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In This Issue:
Planning and Building Department, Code Enforcement Division, recommending the Board receive an update on the implementation and enforcement of Ordinance 5122, Cultivation of Cannabis for Personal Use.
On May 5, 2020, the Board adopted Ordinance 5122 to simplify standards for the cultivation of cannabis plants for personal use and to make the County’s allowance of the amount of cannabis cultivated for personal use more consistent with other counties throughout the state. The ordinance is now codified at Chapter 130.42.00 of the County Code. The ordinance was also one step in assisting law enforcement in their efforts to reduce the pervasive illegal grows by organized crime in the County that are supplying the black market and enabling Code Enforcement to more efficiently and safely enforce more minor violations.
The ordinance now allows for a maximum of six (6) cannabis plants per residence, with a maximum of six (6) plants cultivated outdoors per parcel. For a parcel with more than one legal residence, an additional 6 plants per residence are allowed indoors only. Outdoor cultivation is allowed within a greenhouse, hoop-house, hothouse, glass house, conservatory, or other similar structure, provided they comply with all building and zoning codes. Consistent with the prior ordinance, cannabis plants must be screened from view from adjacent streets or parcels and must employ security measures including six-foot high fences secured with locks. In addition to meeting property line setbacks (50 - 100 feet, depending on zoning) all cannabis cultivation must be at least 1,000 feet from sensitive uses, including: schools, school bus stops, churches or places of worship, parks, child care centers, or youth-oriented facilities. Finally, all cannabis cultivation is subject to strict odor control protocols, violation of which may lead to Code Enforcement action taken to mitigate odors escaping a subject property.
Link to presentation and agenda with participation information: https://eldorado.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=4801099&GUID=1F3BFD9B-52D0-446A-9566-576F33CD4FE5&Options=&Search=
Send comments to Clerk of the Board at edc.cob@edcgov.us File #21-0188
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GDPUD Notice of Vacancy
The GDPUD Board of Directors is accepting applications for an appointment to complete the remaining term of a vacant Director seat, which expires on November 8, 2022.
Applicants must be registered voters residing within the boundaries of the District. A letter of interest/statement of qualifications and resume must be received by the District no later than March 16, 2021, by 4:30 PM, close of business. Applications can be sent or delivered to the Georgetown Divide Public Utility District, Attn: General Manager, P.O. Box 4240, 6425 Main St., Georgetown CA 95634-4249, or by email to: gm@gd-pud.org by the stated deadline.
Selected applicants will be interviewed at a Special Meeting to be scheduled during the week of March 22, 2021. The new Director will be appointed at the regular meeting of April 13, 2021. For more information, contact Interim General Manager, Jeff Nelson, at (530) 333-4356. To learn more about the Georgetown Divide Public Utility District, please visit: https://www.gd-pud.org/
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Take Action - Advocate for Vaccines
In response to concerns raised by residents about the lack of vaccine availability in El Dorado County, on January 27, 2021, the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors sent a letter (see below) to the Governor addressing vaccine distribution in El Dorado County. As of February 19, 2021, we have not received a response from the Governor.
We are encouraging our residents to reach out to State officials and share their concerns and requests. Here is the contact information for those representatives who received a copy of the letter:
Governor Gavin Newsom 1303 10th Street, Suite 1173, Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: (916) 445-2841 Fax: (916) 558-3160 Online Email Form: https://govapps.gov.ca.gov/gov40mail/
Frank Bigelow State Capitol, Room 4158, Sacramento, CA 94249 (916) 319-2005 assemblymember.bigelow@assembly.ca.gov
Kevin Kiley State Capitol, Room 5128, Sacramento, CA 94249 (916) 319-2006 assemblymember.kiley@assembly.ca.gov
Contact information for additional elected officials is available here: https://www.ca.elected.guide/#/search
Link to PDF of 1/27/21 Letter to Governor: https://www.edcgov.us/Government/BOS/DistrictIV/Documents/Letter%20to%20Gov%20Newsom%20COVID%201-27-21%20(1).pdf
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Vaccination Updates
COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics for El Dorado County. This information has recently been updated, and is now available here: https://www.edcgov.us/Government/hhsa/Pages/EDCCOVID-19-clinics.aspx
New! (2-14-21) CVS/Rite Aid (Moderna)
If you know seniors who do not have internet or access please have them call 530-295-4101 (if 75+) or visit one of our libraries.
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Mosquito Bridge Funding Reminder 2/23/21
The Board will consider whether to approve and sign the High Cost Project Agreement with the California Department of Transportation for the Mosquito Road Bridge at South Fork American River Project. This item is a Department Matter and can be called at any time.
Link to item is here: http://eldorado.legistar.com/gateway.aspx?m=l&id=/matter.aspx?key=28121 Agenda and participation instructions: https://eldorado.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=819617&GUID=8AE51646-3C8D-48A2-836C-CE371040B7B2
Email comments to edc.cob@edcgov.us File # 20-0914
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