In This Issue
COVID-19 Testing Available in Cupertino
COVID-19 testing will be available at Creekside Park, 10455 Miller Avenue, on Monday, November 7 and Monday, November 21.
Appointments are available to everyone and can be made from 9:30 a.m. through 3:45 p.m. Access the appointment site at sccfreetest.org or directly at scl.fulgentgenetics.com/appointment.
County of Santa Clara's health officials continue to remind residents and visitors to be mindful that the COVID-19 virus is still spreading, and that risk to health from the pandemic continues.
View more information on COVID-19, vaccines, and data on the County website at covid19.sccgov.org.
Apply to Serve on the New Economic Development Committee by November 10
Do you want to help enhance the business environment in Cupertino? Apply to join the Economic Development Committee by 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 10.
This committee will work on marketing the City in a positive light to attract and retain businesses, foster public and private partnerships through new and existing business and community relationships, collaborate with local businesses to identify and eliminate any barriers to retention or growth, and advise the Cupertino City Council on economic development goals that maintain the quality of life in Cupertino.
Applications can be submitted via the Online Commission Application at cupertino.org/vacancies. For more details, see the website or call the City Clerk's Office at (408) 777-3223.
Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and Request for Proposals (RFP)
The City of Cupertino has issued the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-2024 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and Request for Proposals (RFP). The City is requesting proposals for eligible capital housing projects and public service programs. The City may award and appropriate funds to one or more eligible projects in each funding category. Funds must be used to serve low- and/or moderate-income households located within the City of Cupertino jurisdiction limits.
The following Capital Housing Project funding sources are on a one-year grant funding cycle (FY 23-24):
- BMR AHF Capital Housing Projects (up to $4,900,000)
- CDBG Capital Housing Projects (approx. $364,000)
The following Public Services funding sources are on a two-year grant funding cycle (FY 23/24 and 24/25):
- BMR AHF Public Services (up to $50,000)
- CDBG Public Services (approx. $58,000)
- General Fund HSG Program (up to $125,000)
The estimated CDBG dollar amounts may change based on the final federal budget approved by Congress. BMR AHF, CDBG, and HSG allocations are subject to City Council approval and may change as a result. The RFP application period will open at 8 a.m. on Monday, November 07, 2022, and end at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, February 07, 2023.
Organizations who intend to apply for funds through this NOFA/RFP must apply online at citydataservices.net. To obtain a temporary login username and password, please visit and request at citydataservices.net.
For additional questions, contact Alec Vybiral, Assistant Housing Planner, at alecv@cupertino.org or (408) 777-1347. Only RFP applications that meet the deadline will be accepted.
Cupertino Youth Activity Board Recruitment is Closing
The Cupertino Youth Activity Board (YAB) recruitment period is almost done! Current 8th through 11th graders are invited to apply to become part of the City's youth volunteer leadership group responsible for planning youth and teens events. YAB members collaborate with the Cupertino Parks and Recreation Department to make their visions a reality and cultivate leadership, time management, teamwork, and active communication skills.
Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, October 30, with interviews tentatively scheduled for November 7 and 8. To apply and for additional information, visit bit.ly/youthactivityboard.
New Public Safety Commissioner Appointed
The City Council appointed the Public Safety Commission's first alternate, Rohan Pandit, to the commission to fill the vacancy left by Commissioner Hymanand Nellore. Mr. Pandit received the Oath of Office on Thursday, October 20, and will serve a full term ending on January 30, 2026. His first public event as a Public Safety Commissioner was attending the Public Safety Forum on Wednesday, October 26.
Quarterly Sales Tax Update
The City receives 1% of proceeds from sales and use taxes imposed within Cupertino boundaries. Cupertino’s receipts for April 2022 through June 2022 were 20.8% below the same period in 2021. Excluding reporting aberrations, actual sales were $9.9 million, down 10.4% from last year.
The local economy has continued to demonstrate post-pandemic revitalization. The restaurants and hotels group surpassed the pre-pandemic level, but new restaurant openings have helped the group grow further. Casual and fast casual dining rebounded 39.8% and 19.7%, respectively; other sectors were also higher than the comparable quarter. The skyrocketing price at the pumps continued with another quarter of massive 79% growth by service stations. General consumer goods were a mixed bag; home furnishings and specialty stores posted gains which were lessened by other categories that saw some declines. Inflation’s impact hit the aisles at local grocery stores; tax filings rose 12% for this segment.
