Let the City Know What You'd Like at Memorial Park
Bicycle and Pedestrian Elements Are on the Table
The City of Cupertino is in the process of redesigning Memorial Park - a large park in the heart of the City. Three concepts have been developed, each with a different focal point: 1) Community Focus, 2) Nature Focus, and 3) Civic Focus. Within these concepts there are many elements being considered, such as an upgraded amphitheater, more cherry trees, and more parking. Three of the elements relate to cycling and/or walking:
- Expanded Multi-Use Path Network
- Bike Connections to Citywide Network
- Bike Traffic Garden
An expanded multi-use path network would provide more space for people to walk and bike through the park. Bike connections to the citywide network would connect the park to the bike routes surrounding the park. Finally, a bicycle garden would provide a space for people of all ages and abilities to practice their bike handling skills and rules of the road in the comfort of a park - on mini roads complete with stop signs and signals. This could potentially be a location where elementary school students could take school field trips to learn the important life skills of safe cycling.
If you would like to learn more about the conceptual designs and elements being considered in the Memorial Park Specific Plan and weigh in on how this important community park should be transformed, we invite you to take the survey, attend one of the upcoming meetings, and/or visit the project website below. The survey closes February 22.
Upcoming Meetings:
Open House
February 4, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Cupertino Senior Center 21251 Stevens Creek Blvd Cupertino, CA 95014
Community Webinar
February 9, 7 p.m. Being held online REGISTER
Reminder: Student Art Contest!
Design the Vehicle Wrap and Suggest a New Name for Cupertino's Upcoming Expanded Shuttle Service
Submissions due February 26
The City of Cupertino's Transportation Division is looking for creative middle and high school students to help rename our community shuttle and redesign the artwork displayed on the vehicles! Via-Cupertino is an on-demand community shuttle that serves all of Cupertino and connects to Sunnyvale’s Caltrain station. Via-Cupertino will be expanding into Santa Clara and transitioning to an all-electric fleet in the spring.
We're looking for a new name and fresh new vehicle artwork which reflects both communities, while being relevant if the program expands into other nearby communities in the future. The name and design should convey the following themes: Community, Ease of use, Transit/Mobility, and Public. The new name and graphics should shout “This shuttle is for everyone, please ride!”
Students will be able to see their winning artwork on the community shuttle for years to come!
Submission Deadline: February 26 Winner Announcement: March 8, 4pm
Learn more in the "Via Student Contest" section here: cupertino.org/shuttle Note: it sometimes takes a minute for the Via Student Contest section to open once you click on it.
Send any questions to Chris Corrao: chrisc@cupertino.org
The contest winner will be announced during the Safe Routes to School Working Group meeting on Wednesday, March 8, 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. If you enter the contest, please reserve that time on your calendar.
Good luck!!
Student Travel Data School Year 2022/23
Cupertino Safe Routes to School works with public K-12 schools within the City each year to collect data on how students are getting to school. The survey results are in, and this school year's travel data report is published.
The dark blue bar in the graph represents "single family vehicles," or students driving with only their own family in their car. All the other colors represent what we call “alternative transportation.” This includes active and shared modes of travel: walking, biking, carpooling, and transit. One of the main programmatic goals of Cupertino Safe Routes to School is to help increase the number of students using alternative transportation.
Now that schools and many offices are back in person, life and commutes are slowly getting back to normal. According to the data, families are starting to carpool again, and more students are biking. Unfortunately, fewer students are walking than last year, possibly because more parents are back in the office, and they are dropping their students off on their way to work. The Cupertino Safe Routes to School team will continue to work to with schools to encourage families to walk to school, which is a great way to jumpstart a healthy new day.
Blinking red rear lights aren’t required but are a good idea so drivers know you’re there. Add them to your bike, backpack, or helmet (or all three).
Reflective clothing, reflective strips on your backpack, and reflectors on your bike all help drivers see you better when it's dark out. Also, at least one red rear bike reflector is legally required to ride after dark.
By law, you need one white light in front of your bike after dark so drivers can see you. Make it a bright, wide angle LED light so you can see where you're going, too.
Community Meeting #2 Thursday, March 16 6:30 p.m.
