D3 May 26th Newsletter

May 26, 2021                                                                                       

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Happy Memorial Day

Memorial Day

As we move into the holiday weekend, may we take the time to remember what Memorial Day means.  While Veterans Day honors all those who have served or who continue to serve and protect our Country, Memorial Day is set aside for us to specifically pause and reflect on those individuals who have laid down their life either defending the freedoms we continue to enjoy or who have paid that ultimate price in the simple act of serving our Nation in our Armed Forces.  

The chaos and shutdowns of this past year is causing us all to wrestle with the concept of freedom...what it means, how to preserve it, how to defend it, and how to use it effectively and productively.  And while we all have different opinions, the very fact that we can have individual viewpoints is a precious gift made possible by the sacrifice of those who have died protecting our right to be free.

This weekend, may we remember that our Nation doesn't have to be perfect to be great, and that our Constitutional protections and privileges have been safeguarded by those who were willing to lay down their life for a cause greater than themselves.  

We owe it to them to remember, to be grateful, to be worthy.   

Happy Memorial Day weekend. 

Body Worn Cameras


On May 11, the Board of Supervisors unanimously approved funding to the El Dorado County Sheriff's Department to implement a body worm camera program.

The matter of video evidence for law enforcement agencies has never been more topical than it is today. Body worn cameras (BWC) and other audio/video field recording technologies have proven to increase transparency and credibility as well as reduce false citizen complaints and liability.   

Startup costs range between $1,200,000 - $2,200,000 depending on equipment chosen and will have an annual cost of approximately $650,000.

Sheriff D'Agostini has not always been in support of body worn cameras, partially because of the enormous cost of data management, storage and surveillance.  However, after very thorough research and analysis, he  brought this item before the Board  stating that the time had come.   While this issue continues to play out on the national stage, I encourage you to read the Sheriff's report which is both fascinating and enlightening in support of the action the BOS took on May 11.

Sheriff's Body Worn Camera Report

Agenda Item 5/11/2021

Vacation Rental Clusters


On May 11, the Board directed staff to return within 90 days to amend the Vacation Home Rental Ordinance (VHR) to 1) Implement a 500 foot buffer around existing VHR's countywide and 2) Keep the existing cap at no more than 900 vacation home rental permits allowed in the Tahoe Basin.

The Tahoe community and the Board have struggled with the issue for years, and the primary discussion points centered on how to best preserve the community context of residential neighborhoods while enabling property owners to benefit from their land and the community to respond to the need for vacation rentals.  The 500 foot buffer attempts to find that happy medium where another vacation rental permit is not allowed within 500 feet of another one.

It is important to note that anyone that has a current VHR permit will be allowed to continue to operate as long as they are compliant with the rules and regulations and retain their permit. 

Additionally, the Board authorized additional staff resources to help with code enforcement at our March 30, 2021 TOT (Transient Occupancy Tax) Workshop.  Between the buffer, the cap at 900 and better code enforcement, we are hopeful that a productive balance can be found where residents and visitors alike can enjoy the Tahoe Basin.

Finally, it is important to note that the 500 foot buffer will be applied to ANY vacation rental home from El Dorado Hills to the Tahoe border.  The Board felt it was better to roll this out countywide rather than address it on a piecemeal basis.  For the full agenda item, see the link below.

5/11/2021 Agenda Item



On May 18, the BOS wrestled with the issue of the cultivation and regulation of hemp in El Dorado County following the work of the ad hoc committee.  Their recommendation to the BOS was to ban the cultivation of hemp until there was more data available in the future to help manage the complexities involved.

Following a roughly 3-hour discussion, the Board directed the Sheriff and the Agricultural Commissioner to explore Hemp with the Agricultural Commission as well as the Planning and Building Department Director to explore economic opportunities with Hemp with the Community and Economic Development Committee and return to the Board in November 2021 with an update or a recommendation to move forward with an ordinance.

From my perspective, this is a complex issue and I felt it was important to explore it from both an agricultural lens and an economic development lens.  Hopefully we can gain more clarity in the process since there is limited data at this time. 

