Join the Earth and Arbor Day Festival
 Saturday, April 22 | 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. | Cupertino Library Park
Cupertino’s Earth & Arbor Day Festival invites community members of all ages to learn about environmental issues and solutions in a family-friendly atmosphere. Consistently attracting thousands of attendees and dozens of partner organizations, the Festival features hands-on activities, live entertainment, and delicious food served by local food trucks.
Help support our community's sustainability efforts by tabling, volunteering, sponsoring, or performing at this one-of-a-kind regional event.
Individuals who are 14 years or older can gain volunteer experience by joining the setup, breakdown, or interactive activities lead by the City. Multiple shifts are available.
Looking to gain additional experience? Apply to be a Lead Volunteer by February 13.
Tabling Partners
We are looking for businesses, non-profits, or individuals to share information, host activities, or sell products or services that inspire environmental protection and stewardship.
Now is your opportunity to reach the community.
Tabling partner sign-up closes March 19.
Go the extra mile and boost your business name. Three levels of sponsorships are available.
Musicians, dancers, singers, and speakers can apply to perform on the main solar stage.
Performer applications are due March 13.
Flood Preparedness
 It is crucial for people to prepare for flooding. Follow three basic steps to prepare today:
Be aware of your risk: Know whether your home is in a flood zone, pay attention to weather forecasts; and listen to local authorities.
Be prepared: Always have an emergency evacuation kit ready; be prepared to evacuate early; have a household inventory with copies of critical documents; and have a plan for where you will go in an emergency and what to do with your pets.
Take action: Evacuate immediately when advised to. Also, homeowners’ insurance does not cover damage due to flooding, consider purchasing flood insurance.
What to keep in your kit?
· Clothes, toiletries, medications
· Flashlights, batteries, chargers
· Keep cash handy
· Copies of any critical documents
State Law about Plastics
AB 1276 requires customers to request single-use foodware accessories if they want them when ordering take-out. This includes:
- Forks, knives, spoons, and sporks
- Chopsticks
- Condiment cups and packets
- Straws
- Stirrers
- Splash sticks and cocktail sticks
Approximately 40 billion disposable plastic utensils, along with millions of other foodware accessories, are disposed of every year in the United States, sometimes without being used. Because of their small size, and the materials that they are made of, these items are difficult or not economically feasible to recycle. Many of these items are also littered.
Help do your part and report businesses that are not complying with this law on Cupertino 311 so we can provide education and assistance.
Learn more about the law at cupertino.org/foodware.
Household Hazardous Waste Disposal
Truck Fires, a Burning Issue
Mismanaged hazardous waste is dangerous. Lithium-ion batteries and other electronics are the cause of an increasing number of waste hauling truck fires.
Lithium-ion batteries are found in our cell phones, computers, vacuums, cameras, toothbrushes, and in almost all of our small rechargeable devices. When thrown in the garbage, recycle, or organics bin, these items can start a fire inside the truck and pose a serious threat to the truck driver and waste management staff.
When a truck catches fire, the driver must dump the contents of the truck in the nearest parking lot or in some cases, the middle of the street. Although the drivers are trained in emergency response and all the material is cleaned out of the street, these situations are avoidable.
Please do your part and keep batteries and other flammable items out of the waste stream. Instead, dispose of them safely using the resources below.
Hazardous Waste Disposal Resources
Wonder what to do with items like old electrics, batteries, compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs), used cooking or motor oil, or old chemicals and cleaners?
Batteries and CFLs can be placed in a sealed, clear plastic bag beside your recycling cart on your collection day. First, tape both battery terminals using masking, electrical, or duct tape to reduce fire risk. These items can also be recycled at Environmental Recycling and Shredding events, view cupertino.org/environmentalday to learn more.
Used cooking and motor oil can also be recycled curbside. Simply contain oil in sealed plastic jugs, put oil filters in sealed plastic bags, and place next to carts on collection day.
Paints, medication, and medical sharps have special take-back programs. There are several disposal options that are free and convenient to you. Paint, medication, and medical sharps can be returned to a participating location. Find the location near you at paintcare.org or med-project.org.
Chemicals, cleaners, pesticides, fertilizers, paints, and other hazardous waste can be dropped off at the County's Household Hazardous Waste program. Call (408) 299-7300 or visit hhw.org to schedule an appointment.
Visit cupertino.org/hhw to learn more about hazardous waste disposal options for Cupertino Residents
Free water education course
Valley Water is looking for passionate residents to attend the free Water 101 Academy course and serve as a Water Ambassador.
The free program aims to educate, inspire, and empower community members to become leaders on local water issues and environmental stewards within their neighborhoods.
Selected applicants must be willing and available to attend seven (5) 2-hour sessions scheduled for Thursday evening every 2-3 weeks from April through June 2023.
Deadline to apply for the 2023 Water 101 Academy is Friday, Jan. 20, 2023 at 5 p.m.
To learn more about the program, visit valleywater.org/water101academy or email waterambassadorprogram@valleywater.org.
The price for natural gas has risen dramatically this year which is affecting household energy bills.
The increase in gas prices have been driven by higher demand as customers use more natural gas for heating water, heating homes, and cooking. Power plants also use more natural gas to meet electricity demand.
Additionally, wholesale market costs for natural gas are rising across the West Coast. PG&E and Silicon Valley Clean Energy do not control or profit from sales of natural gas, but consumers are subject to fluctuations in the gas markets.
As of December 20, 2022, PG&E projects that gas rates for small and medium-sized business customers to be about 32% higher during the peak winter months —December through February—compared to the same months last winter.
The City of Cupertino has resources to reduce consumption of gas which can help mitigate these increased rates. Visit cupertinoclimatechallenge.org to find out how you can start saving today.
Welcome Kimiya
Kimiya's passion has always involved sustainability, which carried on throughout her career in undergrad where she studied environmental science with an emphasis in systems and society at UCLA. Before that, she attended Ohlone college where she was properly introduced to the field of sustainability. Soon after taking her first environmental science course, she was offered a position to work as the student sustainability coordinator, overseeing and implementing green projects such as the campus wide composting initiative and the beekeeping sanctuary in the school garden.
She is eager in excelling her journey in Sustainability through the Climate Corps program with the City of Cupertino as the Climate Action and Resilience Fellow.
Sustainability Commission Meeting
January 19 | 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Find out more at cupertino.legistar.com then view Sustainability Commission Agenda
Free Environmental Recycling Event
January 21 | 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. De Anza College, Parking Lot A Find out more at cupertino.org/EnvironmentalDay
Free Home Composting Workshop
February 25 | 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. McClellan Ranch Environmental Education Center Find out more at ucanr.edu/compost
Home Grey Water Installation Workshop
March 4 | 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Cupertino Library or on Zoom *Organized by Cupertino Rotary Club*