grows.

Currently, the Growers Alliance is putting an inordinate amount of pressure on Planning Commissioners, Board of Supervisors, and political candidates to relax the regulations in the Cannabis Ordinance so that it will be easier to qualify locations for permitting cannabis grows. I have been advocating that we should respect the will of the voters and maintain the setbacks and regulations that the voters approved.

In March of 2023, the Board authorized a settlement in the matter of El Dorado County Growers Advocacy Alliance v. El Dorado County Board of Supervisors, et al., Case No. 21CV0161 which involved a challenge to the County's implementation of its commercial cannabis program. As part of the settlement agreement, the Planning Commission held multiple sessions on cannabis regulations and forwarded policy discussion areas to the Board. On September 12, 2023 (File No. 23-1501, Item No. 35), the Board directed that a Resolution of Intention (ROI) be prepared for ordinance revisions for several administrative cannabis policy items. The ROI was adopted October 17, 2023 (File No. 23-1817, Item No. 16). The items in the ROI were brought to the Planning Commission for consideration on December 14, 2023 (File No. 23-2192, Item No. 5). The Planning Commission also recommended that four additional changes be incorporated in the Ordinance: reduced setbacks of the cannabis ordinance, expanded cannabis canopy limits, propagation and associated lighting changes, and nonvolatile manufacturing on cultivation sites. County Counsel advised against the four additional changes because they were outside of the Board’s direction and were only added to the public record the day before, which did not allow for transparency to the public. Despite that advice, the Commission passed their recommendations on a 3-1-1 vote.

On January 30, 2024, Staff brought forward an item for the Board to approve the first reading of the Ordinance, without the four additional items, but with the recommendation to further review setbacks, canopy limits, propagation, lighting and manufacturing uses. The Board approved the introduction (first reading) of the ordinance, continuing the matter to the February 27, 2024 meeting for final passage. The Board directed staff to add an agenda item to the February 6, 2024 Board meeting to create an ad hoc committee to study the remaining issues.

Draft Minutes from February 6, 2024 Board meeting:
A motion was made by Supervisor Turnboo, seconded by Supervisor Parlin to Approve this matter and appoint Supervisors Parlin and Laine to the Cannabis Ad Hoc Committee.
After the main motion was made, a subsequent motion was made by Supervisor Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Hidahl to Approve this matter and appoint Supervisors Laine and Hidahl to the Cannabis Ad Hoc Committee.
Yes:   3 - Hidahl, Thomas and Laine
Noes: 2 - Turnboo and Parlin


The Supervisors appointed members to the Ad Hoc Committee who represent the least impacted areas of the county. When the Ad Hoc Committee announces how it will gather public comments on this issue, I will share that information in this newsletter so that you can make your voice heard.

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Thursday, Feb. 22nd The County Long Range Planning Unit invites you to a workshop to provide feedback on draft changes to the Zoning Ordinance focused on Signs (including Cameron Park Sign Standards), Oak Resources Conservation and Communications Facilities. The workshop will be held Thursday, Feb. 22nd at 10:00AM in the hearing room at 2850 Fairlane Court in Placerville and also available via Zoom: https://eldorado.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=1159524&GUID=94D8F6F4-0C6C-47C8-84AA-6EF4A9E56F3F

Workshop documents, including the staff memo and redline copies of the draft Zoning Ordinance amendments, are found at the link below:

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OVH Grant

Parks Division will be holding a public meeting on February 28, 2024 for input on the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Program Grant Applications. This grant will fund projects on the Rubicon Trail. Meeting will be virtual or in-person. Full notice is Here

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EDC Town Hall Flyer 

RSVP:  www.asmrc.org/ze/edhtownhall

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NOV Library


Description: The Library Commission is advisory to the Board of Supervisors on ways and means of improvement of County free library services; advise Board of Supervisors of rules and regulations governing operation of County library system; make recommendations to Board of Supervisors for future development and maintenance regarding library services.

Term for this Vacancy: Four-year term to coincide with the term office of the nominating Supervisor.


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