Link to Agenda Item

Mask Update


To mask or not to mask...that is the question!

With the federal government lifting the mask mandate, there has been a lot of confusion regarding what that means in El Dorado County.  There have also been some folks asking that our Public Health Officer lift the mask requirement in schools.  So, to alleviate any confusion, please see this press release from our public information officer

Press Release

Senior Emergency Fund


Here is some information on an important community resource from Friends of Seniors.  It's programs like this that help make El Dorado County a special, connected and caring place!

The Senior Emergency Fund (SEF) was established in 2015 to help seniors aged 60 and older with emergency financial assistanceFinancial assistance is available up to $500 on a one-time only basis to help seniors in an unforeseen crisis who have exhausted all other resources.

To be eligible to receive assistance, seniors must live on the western slope of El Dorado County, and be referred by a recognized non-profit, church, government or social service agency.  

If you have any questions or would like to make a referral, please call 530-621-6255. We look forward to working with you to provide services to our senior community.

Kathi Lishman, Chair
Friends of Seniors

Link to Website


  • Memorial Day
  • Body Worn Cameras
  • Vacation Home Rental Clusters
  • Hemp
  • Mask Update
  • Senior Resources
  • D3 Commissioners
  • Placerville Kiwanis Club...Food for Thought

Meetings with D3 Commissioners


So grateful to have former mayor, MARIAN WASHBURN, as my representative to the Commission on Aging.

Marian gives me regular updates on the Commission's work which has been instrumental in understanding the needs and opportunities for our senior community.  Their input will be especially vital as we explore new opportunities for the Senior Center at Spring Street!

Additionally, I was delighted to hear Marian rave about the caliber of thought, discussion and engagement with all the members of the COA.  Their dedication is a gift to our community.



John Clerici, my appointment to the Planning Commission, brings with him a wealth of knowledge in transportation, development processes, community and local government.  There is a lot going on at the Planning Commission level, and I appreciate the opportunity to talk with John about projects and philosophy on community building.

I have a new-found respect for the county's structure with all the various boards and commissions.  As a Supervisor, they are a tremendous help in not only understanding the various issues in our community, but also in having a resource for additional knowledge in order to make sound decisions. 

Grateful for my D3 team and all those that serve our County!

FOOD FOR THOUGHT... Placerville Kiwanis Club


I'd like to give a special thanks to the Placerville Kiwanis Club for giving me such a warm welcome...it was my pleasure to be their guest speaker at their May 5th meeting!

Some of the intriguing questions they asked me were lessons learned from the pandemic as well as hopes for coming out of this retreating crisis, and I think they provide some helpful food for thought...


1)  We can do things differently. Also more quickly.  As we move into more normal life, hopefully we can remember we don’t always have to get bogged down in our processes and that we can cut more easily through red tape, decisions and processes, when it makes sense. 

2)  We can maximize our time.  Love it or hate it, zoom has showed us that we can be more efficient with our time, and we can take care of business without long commutes or having to miss a meeting because of time constraints!  (Then there's the whole ability to work in yoga pants while looking like business on top...how great is that?! ) 

That said, while time maximization is a bonus, we have also gotten more disconnected.  This means, as things get back to normal, we will have to be very intentional about working harder on connections when we are in person so we can have the best of both worlds.

3)  Creativity and innovation are powerful problem-solving tools.  Just think about how we have all learned to work from home effectively!  As a society, it would have taken us YEARS of focus groups, work plans and legislation to just begin moving in that direction... and here we did it in a matter of months!  The lesson going forward is we can't get complacent.  Let's stay on the edge of innovation and continue to foster creativity


That we can find our common ground again.  The pandemic and the political climate has divided us even more.   And then there's that whole "social media, online warrior" mentality that has gotten so destructive and  pointless!  We've spent the last year entrenched in the trenches of our own choosing.  Now is the time to emerge and get back out onto no-man’s land where hopefully we can find common ground again.

As we move past the immense challenges of this past year, may we bring forward the blessings and emerge smarter, stronger, more creative and more intentional to move us forward in a productive way.  That is my hope.


Common Ground


"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field... 


I'll meet you there.




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