Welcome to Cupertino Connect
Cupertino Connect is your essential guide to important news, local events and the latest happenings around our vibrant City. This newsletter is a twice-monthly compilation of items of interest from the City and our partners. We hope you enjoy reading it. To subscribe, visit cupertino.org/cupertinoconnect.
In All Things Give Thanks
 We would like to express our gratitude to everyone and everything that makes Cupertino a wonderful place to live, work, and come together. Wishing you a wonderful time filled with joy and gratitude for family, friends, and community.
In observance of the Thanksgiving holiday, City offices will be closed on Thursday, November 23 and Friday, November 24, and will reopen on Monday, November 27.
This holiday season, the Cupertino Parks and Recreation Department has many family-friendly holiday events planned. These events are full of fun activities, celebrations, and performances.
Community Events
Friday, December 1 - Community Tree Lighting
Saturday, December 2 - Breakfast with Santa*
December 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, and 17 - Santa Visits*
Saturday, December 9 - Signing Santa*
Senior Center Events
Friday, December 1 - Holiday Ham lunch*
Wednesday, December 6 - Holidays in Hawaii*
Tuesday, December 19, - Holiday Sing-along*
*Registration Required
To learn more about these events, visit cupertino.org/holidayevents.
Winter Weather Preparedness
In November and December, the City prepares for winter weather and encourages residents to ready their homes for cold, rainy, and windy conditions. Be mindful of risks and hazards in your home and neighborhood during the holidays. Additional information is available through the Office of Emergency Management’s webpage for extreme weather preparedness.
Holiday Safety Tips
With the holiday season upon us, we can all take simple steps to stay safe. Visit the City’s webpage for helpful resources to stay safe this holiday season. Here you can find information on how to shop safely by protecting yourself from crime, identity theft, and fraud, as well as general holiday safety tips from the Santa Clara County Fire Department. If you would like the Sheriff's Office to come check your property while you are away for extended travel during the holidays, visit the webpage linked above, or click here, to request a patrol check through the County Sheriff’s office online form.
Give the Gift of Warmth this Holiday Season
The City of Cupertino, in cooperation with Recology, is hosting its annual Coat Drive this holiday season. Community members can drop off new or gently used coats between now until Friday, December 29 at the Cupertino Library Lobby, 10800 Torre Avenue.
Donated items will be given to Sacred Heart Community Services, which will distribute them to those in need this holiday season.
The Cupertino Parks and Recreation Department is again excited to host third-grade creek tours at McClellan Ranch Preserve. Through this program, Cupertino Union School District (CUSD) students learn about protecting the watershed ecosystem while getting up close and personal with creek invertebrates. Each CUSD class that visits McClellan Ranch Preserve helps to compile data for the 2023-2024 CUSD Third Grade Stevens Creek Survey, which utilizes student-generated research to monitor the creek's health. The insights gained through creek tour research play a crucial role in the City's ongoing efforts to preserve Stevens Creek.
FY 23-24 City Work Program First Quarter Update
 The Fiscal Year 23-24 City Work Program first quarter dashboard update is now available and can be viewed at cupertino.org/cityworkprogram. This update is included as part of the November 21 City Council meeting. Meeting materials can be viewed here. The next quarterly update to the dashboard will be in early 2024.
Would You Like to Serve on a City Commission?
The City’s commissions serve as advisory bodies to the City Council by considering public input and providing recommendations to the Council. Cupertino residents are encouraged to apply for positions on City commissions that will have vacancies in January of 2024. Commissions with upcoming vacancies include: Audit Committee, Housing Commission (Community Member and Business Representative), Parks and Recreation Commission, Public Safety Commission, Sustainability Commission (Community Member, Business Representative and Educational Representative), and Technology Information and Communications Commission. The City is also recruiting to appoint a representative to the Sourcewise Advisory Council. Sourcewise is a non-profit organization designated by the State of California as the Area Agency on Aging in Santa Clara County. The application deadline is 4:30 p.m. on Friday, January 5. Council will conduct interviews and make appointments in late January.