As Cupertino’s point-of-sale receipts decreased, the City’s allocation from the countywide use tax pool also decreased.
Please view the attachments for more details about the top businesses in Cupertino, revenue comparisons, and more. Data sharing restrictions are dictated by confidentiality requirements defined by State sales tax regulations. Those areas not under this limitation are included.
City staff will update the City Council and the public on the City’s revenues and expenditures for FY 2021-22 and the first quarter of FY 2022-23 as part of the First Quarter Financial Report on Tuesday, November 15.
Notable City Events
Visits to Taipei Friendship City and Hsinchu Sister City
The Cupertino-Hsinchu Sister City Association recently conducted their delegation visit to Taipei, Cupertino’s new Friendship City, and Cupertino’s Sister City of Hsinchu.
In Taipei, they met with representatives from the City of Taipei and the Department of Education to deliver updates, a Certificate of Appreciation for the Education Department, and Cupertino gifts to Mayor Hao, Director Chang, and his section chiefs (pictured here). They also discussed future exchange plans for student delegations.
 In Hsinchu, a Certificate of Appreciation and Cupertino gifts were presented to Director Lai and Principal Lin of Hsin-Ke Middle School.
After three years of interruption, the trip and visits enabled the Cupertino-Hsinchu Sister City Association to re-establish connections with many of the new staff in the two cities, strengthening our friendship with Hsinchu and building a foundation for future exchange programs with Taipei.
Pizza and Politics 2022
On Friday, October 21, more than 50 teens and guests attended Pizza and Politics, which returned to Cupertino Community Hall for the first time since 2018. This youth political event for teens was jointly coordinated by the Cupertino Youth Activity Board, Campbell Youth Commission, and Saratoga Youth commission. The program had a mayor's roundtable, a forum panel with the Fremont Union High School District (FUHSD) board of trustee candidates, and a teen debate with teens from FUHSD. Thank you to all participants for making this show a success.
Watch the entire event on the City's YouTube Channel.
Cupertino Unified School District School Safety and Security Tabletop Exercise
On Monday, October 24, the Office of Emergency Management facilitated the first annual school safety tabletop exercise with the Cupertino Unified School District at Community Hall. The exercise mirrored a similar event conducted in August with the Fremont Union High School District. In coordination with the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office and Santa Clara County Fire Department, participants at both exercises reviewed features of a unified, collaborative emergency response at local schools. This type of exercise strengthens relationships underpinning a successful emergency response.
The discussion focused on initial steps in an emergency response and reviewed processes for sharing information among responding agencies, parents, and the community. Participants identified resource needs and opportunities, including the technology and staff that may be needed to respond to a threat. Additionally, principals reviewed security features at their respective facilities with public safety partners. Going forward, coordinated exercises with public safety partners and representatives from local schools will be part of the annual OEM training and exercise program.
City Communications Regarding COVID-19
Cupertino City Hall reopened to the public on Monday, April 11. City services offered in-person include Building, Business License, Finance, Planning, Public Works, and other services. Many virtual tools and online assistance remain available at cupertino.org/online-services.
For more information about the City's reopening, visit cupertino.org/reopening.
The County of Santa Clara Public Health Department no longer requires indoor masking; however, the Santa Clara County Public Health Department and the California Department of Public Health strongly recommend that the public continue to wear masks in all indoor public spaces.
City Hall Contact Information
*Please note some lines may be unattended from noon to 1 p.m.
Any non-urgent service requests for trees, roadways, sidewalks, trash, or parks can be submitted at cupertino.org/311. For urgent requests after hours, contact Santa Clara County Communications at (408) 299-2507.
The Scene
How do your tax dollars help fund projects and services in Cupertino? Check out the Budget at a Glance and learn the details of the City's budget, including revenues, expenditures, and other programs, all in the October Scene.
Download and read at cupertino.org/scene.
Attachments, Upcoming Agenda Items, and Law Enforcement
View attachments here, which include the City Council agenda forecast through November 1 and the Sheriff’s weekly reports for October 10 through October 23.