 Via Community Shuttle gets a new name and look
The Via Cupertino Community Shuttle needed a new name and design to celebrate its expansion into the City of Santa Clara and its conversion to an all-electric fleet of vehicles. So Via teamed up with the Cities of Cupertino and Santa Clara to tap into the wealth of creativity that is the student population and held an art contest in January and February. Santa Clara and Cupertino students in grades 6-12 submitted original artwork on the themes of Community, Ease of Use, Transit/Mobility, and Public.
There were so many great submissions that the judges had a really hard time choosing a winner! In the end, the Via graphic designers took elements of all the finalist designs to create the new vehicle wraps. And a brainstorming session between the two cities came up with the new name.
Look for the new Silicon Valley Hopper cars coming to Cupertino and Santa Clara streets this summer!
Calling all High School Students! |
Cupertino Safe Routes to School (SR2S) is recruiting students who will be in high school next school year to serve on the SR2S Working Group! We're looking for two students from each of the following high schools: Cupertino High, Homestead High, and Monta Vista High.
The way we choose to travel to school impacts our physical and mental health, the safety of everyone on the roads, and even our environment. Apply to be part of the Cupertino Safe Routes to School Working Group and help make Cupertino healthier, safer, and more fun!
Applications are due Sunday, April 30th
We hope you’ll apply!
Lawson Bikeway Feasibility Study
Community Meeting #3
The City of Cupertino continues to conduct a feasibility study to develop alternatives for a bikeway to Lawson Middle School. During the community meeting in March, they received valuable input which enabled them to narrow three design alternatives down to two.
The City invites you to attend the third and final community meeting to hear a summary of feedback gathered during the last community meeting, view revised conceptual drawings and cost estimates of the designs being considered, learn about next steps, and provide feedback. As a reminder, the goal of the study is to develop a design that will provide students safe access to school while taking a variety of needs into consideration from students, parents, school and district staff, neighbors, and the community.
Community Meeting #3 Wednesday, April 26 6:30 p.m. This meeting will be held virtually. To attend the meeting, please register in advance on the project website: cupertino.org/lawsonbikewaystudy
Send any questions to Cherie Walkowiak: cheriew@cupertino.org
Does Your Helmet Fit?
A helmet needs to fit properly to be effective at reducing head injuries in a crash. Choose a helmet that fits snugly and comfortably around your head and follow the easy steps below to make it fit correctly.
Position helmet so no more than two fingers fit between your eyebrows and the bottom of your helmet
Adjust straps so they make a "Y" that meets just below your ears
Tighten strap so only two fingers fit under the strap beneath your chin
May is Bike Month
Strap on your helmet and lace up your shoes!
National Bike & Roll to School Day is May 3, 2023.
Bike & Roll to School Day invites families to celebrate the joy of active commuting while building a sense of community and school spirit. Whether addressing the need to make routes to school safer for active trips or encouraging children and teens to be more active, these events can be powerful tools to inspire lasting change. Of course, they are also fun!
While May 3 is this year’s official date, communities are welcome to celebrate any day in May that best fits their schedules.
The Bay Area's Bike to Work/Wherever Days are coming!
The fun will span three days this year: Thursday, May 18 – Saturday, May 20.
Organizations all over the Bay Area will host energizer stations to fuel your ride with encouraging smiles and nourishing refreshments. To get a signature musette bag, you’ll need to sign up and pledge to ride. New this year is the Cities Challenge. SVBC is keeping track of all those pledges by city and has a running tally of which city is planning to ride the most.
Check out the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition’s website to sign up, find energizer station locations, and see what other bike events are happening during the month of May:
Bike to Wherever Days
Make sure to stop by Cupertino's energizer station for drinks, snacks and (if you pledged to ride) a BTWD bag! The Cupertino Bicycle Pedestrian Commission and Walk-Bike Cupertino will be out on Thursday, May 18, from 7 a.m. – 9 a.m. at the corner of Stelling and McClellan.
Registration is Open
for Middle School Bike Skills
Cupertino’s annual Middle School Bike Skills summer workshops teach participants how to ride safely to school and beyond.
 As children enter middle school, they are developmentally ready to spread their wings of independence and get places like school on their own, but still need to learn how to keep themselves safe on the road. Also, middle school is often farther from home than a student’s local neighborhood elementary school, so they may need to cross bigger roads and ride in more traffic.
Middle School Bike Skills is a one-day bike workshop that prepares students to ride to middle school and beyond on their own, safely. Participants will learn how to become confident riders by learning the rules of the road, practicing bike handling skills, and putting it all into practice during a group neighborhood ride.
