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In This Issue:
Property Tax COVID-19 Penalty Cancellation Form

If you incur COVID-19 related penalties on your property tax payment, you may request a COVID-19 Penalty Cancellation. Packets with the form and instructions will be available on the Tax Collector’s website beginning on April 13. The website address is: https://edcgov.us/Government/TaxCollector
ASRA Confluence Parking

Due to the closure of State Park's fee parking areas on Monday, March 30, traffic congestion increased around the free parking area along State Route (SR) 49 at the Confluence. Concerns about the free parking area were addressed by a multi-agency effort resulting in the temporary closure of parking at the Confluence during the Stay at Home orders.
On April 3, 2020, I participated in a multi-agency online meeting to explore a permanent solution to the parking issues at the Confluence. As a result of the meeting, it was decided that the El Dorado County Transportation Commission (EDCTC) will look into Caltrans grant programs to secure funding for a plan that will investigate issues and opportunities on SR 49 from Cool to the Confluence. Specific elements of the planning effort will include parking, truck traffic, and pedestrian safety. The effort will be led by EDCTC and will be a partnership with El Dorado County, Caltrans, Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA), City of Auburn, Placer County, and State Parks.
Please keep in mind that the first step is for EDCTC to apply for the grant funding. If the grant is awarded, then we can move on to the planning process, which will set the stage for improvements and realized solutions. My promise to you is to keep the public informed of every step along the way so that you have the opportunity to participate and provide your input. Your voice is important in this process.
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Henningsen Lotus Park Playground Closed Park Open with Social Distancing

Please note that all El Dorado County playgrounds are currently closed. We appreciate your patience and will notify you as soon as they reopen. Henningsen Lotus Park will remain open as long as proper social distancing is maintained.
Help us keep our parks open. Practice healthy habits:

Hiking, walking, and biking are all great ways to relieve a little bit of stress in these stressful times. But in order to limit the exposure rates, please limit your exercise group to persons with whom you currently share a household while also maintaining social distance. #FlattenTheCurve www.parks.ca.gov/FlattenTheCurve

Together we can #FlattenTheCurve…by staying at least 6 feet apart. If you’re out walking in nature to get some fresh air, we ask you to please make sure you exercise the 6-foot #SocialDistancing recommendation to help stop the #COVID19 spread. www.parks.ca.gov/FlattenTheCurve

The further we stay away from each other…the closer we get to ending this pandemic. If you see someone with cold- or flu-like symptoms, please remember to keep at least a six-foot distance from them. #FlattenTheCurve www.parks.ca.gov/FlattenTheCurve

If you plan to walk, hike or bike to your local park for some much-needed outdoor activity, please plan ahead. Bring soap or alcohol-based hand sanitizer, and once you get home, don’t forget to wash your hands. #FlattenTheCurve www.parks.ca.gov/FlattenTheCurve

We understand that cabin fever may be setting in and you want to get outside for some exercise, but if you are feeling cold- or flu-like symptoms, have a fever, or are experiencing shortness of breath, the most important thing you can do is to call your doctor and simply stay home. It could help #FlattenTheCurve. www.parks.ca.gov/FlattenTheCurve

Unfortunately, it is possible that a greeting could get you sick. Please remember not to shake hands, give hugs, and also do your best to limit touching your face. After all, it is the little things that will help us #FlattenTheCurve. www.parks.ca.gov/FlattenTheCurve
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Feeling Anxious, Depressed, or Just Need to Talk? Call the Warm Line

The Peer-Run Warm Line (1-855-845-7415) is a non-emergency resource for anyone in California seeking emotional support. We provide assistance via phone and webchat on a nondiscriminatory basis to anyone in need. Some concerns callers share are challenges with interpersonal relationships, anxiety, panic, depression, finance, and alcohol and drug use.
Economic Impact (Stimulus Check) Payments

No action is needed by most people at this time. For current information regarding Economic Impact payments, please visit: https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/economic-impact-payments-what-you-need-to-know.
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Greenstone Road Closure

GREENSTONE RD AT SLATE CREEK BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT ROAD CLOSURE Davidson Rd. to Quail Valley Rd. Closed April 20, 2020 through September 2020
El Dorado County Department of Transportation announces the full closure of Greenstone Road between Davidson Road and Quail Valley Road beginning Monday, April 20, 2020 through September 2020.
Construction of the Greenstone Road at Slate Creek Bridge Replacement Project will resume on Monday, April 20, 2020. The work this year includes construction of a new cast-in-place concrete slab bridge over Slate Creek, removal of the existing bridge and obliteration of the existing roadway alignment, grading and paving new bridge approaches and re-alignment of the new roadway, among other items of work. The full closure of Greenstone Road between Davidson Road and Quail Valley Road will be safer for construction and will reduce the time it takes to construct the project. While the closure is in place both directions of Greenstone Road will be detoured. The detour will be posted on the affected roadways. The Detour Plan is attached. Motorists are encouraged to take other alternate routes around the area which also bypass the closures. Changeable message signs will be placed on Greenstone Road by Monday, April 13, 2020 notifying motorists of the upcoming closure. These message signs will be used to update motorists of any changes to the length of the closure during construction.
The County sincerely appreciates the cooperation and patience of motorists that use this roadway and we apologize for any inconvenience as a result of this road closure. For questions regarding this construction, please contact the County at (530) 642-4977.
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Committee and Commission Vacancy Notices
El Dorado County Early Care and Education Planning Council Posted 4-6-20
One vacancy exists on the El Dorado County Early Care and Education Planning Council for one Consumer Representative, which is a person who is a parent or person who receives, or who has received within the past 36 months, child care services. The fifteen member Council is a legislatively mandated body advising the County Board of Supervisors (BOS) and County Superintendent of Schools on early care and education program and policy issues. The Council provides input on research and analysis, makes recommendations to the California Department of Education on funding priorities for subsidized child care and development programs, and coordinates countywide early care and education projects. Successful applicants would be those who are concerned about and/or experienced with child care and early education issues.
For more information and for other Committee and Commission volunteer opportunities go to: https://www.edcgov.us/Government/BOS
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El Dorado County COVID-19 Case Count

The El Dorado County COVID-19 case count is updated by 4:30 p.m. on weekdays and available here: https://www.edcgov.us/Government/hhsa/Pages/EDCCOVID-19-Cases.aspx
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