The City will be holding a second Community Meeting for the Lawson Bikeway Feasibility Study on Thursday, March 16 at 6:30 p.m.
At this meeting, attendees will have the opportunity to hear a presentation on the data that was collected after Community Meeting #1, see initial conceptual designs for the bikeway alternatives, and give input regarding concept preferences.
This meeting will be held virtually. Register in advance for this webinar:
As a reminder, the City of Cupertino is working with Hexagon Transportation Consultants, Inc. to conduct a feasibility study to develop alternatives for a bikeway (bike lane or bike path) at Lawson Middle School. The goal of the study is to engage students, parents, school and district staff, neighbors, and the community in a dialogue to develop a bikeway design that will provide students safe access to the bike cages on campus while taking a variety of needs into consideration.
More info: Lawson Bikeway Feasibility Study
Share Input on Cupertino’s New Website Design
A brand new Cupertino website is in the works to make it easier to find the information you need. We want your feedback! The City is looking for input on how you are using the municipal website. Please take a few minutes to fill out our survey below to assist us in gathering ways that we can make the experience better for you. Take the survey:
 Local Road Safety Plan Final Report Published
The City of Cupertino’s Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP) is a comprehensive plan that creates a framework to systematically identify and analyze traffic safety-related issues and recommend countermeasures. In addition to informing future infrastructure projects, the information from the LRSP will feed into the upcoming Vision Zero effort. Both efforts aim to reduce fatal and severe injury collisions for all modes of transportation and for all ages and abilities. Having a completed LRSP also enables the City to apply for certain grant funding, such as the federal Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) or One Bay Area Grant (OBAG).
The LRSP final report summarizes an analysis of collisions that occurred in Cupertino along with feedback from stakeholders and public outreach, identifies high-injury locations, and recommends countermeasures at each of these high-risk locations. Read the report and more:
Review the entire LRSP process here: https://engagecupertino.org/lrsp
Funding for the LRSP came from the Federal Highway Administration and the California Department of Transportation.
New Year, New Laws
There are several newly-enacted California laws to be aware of:
AB 1732: This law authorizes law enforcement agencies to request the California Highway Patrol (CHP) to activate a “Yellow Alert” when a fatal hit-and-run crash has occurred and specific criteria has been met to permit alert activation. The law also encourages local media outlets to disseminate the information contained in a Yellow Alert. The new law serves to use the public’s assistance when working to solve fatal hit-and-run crashes.
AB 1909: Drivers are now required to change into another available lane, when possible, to pass cyclists, building on the current requirement for drivers to give cyclists at least three feet of space when passing. The law also permits electric bicycle (e-bike) riders to use bicycle paths and trails, bikeways, and bicycle lanes, except in state parks, which will be subject to the discretion of the California Department of Parks and Recreation. In addition, starting on January 1, 2024, the law allows cyclists to cross an intersection when a “Walk” sign is on.
AB 1946: This law requires CHP to work with other traffic safety stakeholders such as the California Office of Traffic Safety, to develop statewide safety and training programs for e-bikes. This training program, which will consist of e-bike riding safety, emergency maneuver skills, rules of the road and laws pertaining to e-bikes, will launch on the CHP’s website in September 2023.
AB 2000: Parking lots across the state are now included with public roads as locations where street racing and sideshows are banned. Another law passed in 2021 (AB 3, Fong) allows courts to suspend an individual’s driver’s license for violating this ban beginning on July 1, 2025.
AB 2147: This law prohibits peace officers from stopping pedestrians for certain pedestrian-specific violations, such as crossing the road outside of a crosswalk, unless there is an immediate danger of a crash.
This information was provided to us by San Mateo County Safe Routes to School.
Join us for SR2S Working Group Meetings
Safe Routes to School (SR2S) Working Group meetings are held via Zoom on the second Wednesday of most months. If there's a topic you'd like the Working Group to discuss, email us! saferoutes@cupertino.org
Visit the link below to register, access agendas, and view the complete list of dates for this school year’s Working Group meetings. We hope to see you at our next meeting!
Working Group Meetings
Important Upcoming Dates
Check links below for meeting registration and/or agenda, typically posted 72 hours in advance of a meeting, where applicable.