 And They're Off!
It’s that time of year already – bright faces and new backpacks heading towards schools for another exciting year of learning fun new things! Of course, that journey starts on the way to school. Your school commute choices are more than just getting from place to place. They can teach your students map reading skills, foster their independence, get them some exercise so they can sit still and concentrate better in class, encourage them to make new friends, and even help save the planet … all while avoiding the annoying drop-off line.
The Safe Routes to School team here in Cupertino has gathered some resources to prepare for an adventure of walking or biking or carpooling to school. Everything from Suggested Routes to School maps, to tips on what to wear to help you stay safe, to guidelines for deciding when your kids are ready for the independence of getting to school on their own. Check it out!
Avoid the Rush
It’s a familiar phenomena – for 20 minutes every morning, normally quiet streets suddenly become a Mad Max landscape of cars and bikes and pedestrians. The craziness only lasts for a very brief, specific time though. If you live near a school or along a major school commute route, it’s sometimes best to just plan your schedule to avoid those 20 minutes. CUSD has changed many of their bell schedules this year so we’ve compiled some useful links to help you -
Cupertino Union School District classes will start August 17
CUSD bell schedules
Fremont Union High School District classes will start August 21
FUHSD bell schedules
Crossing Guard Changes
The City of Cupertino is making some changes to crossing guard locations this fall. Below is a summary of changes for school year 2023/24, with the impacted schools in parentheses.
A crossing guard will be added to these intersections:
- Barbara/Peppertree (Faria Elementary)
- Hyde/Willowgrove (Hyde Middle)
- Finch/Calle de Barcelona (Cupertino High)
Additional changes:
- Suisun/Blaney: The guard will be replaced with pedestrian crossing flags (Eaton Elementary)
- Mariani/De Anza: The guard will be removed (Lawson Middle)
- Finch/Stevens Creek : One of the two guards will be removed (Cupertino High)
To view the full list of crossing guard locations for school year 2023/24 and more information on the crossing guard warrant study, visit the City’s website.
Safety Tip
Cars can't avoid you if they can't see you!
- Ride where cars expect you
- Signal your moves in advance
- Wear bright, reflective colors
- Have your lights and reflectors visible
There's still time to sign up for a Middle School Bike Skills Clinic!
These workshops are designed for students who will be in middle school this fall. They prepare students to ride to school and beyond with lessons on the rules of the road, bike handling skills drills, and a neighborhood bike ride to tie all the lessons together.
Give your student (and yourself!) the gift of independence through bike safety. There are a few more openings left on August 26, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at the Cupertino Senior Center. Learn more and register here:
Parents - We Need You!
Work with us to ensure that your child's school is educating and encouraging students to walk, bike, and carpool to school. We're especially looking for parents at these schools:
- Collins
- Garden Gate
- Homestead
- Hyde
- Lawson
- Monta Vista
- Sedgwick
- Stevens Creek
Parent Champion Sign-Up
Mark Your Calendars!
Fall Bike Fest is Coming Soon!
Join us on Saturday, September 30 for the City’s annual Fall Bike Fest! This year is our 10th anniversary and we’re pulling out all the stops so it’s sure to be a great time for everyone!
Activities: Cupertino Safe Routes to School is working with partners to bring bike education and fun to this event: get your bike and helmet checked, decorate your bike, make a smoothie on the blender bike, create bike-themed art, learn how to pump your bike tires, join a family bike ride, and kids - go through “Safe Moves City,” (pictured above) - a mini bicycle course to learn to be a safe cyclist.
Rides: There will be two bike rides this year. A 2-3-mile kids’ ride will go through parks and include activity stops along the way. An 8-10 mile park tour will highlight some of the Cupertino’s amazing parks, trails and green spaces.
Come have fun and learn!
10th Anniversary Fall Bike Fest
Civic Center Plaza
September 30, 2023
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Fall Bike Fest paid for in part by :
Join us for SR2S Working Group Meetings
Safe Routes to School (SR2S) Working Group meetings are held via Zoom on the second Wednesday of most months. If there's a topic you'd like the Working Group to discuss, email us! saferoutes@cupertino.org
Visit the link below to register, access agendas, and view the complete list of dates for this school year’s Working Group meetings. We hope to see you at our next meeting!
Working Group Meetings
Important Upcoming Dates
Agendas will be posted 72 hours before each meeting at the links below.
- Sunday, August 6, 8:30 a.m.
Middle School Bike Skills Location: Cupertino Senior Center
- Wednesday, August 16, 7:00 p.m.
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Topic: TBD
- Sunday, August 26, 8:30 a.m.
Middle School Bike Skills Location: Cupertino Senior Center
- Wednesday, September 13, 4:00 p.m.
SR2S Working Group Meeting Topic: Educational Programs Update from Ecology Action
- Wednesday, September 20, 7:00 p.m.
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Topic: TBD
- Saturday, September 30, 9:00 a.m. - 1 p.m.
10th Anniversary Bike Fest Location: Cupertino Civic Center Plaza