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In This Issue:
State Route 49 Confluence Study Virtual Community Meeting
The El Dorado County Transportation Commission (EDCTC) in partnership with Caltrans and the Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA) has commissioned a multimodal corridor plan for State Route (SR) 49. This plan will examine things like infrastructure characteristics, corridor operations, and collision history to inform recommended improvements for parking access, new transit/shuttle services, safety, and operational efficiency.
Because of the far-reaching impacts of this study and SR 49 improvements on the region it is important that we hear from you about how this effort can best serve you! Please plan to attend an upcoming virtual community meeting on this effort Wednesday April 6th at 6:00 PM PST - we encourage you to attend and please share information with your network.
Register for the 4/6 virtual meeting at: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FPx3ftMnTSSgy71inS2Hcg
Project Website: https://www.americanriverat49.com/
Interactive map to make comments, Social Pinpoint: https://dks.mysocialpinpoint.com/sr49confluencestudy#/
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A County Charter defines the powers and functions of elected officials as well as the organization and procedures of local government.
Two vacancies exist on the Charter Review Committee for District 4. One vacancy is for a Primary Representative and one vacancy is for an Alternate Representative.
The Board of Supervisors shall convene a Charter Review Committee within five years of the last charter review period. The committee shall review the County Charter and, after at least two public hearings, make recommendations for amendments to the Board of Supervisors.
Term is through the charter review period. An online application for appointment is available at the website below: https://www.edcgov.us/Government/BOS/CommissionsAndCommittees
An application is required to be considered for appointment, you may also call (530) 621-5390 or visit the Board of Supervisors office at 330 Fair Lane, Placerville, for a paper application.
Website: http://www.edcgov.us/Government/BOS/Charter/Pages/charter_review_committee.aspx El Dorado County Charter
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Residents and business owners are invited to attend to obtain information on the project. County staff will be available to answer questions.
Mosquito Bridge Project
The El Dorado Civil Grand Jury is an investigatory body created for the protection of society and the enforcement of the law. It is an arm of the Court and a representative of the public. Although it is an arm of the Court, it operates independently of direct Court supervision. It is a check against governmental authority. It is not a branch of the County, nor is it answerable to the District Attorney. California Penal Codes Governing Grand Juries.
The Grand Jury (Jury) has oversight responsibility over local government, such as but not limited to: county government, city government, special districts, local school districts (financial not curriculum). The Jury does not have jurisdiction over the Courts, other counties, federal or state governments or private citizens. Typically the Jury looks at systems and processes. The Jury has no enforcement authority, it can only make recommendations, through publication of a final report, usually published at the end of June each year (See Penal Code 933 & 933.05). The Jury cannot normally resolve or solve emergency situations. Each complaint the Jury accepts for investigation, must be investigated thoroughly, seeking out facts, and analyzing the facts prior to writing a report for publication. This is a time consuming process and usually takes many months to complete.
To be an effective participant on the Grand Jury, a Grand Juror is expected to attend regular plenary and committee meetings, be an active member of an investigative committee(s), and participate in the investigative process (research, interviews, report writing). These activities require a minimum commitment of approximately 40 - 50 hours of time per month.
For more information: https://www.edcgov.us/Government/GrandJury
Full application with all requirements
This is an in-person meeting only. However, if you are unable to attend in person, and have questions, you can send those questions to bosfour@edcgov.us by May 10th, and they will be addressed in the video-recorded meeting. The video recording of the meeting will be posted online within 5 business days after the meeting on DOT's webpage dedicated to Mt. Murphy Bridge