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In This Issue:
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the 1/30/24 Board of Supervisors (BOS) meeting and to those who submitted comments to provide input on the Deer Valley Road treatment centers. A special thank you to Rescue Fire Chief Bryan Ransdell, El Dorado County Sheriff Jeff Liekauf, and Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil's District Director Lauren Hernandez, for their attendance and engagement in this challenging issue.
Video of Item 19. 24-0205 is available here: https://www.youtube.com/live/HRRd9rr9-yo?si=D1o-YQBwY0MRnlNt&t=1927
County’s Executed Letter: https://eldorado.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12633413&GUID=8CB76E71-F386-4133-9EE8-42152392B920
Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil letter to California Department of Health Care Services and California Department of Social Services: https://sd04.senate.ca.gov/news/letter-cdhcs-and-cdss
Draft Minutes: Supervisor Parlin recommending the Board: 1) Consider documentation, staff information, and public comment regarding the proposed Native Directions/HomeCA Substance Use Disorder Treatment Centers;
2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the attached letter to Senator Alvarado-Gil, Assemblyman Patterson, and other interested parties, requesting assistance with interfacing with the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) and other pertinent agencies on how to prevent these proposed projects from negatively impacting our rural communities and/or relocating them to more suitable locations; and
3) Provide direction to staff to collaborate with affected departments, agencies, and organizations to research and determine a path forward to either fully mitigate the negative impacts to the County and our communities or relocate the facilities.
A motion was made by Supervisor Parlin, seconded by Supervisor Turnboo to Approve this matter with direction regarding section 2 of the item to modify the attached letter to include the Board's recommendation of stronger language as to the impacts on rural communities and direct staff to:
1) Direct County Counsel to explore what level of California Environmental Quality Assurance compliance, if any, is required for the subject project;
2) Direct staff of affected departments to collaborate with our State representatives and their staff to interface with the Department of Health Care Services to ensure that the application was fully vetted, and to minimize the negative impacts of these planned projects or, preferably, relocate them to a more suitable site;
3) Direct staff to collaborate with affected agencies and organizations, such as fire districts, to minimize the negative impacts of these planned projects to ensure public health and safety; and
4) Approve and authorize the Chair to draft and sign a letter to our Federal representatives to request assistance with this planned project, including the impacts to native plants.
I will share notices and announcements as soon as possible through my District IV Newsletter. If you know people who would like to receive the newsletter, please advise them to send an email to bosfour@edcgov.us and we will add them to the distribution list.
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Cameron Park CSD Fire Service Meeting
The meeting link is on this webpage: https://www.cameronpark.org/virtual-community-meeting-february-7-2024-at-6-00pm
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Rubicon Trail updates, including Winter Storm Warnings and Trail Project Updates, will be posted here: https://www.edcgov.us/Government/Rubicon
The Senior Times is a monthly newsletter containing a calendar of activities, trips, and community events, the Nutrition menu, and articles of interest. A yearly subscription donation of $5.00 is requested.
For a complimentary copy of the Senior Times, please call (530) 621-6150 or click on the link below to download.
Senior Times Newsletter (edcgov.us)
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