Welcome to Cupertino Connect
Cupertino Connect is your essential guide to important news, local events and the latest happenings around our vibrant City. This newsletter is a twice-monthly compilation of items of interest from the City and our partners. We hope you enjoy reading it. To subscribe, visit cupertino.org/cupertinoconnect.
State of the City 2024
Join us for the 2024 State of the City featuring a special address by Mayor Sheila Mohan. This event is presented by the City of Cupertino in partnership with the Cupertino Rotary and the Cupertino Chamber of Commerce. The State of the City will be held on Thursday, February 15 at the Quinlan Community Center. The event is free and open to the public.
The event will also be live streamed on the City’s YouTube Channel.
Response to Recent Weather Storm
City of Cupertino prepared for and responded to the recent weather storm. The forecast included sustained winds of 40 mph or more accompanied by gusts exceeding 68 mph at elevations. Saturated soils increase the risk of runoff to creeks, streams, and roadways which could increase the risk of flooding and mudslides. City staff inspected and cleared debris from the storm drain system before the storm. Staff also prepared for mobilization of various flood response equipment including pumps and sandbags. PG&E crews were deployed throughout the city to assess power outages and restore power.
The City of Cupertino Office of Emergency Management, in collaboration with local partners, continues to monitor risks and hazards within the county to ensure the safety of the community. The city also maintains the “Current Incidents” webpage which can be accessed by the public at any time.
Storm-Related Damage Survey and Public Resources
Cupertino and Saratoga residents can report storm-related damages to homes and businesses that occurred on or after February 4, through a voluntary survey on the Office of Emergency Management’s website. Access the survey by going to santaclaracounty.gov/survey. The deadline to complete the survey is Thursday, February 8 at 11:59 p.m.
Additionally, The County Assessor's Office provides potential Disaster Relief to property owners in Santa Clara County. To obtain a portable charging device for durable medical devices (DME) please call 211.
Spring Recreation Schedule is Here
Experience the best of spring with Cupertino Parks and Recreation. Whether you're seeking an exciting event, engaging activity, or enriching class, the City's Parks and Recreation has you covered. For those aged 50 and better, don't miss the spring edition of The 50+ Scene on pages 48 to 61, packed with exciting activities, events, trips, and social opportunities designed just for you.
Find an activity at cupertino.org/recreation.
Chai and Chat with Mayor Mohan
 Join Mayor Mohan for a cup of chai (or coffee) and casual conversation about the issues that matter most to you. Cupertino residents, business owners, and community members are invited to Chai and Chat every month which offers a unique opportunity to speak directly with the Mayor.
Chai and Chats will take place every second Monday of the month. The next meeting will be Monday, February 12 from 5 to 6 p.m. at Holder’s Country Inn, located at 10088 North Wolfe Road.
Block Leader Orientation
Block Leaders are engaged Cupertino residents who connect neighbors, build a sense of community, and enable information sharing between the City of Cupertino and residents. If you are interested in learning more, join us at the upcoming Block Leader orientation on Saturday, February 17 from 10 to 11 a.m. at Cupertino City Hall. We will discuss best practices to start a Block, program expectations, and what resources are available to you. Also discussed are potential topics for Block gatherings, common questions and concerns (as well as their solutions), and public safety resources.
For more information, register here.
Cupertino Purchases Electric Vehicles
The City of Cupertino recently purchased two 2023 base model Ford F-150 Lightning electric trucks. These purchases were made in alignment with recent State of California mandates that require 50% of all fleet purchases be zero-emission vehicles starting 2024. The State further requires that 100% of vehicle purchases be zero-emissions vehicles starting in 2027.
The Ford F-150’s have a range of 240 miles on a single charge and are capable of performing the same work as other gas-powered vehicles. The public works department, in collaboration with Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE), is preparing plans to expand the electric vehicle charging infrastructure at the City of Cupertino Service Center. SVCE is preparing these plans for the City free of charge.
For more information on the State's mandate, visit here.
Summer Camps
 It's never too early to start planning your child's summer. With more than 200 half-day and full-day summer camps, the City of Cupertino has the perfect summer camp for your child.
Find a camp at cupertino.org/camps.
Creekside Playground Project
Starting Tuesday, February 12, Creekside Park's Playground will be closed for the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) project “Annual Playground Equipment Replacement.” We anticipate the construction lasting until the end of March, although things could change due to weather or unforeseen conditions. While the contractor will abide by the City of Cupertino’s noise ordinance, neighbors should expect some noise during the day. The project team will work to minimize disruption to normal neighborhood activity, however there will be occasional inconveniences due to delivery of playground equipment, machinery movement, and other construction activities. We are excited that this project will be underway, and we are looking forward to more fun for everyone at this playground.
