Welcome to Cupertino Connect
Cupertino Connect is your essential guide to important news, local events and the latest happenings around our vibrant City. This newsletter is a twice-monthly compilation of items of interest from the City and our partners. We hope you enjoy reading it. To subscribe, visit cupertino.org/cupertinoconnect.
Cupertino's 11th Anniversary Fall Bike Fest
Get ready for an exhilarating day of fun on two wheels at Cupertino's 11th Anniversary Fall Bike Fest this Saturday, September 28, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Bring your bike, helmet, water bottle, kids, and sense of adventure. Walk Bike Cupertino will make sure your helmet fits properly. Community Cycles of California will be conducting bike safety checks - they will not perform major repairs but will ensure your tires, chain, and brakes are working correctly. This service is in high demand, so come early if you’d like your bike checked. Your kids can learn safe ride handling skills in “Safe Moves City,” a mini bike safety course, and play bike games with the Black Mountain High School Mountain Bike Team before joining us for a group bike ride.
Bring a signed waiver to make check-in a breeze. Download the waiver at cupertino.gov/bikefest.
Newly Redesigned SCENE Newsletter in Homes
Are you prepared for emergencies? In this Fall edition of the SCENE, we highlight Emergency Preparedness Month in September and discuss how collaborating with our neighbors can help save lives and facilitate a quick recovery when disaster strikes. We also share the good news about what’s happening in Cupertino from full certification of our Housing Element to the breaking of ground for the all-inclusive playground at Jollyman Park. Additionally, you can read the latest news on environmental sustainability to reduce your carbon footprint, and stay informed about noteworthy and upcoming events.
You’ll also notice that SCENE has a new look! Our publication's redesigned, larger format accommodates more content and images for enhanced storytelling and more effortless reading. It includes space for detailed graphs and infographics to explain complex information better. We welcome your feedback and suggestions for future content in The SCENE; please share them with us via email at scene@cupertino.gov.
Download and read at cupertino.gov/scene.
Citywide Garage Sale this Weekend
The City of Cupertino's Citywide Garage Sale is this weekend, September 28 and 29, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This event allows residents to sell unwanted items from their homes or yards. More than 200 households participate each year by hosting their garage sales, drawing in thousands of shoppers from the Bay Area.
For more information, visit cupertino.gov/garagesale.
Public Safety Forum 2024
Please join us for this year’s annual Public Safety Forum on Thursday, October 17 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue. This event is an opportunity to connect with local and regional public safety officials and discover what you need to know about Cupertino public safety, disaster preparedness, volunteer opportunities, and more.
For more information, visit cupertino.gov/publicsafetyforum.
Apply Now for the 2024 Artist Awards
Every year, the City of Cupertino and the Cupertino Arts and Culture Commission choose a Distinguished Artist, Emerging Artist, and Young Artist to recognize. These awards are presented to deserving artists in recognition of local talent in visual, verbal, and performing arts while preserving and advancing the arts for the benefit of the citizens of Cupertino.
Winners receive public recognition and a cash reward. Apply at cupertino.gov/artawards until Tuesday, October 1.
Regnart Creek Gets Clean for Costal Cleanup Day
On Saturday, September 21, the Environmental Programs and Sustainability Division hosted Coastal Cleanup Day 2024 at Wilson Park. Valley Water sponsored this volunteer event, with cities hosting sites where the community was provided with equipment and access to a creek to remove trash and litter. The event had 58 volunteers of all ages cleaning up Regnart and Calabazas Creeks, collecting 196 pounds of trash and debris. The next event will be National River Clean Up Day in May 2025. The location and details will be announced closer to the event date. Thank you to our community for helping to keep our creeks clean.
Teen Speaker Series
On Saturday, September 21, Cupertino Parks and Recreation, in partnership with the Youth Activity Board (YAB), hosted the first Teen Speaker Series—an insightful discussion on business and entrepreneurship! Teen moderator Joyce Cheung led the conversation with guest speakers Misha Homara and Ami Shah, diving into topics such as growing a business, the value of mentorship, and strong leadership skills. A huge thank you to everyone who joined us! Cupertino Parks and Recreation and YAB look forward to hosting more engaging Teen Speaker Series in the future.
Interested in speaking at a future event or know someone who would be a great fit? Contact Robert Kaufman at robertk@cupertino.gov to get involved.
Bay Area Diwali
 The 21st Annual Bay Area Diwali Festival of Lights is a free public event that brings over 13,000 people to our Cupertino Memorial Park. This event is a showcase of multicultural music, dance, fun kids zone, workshops, arts and crafts, and delicious food. The purpose of the festival is to bring the community together and celebrate multicultural understanding that promotes economic prosperity.
Join the event on Saturday, October 12 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Cupertino Memorial Park. For more information, visit cupertino-chamber.org/bay-area-diwali.
Cupertino Symphonic Band
On Sunday, October 13, the Cupertino Symphonic Band will perform jazz, movie soundtracks, and classic and contemporary music at the Quinlan Community Center. Admission is free.
For more information, visit the Cupertino Symphonic Band website.
City Hall Contact Information
The following departments are available by phone only on Fridays:
- Building (408) 777-3228
- Business License (408) 777-3221
- Planning (408) 777-3308
- Public Works (408) 777-3354
- Finance (408) 777-3220
- City Manager's Office (408) 777-3212
- City Clerk's Office (408) 777-3223
*Please note some lines may be unattended from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Any non-urgent service requests for trees, roadways, sidewalks, trash, or parks can be submitted at cupertino.org/311. For urgent requests after hours, contact Santa Clara County Communications at (408) 299-2507.
City of Cupertino Careers
City of Cupertino is known throughout the world as a center of innovation. Our employees take pride in delivering exceptional customer service to our residents and businesses. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting in your career, we welcome you to discover the job opportunities with the City of Cupertino.
Visit cupertino.gov/jobs for more information.
Council Informational Memos
Council Info Memos are available at Council Informational Memos | City of Cupertino, CA.
Cupertino Senior Center eNewsletter
To find out more information about classes and events held at the Senior Center for the month of September, check out the eNewsletter .
The Scene
The Scene is the City's official quarterly publication highlighting exciting and essential news around Cupertino. We look forward to sharing important updates and events.
Download and read at cupertino.org/scene.
What do you love about Cupertino Connect? What can we improve to give you the most interesting and relevant information about what's happening in your City?
Please send us an email: communication@cupertino.gov and we look forward to hearing from you!
Law Enforcement Reports
The Sheriff’s weekly report for September 9 through September 22 can be accessed here.