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Mayor's 2023 State of the City Address Recap
The 2023 Cupertino State of the City Address co-hosted by the Cupertino Rotary, Cupertino Chamber of Commerce, and the City of Cupertino was held on February 15. The event was a huge success and well attended by community members, leaders, and stakeholders. Mayor Hung Wei spoke about the challenges Cupertino faces, not without pointing out that challenges can also provide opportunities. The program also included an overview of City departments and functions, as well as remarks from the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office and the Santa Clara County Fire Department. Watch the 2023 State of the City Address here.
Shane Co. is Bigger and Better in Cupertino
 We kicked off the new year with a conversation with one of our beloved businesses - "Your friend in the Diamond Business" - Shane Co! This was our first virtual business visit as part of the City's CBOP program. The setting of the meeting was shifted online due to the historic storms that shook up the region in January, but the determination of our team to serve our local businesses prevailed. The Shane Co. team conveyed their gratitude and continued excitement for Cupertino as a home for their business over the years. The company's commitment to customers in the area motivated their move to a bigger and better home in the City. It's clear that Shane Co. loves Cupertino (the feeling is mutual). Our team was pleased to connect with them to learn about the move, discuss challenges and offer support. Please visit them at their new location on 19900 Stevens Creek Boulevard.
Designed To Save The World, Beautifully
Our team had the pleasure of connecting with an exciting start-up (and the newest green business in town) - Claspp. Based in Cupertino, Claspp designs and sells biodegradable plant-based phone cases in an effort to replace the average plastic ones, which usually end up in landfills and slowly deteriorate over 1000+ years unleashing microplastics in the process. W. Bill Hashim, CEO of Claspp says the company aims to utilize their durable biodegradable material for many different applications in the future, and become a leader in making sustainable consumer products that can be suitable replacements for plastic. We were fascinated to learn about their business and wish them all the success as they "Save The World, Beautifully". Check out their story and purchase their products here.
Joint Venture Ponders on the State of the Valley
The 2023 State of the Valley conference brought experts and panelists together to discuss trends in Silicon Valley - a region of innovation, invention and re-invention, and a place of stark bifurcation, juxtaposition, and disparity. Joint Venture Silicon Valley also shared the Silicon Valley Indicators featuring the latest data to measure the health of our community and economy.
Funding Opp. For Commercial Fabrication Facilities
In 2022, CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 was signed into law, providing the Department of Commerce with $50 billion for a suite of programs to strengthen and revitalize the U.S. position in semiconductor research, development, and manufacturing—while also investing in American workers.
The U.S. Department of Commerce’s CHIPS Program Office has released its first funding opportunity, which seeks applications for projects for the construction, expansion, or modernization of commercial facilities for the front- and back-end fabrication of leading-edge, current-generation, and mature-node semiconductors. Separate funding opportunities for semiconductor materials and manufacturing equipment facilities, and for R&D facilities will be released later this year. More information in the CHIPS Fact Sheet.
Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operation (MEHKO)
In 2022, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the exploratory process for adopting an ordinance that permits Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations (MEHKOs), a new legal entity established through this program to serve as a new type of retail food facility. This program will allow individuals to operate a ‘restaurant’ in their private residence with certain restrictions and limits. Santa Clara County introduced the ordinance for its first “reading” this week, with the "second" reading taking place on March 14. The Department of Environmental Health (DEH) will make a presentation at this meeting. Community members, community-based organizations, and government agencies are invited to participate in the public comment forum of the meeting. Though the ordinance won’t be enacted until April 13, DEH will begin accepting applications after March 14. You can also submit a written comment for review to the board at boardoperations@cob.sccgov.org.
Single-Use Plastics Ordinance
Cupertino City Council has adopted a new ordinance to reduce the usage of single-use plastic foodware items. Beginning September 6, the use of single-use plastic cups, containers, and utensils will be restricted and businesses will be required to utilize “fiber-based” items made from paper, paperboard, wood, bamboo, and bagasse. Food served to dine-in customers must be provided with reusable foodware. Understanding that some businesses may be unable to make the transition during this period or may have unique packaging requirements that cannot be met by non-plastic items, temporary waivers will be offered. Additionally, grants to help smaller businesses make the needed changes will also be made available. More information is can be found here and questions can be emailed to environmental@cupertino.org.
Cupertino Online Store Opens
The City of Cupertino is piloting an online store which is now open to the public. The store features officially branded items such as mugs, a t-shirt, power bank, eco-friendly apple peel journal, and more! Browse all things Cupertino, and find the perfect accessory for yourself or pass on the civic cheer to a loved one. Shop at CupertinoStore.com.
Office Space Available for Your Business
10200 De Anza Boulevard features 161,000SF of Class A office space in the heart of Cupertino spanning four floors and over one acre of usable space, and amenities such as nanawalls, indoor/outdoor fitness area, ample parking, and walkable proximity to restaurants, hotels, and retail. Contact Rubicon Point Partners for more information.
Cupertino Hotel - Outstanding Business of the Year
Cupertino Hotel was honored as the 2023 Outstanding Business of the Year at the Cupertino Chamber's Annual Lunar New Year Luncheon! The 128-room hotel opened its doors in Cupertino in 1987 and is a top choice for cultural programs and business visitors. Their team has set a high standard of generosity in support of the Cupertino community. (pc: Matthew TW Huang Photography)
Year of the " Cupertino Rabbits"
To celebrate the Year of the Rabbit, the Rotary Club of Cupertino is introducing a fun and festive way to bring the community together and promote art in our public spaces. Cupertino Rabbit statues decorated by local artists can be sponsored by local businesses. Statues will be displayed in gathering places throughout the City, and later sold at an auction to raise money to help replace homes destroyed by the Ukraine war. Businesses can sponsor a statue or showcase one! Learn more here.
Cupertino is One of the Top Green Cities!
Thanks to the efforts of our green-minded businesses, the resident community, and staff, Cupertino has been recognized as a global leader in environmental action and transparency! Interested in becoming Certified Green Business? Visit California Green Business Network to get started, explore resources on how to conserve resources, save money, and attract consumers increasingly looking for eco-friendly alternatives.
Give Us Your Input on the City Website
A brand new Cupertino website is in the works. The City is looking for input on how you are currently using the website and what you would like us to know as we re-design it. Take the survey here.
Searchable Business Map
Whether you are looking to pamper yourself or a loved one this year with a trip to the spa, or an exotic meal, be sure to search for local businesses on the Searchable Map.
Development Activity Report
You can get details on development projects in the City by accessing the Development Activity Reports updated every month.