 Middle School Bike Skills
As children enter middle school, they are developmentally ready to spread their wings of independence and get places on their own, but still need to learn how to keep themselves safe on the road. Also, middle school is often farther from home than a student’s local neighborhood elementary school, so they may need to cross bigger roads to get there. Middle School Bike Skills is a one-day bike workshop that prepares students to ride to middle school and beyond on their own, safely.
The program includes a classroom safety presentation, on-bike skills drills on a blacktop, and a neighborhood group ride to put the lessons into practice. Lessons include:
- Basic traffic laws
- How to position yourself on the road
- How to navigate intersections
- The most common types of bike crashes and how to avoid them
- Proper hand signals and how to let drivers know your intentions
- How to check that your bike is functioning properly
- How to adjust your helmet
One parent or guardian is required to attend with each student. Student and guardian both need to bring a bike and helmet. These workshops take place at the Cupertino Senior Center (21251 Stevens Creek Blvd) on Saturdays, 8:30am - 12:30pm. Choose between the following dates:
- June 11
- July 16
- Aug 6
- Aug 20
- Aug 27
Give your child (and yourself) the gift of bike safety skills and independence this summer! Please sign up four weeks in advance to receive instructions on how to prepare for the workshop. Click on the button above to learn more and sign up.
Brought to you by Cupertino Safe Routes to School (SR2S) in collaboration with Wheel Kids.
 The Bay Area’s annual Bike to Work/Wherever Days are happening this week! The fun will span three days this year: Friday, May 20 – Sunday, May 22. Organizations all over the Bay area will host energizer stations to fuel your ride with encouraging smiles and nourishing refreshments. To get a signature musette bag this year, you’ll need to sign up and pledge to ride. Check out the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition’s website to learn how to sign up, find energizer station locations, and see what other bike events are happening during the month of May:
Make sure to stop by the energizer station the Cupertino Bicycle Pedestrian Commission is hosting on Friday, May 20, 7 a.m. – 9 a.m. at the corner of Stelling and McClellan and enjoy Commissioner Lindskog's famous blueberry soup, while supplies last.
We hope to see you on the road!
Application due date extended to Sunday, May 22 for Homestead High School only
 Calling all Homestead High School students! Would you like to foster sustainable transportation at your school? Do you have ideas about how to encourage your fellow students to consider ditching the car drop-off line and consider walking, biking, taking transit, or carpooling? Do you wish more people understood the transportation challenges of people in wheelchairs?
If you answered "yes" to any of the questions above, we encourage you to apply to be part of the Cupertino Safe Routes to School Working Group! Learn more and apply by Sunday, May 22 at www.cupertino.org/saferoutes/hsrep.
Thanks to all the students who submitted an application to be a representative of Cupertino and Monta Vista High Schools! We are reviewing applications and will let all applicants know whether they have been selected by early June.
City's Biggest Spring Ride to Date!
 On Saturday, April 23, Cupertino Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, in partnership with Cupertino Safe Routes to School, led a Family Bike Ride as part of the City’s annual Earth and Arbor Day Festival. Several activities took place before the ride:
Helmet Checks
Walk Bike Cupertino was on hand to make sure riders' helmets were properly adjusted to their heads. They also conducted a raffle to give away a fun prize: bubble blowers for the back of your bike!
Bike Checks
Community Cycles of California and the Silicon Valley Bicycle Exchange provided bike checks, to ensure that people's bikes were ride-ready!
Bike Demonstrations
Black Mountain Composite Mountain Bike Team came to provide bike demonstrations and showed off their mad skillz.
Speed Checks
The Santa Clara County Sheriff's office was on hand with their radar gun to tell kids just how fast they can go.
The Sheriff’s Office also controlled traffic at intersections to keep the very large group of riders safe during the 5 mile ride.
Tree Planting
A new addition to this year's ride was a stop at Wilson Park to participate in the City’s annual Tree Planting Ceremony. City Council Members Hung Wei and Jon Willey both gave inspirational speeches. Councilmember Willey encouraged environmentally-conscious actions. Councilmember Wei encouraged families to take a picture of themselves and come back every year to take another picture, to see how the tree and the family grow together.
Follow the Leader
Black Mountain Composite played an engaging game of follow the leader with the younger cyclists as they waited for the tree planting ceremony to begin.
Special thanks to all of our partners in fun and the volunteers who helped out by laying down route arrows, chaperoning the ride, and running activities before the ride!
Santa Clara County 2016 Measure B Funding was used to pay for this event, with the goal of promoting and encouraging safe bicycling for residents and visitors of every age and ability. We definitely met our goal with 189 participants - the City's biggest Earth Day Family Bike Ride to date. We hope you'll join us for our next family bike ride during the City's annual Fall Bicycle Fest on September 24.
Until then, ride on!
Join us for Our Working Group Meetings
Our Safe Routes to School (SR2S) Working Group meetings are held via Zoom on the second Wednesday of most months. Check the Important Upcoming Dates section below to learn about the main agenda items in the upcoming months. If there's a topic you'd like the Working Group to discuss, email us! SafeRoutes@Cupertino.org
Visit the link below to register, access agendas, and view the complete list of dates for this school year’s Working Group meetings. Thank you, and we hope to see you at our next meeting!
Working Group Meetings
Important Upcoming Dates
Agendas will be posted 72 hours before each meeting at the links below.
- Wednesday, May 18, 7:00 p.m.
Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee Topic: School Walk Audit Update and Prioritization and Adoption of Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Criteria for Project Engagement, Bubb Road and Kennedy Middle School Separated Bike Lane, and Junipero Serra Trail/I-280 Trail Naming
- Wednesday, June 8, 4:00 p.m.
SR2S Working Group Meeting Topic: High School Grant Event Reporting
- Saturday, June 11, 8:30 - 12:30
Middle School Bike Skills Cupertino Senior Center (21251 Stevens Creek Blvd)
- Saturday, July 16, 8:30 - 12:30
Middle School Bike Skills Cupertino Senior Center (21251 Stevens Creek Blvd)
- Saturday, Aug 6, 8:30 - 12:30
Middle School Bike Skills Cupertino Senior Center (21251 Stevens Creek Blvd)
- Saturday, Aug 20, 8:30 - 12:30
Middle School Bike Skills Cupertino Senior Center (21251 Stevens Creek Blvd)
- Wednesday, August 24, 4:00 p.m.
SR2S Working Group Meeting Topic: TBD
- Saturday, Aug 27, 8:30 - 12:30
Middle School Bike Skills Cupertino Senior Center (21251 Stevens Creek Blvd)