Teen Resource Fair
Come to the Cupertino Teen Resource Fair to learn about exciting summer and year-round volunteering and job opportunities and connect with mental health and wellness resources. The City of Cupertino in partnership with the Fremont Union High School District (FUHSD) IDC’s Wellness committee, would like to help you finish the current year strong and start planning for the next one by connecting with resources that matter to you. The Cupertino Teen Resource Fair will be held on Saturday, March 16 at Main Street Cupertino from noon to 3 p.m.
For more information, visit here.
2024 Cupertino Spelling Bee
On Saturday, January 27, the Cupertino Parks and Recreation Department and Youth Activity Board hosted its annual Spelling Bee competition, with more than 35 Cupertino 2nd to 5th grade students taking part. Skanda Sadeesh won with the word ‘dumpling’ in the 2nd to 3rd grade category, and Ruhaan Pilani won with the word ‘limerick’ in the 4th to 5th grade category. A special thanks to the Cupertino Teen Commissioners who judged the event.
Watch the 2nd and 3rd grade category here. Watch the 4th and 5th grade category here.
Small Business Outreach - Wow! Tea
The Office of Emergency Management and the Office of Economic Development recently met the owners of Cupertino's newest café, Wow! Tea. Small businesses, like Wow! Tea, enhance the City's emergency preparedness by providing places for the community to connect and gather. Recognizing that connected communities recover more quickly from the impacts of a disaster, the City built the Neighborhood Block Leader Program. The City is currently working to expand this program with the help of grant funding provided by a CalVolunteers Grant, the Neighbor to Neighbor Program. Local businesses, like Wow! Tea, are vital to cohesive communities, serving as a gathering space before a disaster strikes.
For more information, visit here.
Stevens Creek Park Celebrates 100 Years
One hundred years ago, on January 24, 1924, Santa Clara County acquired an initial 400 acres near Cupertino with the intent to establish a public park. The park, now known as Stevens Creek County Park, opened to the public later that year, making it the first County park and laying the foundation for the modern-day Santa Clara County Parks system. Located in the foothills between Saratoga and Cupertino, Stevens Creek County Park offers 1,063 acres of woodlands, meadows, and canyons, including an 87-acre reservoir, for hikers, bicyclists, picnickers, equestrians, and water recreationists to experience.
For more information on the park, visit here.
Apply for Water 101 Academy
Valley Water's "Water 101 Academy" is a free and unique leadership program that aims to educate, inspire, and empower community members to become leaders on local water issues and environmental stewards within their neighborhoods. If you are a resident of Santa Clara County who would like to learn more about local water issues and current and future water projects going on in your community, apply by Friday, February 23 by 5 p.m. at this link here.
For additional questions, contact Valley Water staff by calling 408-630-2239.
Lifetime Activities Registration Has Moved!
Registration for Lifetime Activities programs at the Cupertino Sports Center has moved. For class descriptions, schedules, and detailed instructions on how to register, visit lifetimeactivities.com/cupertino.
City Hall Contact Information
The following departments are available by phone only on Fridays:
- Building (408) 777-3228
- Business License (408) 777-3221
- Planning (408) 777-3308
- Public Works (408) 777-3354
- Finance (408) 777-3220
- City Manager's Office
*Please note some lines may be unattended from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Any non-urgent service requests for trees, roadways, sidewalks, trash, or parks can be submitted at cupertino.org/311. For urgent requests after hours, contact Santa Clara County Communications at (408) 299-2507.
The Scene
The Scene is the City's official quarterly publication to highlight exciting and important news around Cupertino.
While 2023 may have brought unprecedented challenges, the resilient spirit of the City of Cupertino continued to shine bright throughout the year. As we look back on the past year, we are grateful to the Cupertino community for their unwavering determination, passion, and dedication to unity. Take a look at some of the highlights throughout the year while we eagerly look forward to what the new year has to hold.
Please note: Due to the ongoing impacts to the City of Cupertino's budget, the Cupertino Scene will be reducing the frequency of publication from a monthly schedule to a quarterly schedule. You can expect the next spring issue on Monday, April 1.
Download and read at cupertino.org/scene.
What do you love about Cupertino Connect? What can we improve to give you the most interesting and relevant information about what's happening in your City?
Please send us an email: communication@cupertino.gov and we look forward to hearing from you!
Law Enforcement Reports
The Sheriff’s weekly report for January 22 through February 4 can be accessed here.