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In This Issue:
El Dorado County’s Department of Transportation (DOT) along with Shimmick Construction Company is scheduling a public meeting to discuss the progress and milestones met for the Project to date, schedule outlook for upcoming work, anticipated traffic impacts, and answer questions from the community.
Mosquito Bridge Project-Construction (edcgov.us)
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Agenda Item #30, File #23-1699
Planning and Building Department, Planning Division, recommending the Board consider the following regarding TM-C23-0002/ Oak Haven, previously Summerbrook Estates, submitted by Blue Mountain Communities to amend the Final Map for Summerbrook Estates Unit 1 (TM07-1440-R2) Conditions of Approval 25 and 26 to remove a requirement for traffic signal installation and, instead, require the installation of street lighting in its place at the western intersection of Deer Valley and Green Valley Roads (see above map).
The agenda with instructions for meeting participation is available at: https://eldorado.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx
Documentation, including an updated traffic analysis in Attachment F, is available at: https://eldorado.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=6358209&GUID=3D5D862F-7AE7-470D-86BC-F53B7A1EB7AF&Options=&Search=
Any written correspondence should be directed to the County of El Dorado Board of Supervisors, 330 Fair Lane, Placerville, CA 95667 or via email: edc.cob@edcgov.us
Please submit your comment via email by 4:00 p.m. on the day prior to the Board meeting. Your comment will be placed into the public record and forwarded to the Board of Supervisors.
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September 12, 2023 Cannabis Study Session Results

As a result of litigation El Dorado County Growers Advocacy Alliance v. El Dorado County Board of Supervisors (BOS), the BOS held a study session at the 9/12/23 meeting.
The results are that the Board directed staff to bring back a Resolution of Intention to change the operational concerns that were brought up during the study session, such as the tax structure, tax rate, aligning the annual permit with the start of operations, only requiring changed application materials for renewal, and allowing multi-year permits.
Additionally, the BOS did not have enough data to make decisions regarding changes to setbacks, canopy size, propagation and lighting, and allowing nonvolatile manufacturing. Those items were sent to the Planning Commission to provide data and recommendations on those issues.
During the study session I raised concerns about reducing the setbacks that were approved by the voters in 2018. There is not conclusive evidence showing that reduced setbacks will not create a nuisance for the neighbors. I do remember the testimony in 2017 from families stating that they could not enjoy their yard or open their windows because the odor was overwhelming from the grows.
During the study session it was mentioned many times that other counties have less restrictive regulations regarding cannabis grows and dispensaries. However, there is not clarity on what the impacts are to residents in those counties. The State of California has an interactive map to show which counties and cities have legalized cultivation and dispensing of cannabis: https://cannabis.ca.gov/cannabis-laws/where-cannabis-businesses-are-allowed/ After the study session an article was sent to my office regarding the conflicts in Santa Barbara County between cannabis and grape growers: https://www.sfgate.com/cannabis/article/santa-barbara-wine-industry-vs-cannabis-18365066.php. More articles will likely be gathered as the process for the Cannabis Ordinance update unfolds.
Please participate in upcoming meetings and make your voice heard. My office will share meeting and workshop information in our newsletter when it becomes available.

By appointment only, please email hhw@edcgov.us or call 530-621-5300 to schedule an appointment.
All normal limits apply - 15 gallons or 125 pounds per household, limit of 10 fluorescent bulbs per household, no business waste, do not mix waste streams, no out-of-county waste, please bring proof of county residency to your appointment.
For more information go to:Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events (edcgov.us)

Construction of the Bradford Park Playground Shade Structure will begin Tuesday, September 26. During this time, the playground will be inaccessible to the public for about two weeks. https://www.edcgov.us/Government/Parks
To receive a monthly calendar by email, send your request to kimm@foodbankedc.org