Applications can be submitted via the Online Commission Application at cupertino.org/vacancies. For more details, please see the website or call the City Clerk's office at 408-777-3223.
Cupertino-Toyokawa Sister Cities 45th Anniversary
The Cupertino-Toyokawa Sister Cities Association hosted a commemorative virtual ceremony to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the Sister Cities relationship. Toyokawa Mayor Yukio Takemoto and Cupertino Mayor Hung Wei came together for the special occasion to mark the 45th anniversary with a virtual ceremony and commemorative gift exchange.
Free Webinar on SB 54 Regulations
On June 30, 2022, Governor Gavin Newsom signed SB 54 (Allen, Chapter 75, Statutes of 2022) into law to address the impacts of single-use packaging and plastic food service ware. The CalChamber and Cupertino Chamber of Commerce invites businesses to join this free webinar about the new SB 54 regulations that may impact businesses in 2024. Webinars are scheduled from 9am to 10am on December 6 and December 11.
Glow Night Golf
On Thursday, November 9, the Cupertino Parks and Recreation Department lit up Blackberry Farm Golf Course for its first Glow Night Golf event. The course was marked with glowing LED neon markers, and each golfer played the round with an LED night golf ball. The event was a success, selling out and attracting Blackberry Farm Golf Course regulars and first-timers. Every golfer enjoyed the unique experience.
Join us for the next Glow Night Golf on Friday, December 8. Register at bit.ly/3rF6Ykq.
Volunteer Program Updates
Cupertino’s Office of Emergency Management volunteers continue to raise the bar for community engagement. Volunteers participate in training every month of the year, helping to prepare the community to respond and recover from disaster. Recent volunteer activities include:
- On Saturday, November 18, Cupertino Citizen Corps, and Cupertino Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CARES) practiced responding to a 7.2 magnitude earthquake on the San Andreas fault. CARES volunteers exercised their training in observing and reporting damage to the City through their communication network. Volunteer engagement in emergency preparedness and response activities enhances the City’s ability to respond to a disaster.
- The Neighbor-to-Neighbor (N2N) campaign, in partnership with California Volunteers, continues to build a more prepared and resilient Cupertino. The pilot program aims to help residents stay connected to the City and to each other by expanding the Block Leader program in central Cupertino and in places without current Block Leaders.
If you want to learn more about the pilot or the Block Leader program, visit cupertino.gov/blockleader or contact Marta Drown martad@cupertino.gov.
City Hall Contact Information
The following departments are available by phone only on Fridays:
- Building (408) 777-3228
- Business License (408) 777-3221
- Planning (408) 777-3308
- Public Works (408) 777-3354
- Finance (408) 777-3220
*Please note some lines may be unattended from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Any non-urgent service requests for trees, roadways, sidewalks, trash, or parks can be submitted at cupertino.org/311. For urgent requests after hours, contact Santa Clara County Communications at (408) 299-2507.
The Scene
The Scene is the City's official quarterly publication to highlight exciting and important news around Cupertino.
September is Emergency Preparedness Month, and the City is here to help you learn how to save lives and quickly recover when disaster strikes. Check out what the Office of Emergency Services is doing to help prepare the community in the latest edition of the Cupertino Scene. Plus check out upcoming events like the 10th Annual Fall Bike Fest, the Citywide Garage Sale, and the new Cybersecurity panel.
Please note: Due to the ongoing impacts to the City of Cupertino's budget, the Cupertino Scene will be reducing the frequency of publication from a monthly schedule to a quarterly schedule. You can expect the next winter issue on Friday, December 1.
Download and read at cupertino.org/scene.
What do you love about Cupertino Connect? What can we improve to give you the most interesting and relevant information about what's happening in your City?
Please send us an email: communication@cupertino.gov and we look forward to hearing from you!
Law Enforcement Reports
The Sheriff’s weekly report for November 6 through November 19 can be accessed here.