One parent or guardian is required to attend with each student. Student and guardian both need to bring a bike and helmet.
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Location: Cupertino Senior Center 21251 Stevens Creek Blvd Cupertino, CA 95014
Date Options:
June 11 (Sunday)
- June 24 (Saturday)
- July 16 (Sunday)
- August 6 (Sunday)
- August 26 (Saturday)
Give your child (and yourself!) the gift of independence this summer through bike safety skills. Sign up four weeks in advance to receive instructions on how to prepare for the workshop. Learn more and sign up here:
Program brought to you by Cupertino Safe Routes to School (SR2S) in collaboration with Wheel Kids.
Scholarships are available upon request and are partially funded by VTA's 2016 Measure B
Regnart Creek Trail is Open!
And in full bloom, getting lots of use!
Over 100 people attended the Regnart Creek Trail Ribbon Cutting on Saturday, March 18. Mayor Hung Wei gave an address to the large crowd, which included many of the people who helped make the trail a reality, including City Staff, former Council Members, and Members of Walk Bike Cupertino. Mayor Wei looks forward to using the trail with her granddaugher Jo Jo when she is old enough to walk and ride a bike.
The trail has already become an amenity for students going to Cupertino High and Eaton Elementary Schools, and throughout the day for people to jog, bike, or walk their dog.
Check it out while spring flowers are still in bloom. It's lovely!
I280 - Wolfe Interchange Project
Starting April 2023
More bicycle and pedestrian facilities are coming to Cupertino, this time at the I-280/Wolfe Road Interchange. The new structure will accommodate three through lanes and one right-turn lane with pedestrian sidewalks and a Class IV Bikeway in each direction on Wolfe Road. Each off-ramp of the partial cloverleaf configuration will be realigned, squared up, and widened to five lanes, with a new traffic signal at the off-ramp intersection with Wolfe Road. Each diagonal on-ramp and loop on-ramp will be realigned, squared up, and widened with High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) preferential lanes at each on-ramp.
Prior to construction beginning on the new interchange, several existing utilities in the vicinity of the project need to be relocated, including utilities owned by the Cupertino Sanitary District, AT&T, and PG&E. Starting in April 2023, this roadway utility work will begin along Wolfe Road, in anticipation of the start of construction for the new interchange, scheduled to begin summer/fall 2023. Please watch for lane closures and possible traffic delays.
I-280/Wolfe Road Interchange Improvements Project
Transportation Division Receives $3.2 Million Grant
Completing the City's Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP) this past January qualified Cupertino to apply for Highway Safety Improvement Program Grants.
The Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) is a core Federal-aid program with the purpose to achieve a significant reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads, including non-State-owned roads and roads on tribal land. The HSIP requires a data-driven, strategic approach to improving highway safety on all public roads with a focus on performance, such as the City's LRSP.
Cupertino has been awarded a $3.2mil HSIP grant to install 32 dynamic high speed signs to alert drivers when they are over the speed limit, and high friction pavement treatment to help vehicles traveling at high speeds stop more quickly. These improvements will be installed at locations around the City that were flagged by the LRSP traffic data.
These projects are slated to be added to the City's Capital Improvement Program in fiscal year 2024-25.
Join us for SR2S Working Group Meetings
Safe Routes to School (SR2S) Working Group meetings are held via Zoom on the second Wednesday of most months. If there's a topic you'd like the Working Group to discuss, email us! saferoutes@cupertino.org
Visit the link below to register, access agendas, and view the complete list of dates for this school year’s Working Group meetings. We hope to see you at our next meeting!
Working Group Meetings
Important Upcoming Dates
Agendas will be posted 72 hours before each meeting at the links below.
- Wednesday, April 26, 6:30 p.m.
Lawson Bikeway Feasibility Study - Community Meeting #3 Topic: Report on Feedback, Revised Conceptual Designs, Cost Estimates, Next Steps
- Sunday, April 30
High School Representative Applications due
- Wednesday, May 3
Bike to School Day
- Wednesday, May 10, 4:00 p.m.
SR2S Working Group Meeting Topic: Crossing Guard Locations 2023/24 (tentative)
- Wednesday, May 17, 7:00 p.m.
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Topic: Lawson Bikeway Feasibility Study
- Thursday, May 18
Bike to Work Day
- May 18 - 20
Bike to Wherever Days
- Wednesday, May 31, 4:00 p.m.
SR2S Working Group Meeting Topic: High School Representative Grant Reports