Introducing GreenBlocks
A neighborhood program designed with you in mind
 GreenBlocks is a new program to help you, your friends, and your neighbors learn how to take action, reduce your carbon footprint, prepare for emergencies, and build a stronger sense of community. Together, you will learn more about topics such as neighborhood resiliency and the connections to climate change and sustainability to help you take steps to a more sustainable future.
This program is designed as a series of nine, one-hour classes that you and your team can progress through at your own pace, based on your group's availability. No previous knowledge of sustainability or emergency preparedness is required.
To learn more about starting a GreenBlock, email martad@cupertino.org or call us at (408) 777-3408.
Water Conservation Showcase Free Webinars
Water conservation is an increasingly critical topic in the western United States as we progress further into severe drought conditions.
To learn more about cutting edge technology and water conservation strategies, attend one or all of the nine webinar in the Water Conservation Showcase. This showcase will provide information on water-conserving strategies, water source technologies, water availability concerns, new policies, and recently available publications and tools. Free registration and more information can be found at waterconservationshowcase.com.
Flex Alerts Save Energy
In preparation for summer heat, residents are encouraged to sign up for #FlexAlert notifications at FlexAlert.org to know when #energyconservation is needed and to find conservation tips.
 A Flex Alert is typically issued in the summer when extremely hot weather pushes up energy demand as it reaches available capacity. This usually happens in the evening hours when solar generation is going offline and consumers are returning home and switching on air conditioners, lights, and appliances.
Sign-up today for email or SMS alerts at FlexAlert.org.
 Drought Conditions Worsens- New Water Regulations
Santa Clara County is enduring a third consecutive year of drought. 2022 has the driest start on record. Water savings in Santa Clara County have trended in the wrong direction. Our water supplies are in jeopardy.
New regulations and enforcement is starting. Read more at cupertino.org/drought.
 Climate Action Plan Progress Report
View a informational graphic report about the environmental progress the city has made from 2019-2021.
This progress report covers topics including greenhouse gas emissions, transportation, waste, water, and energy efficiency.
You can view the plan at cupertion.org/green.
 Restaurant Foodware is Served by Request Only
New California State Law- As of June 1, customers must ask for the following items when ordering in-person or online.
- Utensils or chopsticks
- Sauce packets
- Straws or splash sticks
Learn more at cupertino.org/foodware.
Citywide Garage Sale Returns
On September 17 and 18, neighbors across Cupertino will be selling their used stuff to earn extra money and help keep items out of the landfill.
You can hold your own yard sale and register for free promotion to get your address listed on digital and printed maps with hundreds of your neighbors.
This weekend-long garage sales draws many shoppers from across the Bay Area and beyond. You can shop the sales and find treasures like clothes, furniture, jewelry, sports equipment, cars, and more.
Seller registration begins in August. You must register your sale by September 2. Learn more at cupertino.org/garagesale.
Middle School Bike Skills Clinics
Four possible dates: July 16, August 6, 20, or 27 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Cupertino Senior Center Find out more at cupertino.org/saferoutes
Sustainability Commission Meeting
July 21 | 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Find out more at cupertino.legistar.com then view Sustainability Commission Agenda
Free Environmental Recycling Event
Paper shredding, electronics recycling, donation, and more. August 20 | 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. De Anza College, Parking Lot A Find out more at cupertino.org/EnvironmentalDay
Free Home Composting Workshop
August 27 | 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Community Hall Find out more at ucanr.edu/compost
Creek Clean-up Volunteer Event
September 17 | 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Multiple locations Registration required at cleanacreek.org
Citywide Garage Sale
Sept. 17 and 18 | 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Citywide Find out more at cupertino.org/GarageSale
Bike Festival
September 24 | 9:00 a.m. start time Civic Center Plaza Learn more at cupertino.org/bikefest
We Are Hiring a Climate Corps Fellow!
We are hiring a Climate Corps fellow! Come join an excellent learning environment with the support of the AmeriCorps network.
The fellow will take a lead coordinating role on the creation of a municipal climate action and resiliency plan. The fellow will use the high-level goals and measures from the CAP 2.0 to develop a short-term strategic plan for municipal operations. The scope of work would include coordinating with other departments within the City government and outside partners, for example, the County of Santa Clara and our Community Choice Aggregation agency, Silicon Valley Clean Energy.
We anticipate most of the fellow’s time to be remote. Term: September 2022 - July 2023; 1700 hours; 40 hours/week
Read the full job description and apply online at jobs.ClimateCorps.org