Earth Day Family Bike Ride |
Saturday, April 23
Come ride through three parks and plant a tree with us! Cupertino's annual Earth Day Family Bike Ride will stop at Wilson Park this year to attend the City's annual Tree Planting Ceremony.
Meeting location and timeline of events:
Civic Center Plaza by the Coffee Society
9:00 am - 10:30 am: registration + bike and helmet checks 9:30 am - 10:30 am: stories, games, and more 10:30 am: ride departs 11:00 am: tree planting ceremony at Wilson Park 11:30 am: ride re-departs from Wilson Park and continues through Creekside and Barnhart Sterling Parks
Come back to Cupertino Library Field after the ride to enjoy lunch and the City's annual Earth and Arbor Day Festival. Free valet parking provided after the ride.
Submit your ride waiver online to speed up registration before the ride:
High School SR2S Grant
Cupertino Safe Routes to School (SR2S) has launched an exciting new grant program that enables high school students to make a big impact on the environment! The grant is intended to provide funds to promote walking, biking, carpooling, and taking transit to school. Since car exhaust is the biggest producer of greenhouse gas emissions in the City, encouraging students to replace car trips with sustainable modes of transportation can dramatically reduce the City’s carbon emissions.
The High School Student Representatives currently serving on the SR2S Working Group applied for up to $500 per high school to bring Safe Routes to School programming to their schools. The students have some fabulous ideas about how to use the funds. They’ll gather info about how students are getting to school and what the barriers are if they don’t walk or bike, host walk and bike to school days, an afterschool social bike ride, and “Bike Days” featuring commute information, traffic safety presentations, prizes, and possibly a bike repair clinic during lunch.
We are already impressed with the programming these students are bringing to their high schools!
Pilot Separated Bikeway for Kennedy Middle School
 To keep student cyclists safer, Kennedy Middle School and the City of Cupertino are conducting a temporary separated bikeway pilot on Bubb Road from April 4 to 15. Posts and cones separate the bike lane from the car lane in front of the school (west side only). This is preventing drivers from parking in the bike lane when the parking lot is full. Additionally, Kennedy parents who are dropping off or picking up students are encouraged to drive to a nearby street to keep traffic flowing on Bubb Road if the parking lot is full.
The pilot is going well and we've gotten a lot of positive feedback! Here are some quotes:
Student Cyclists: "I like it," "It's cool," "Amazing."
Woman walking dog: "I'm so glad they're finally doing something. I've seen so many kids almost get hit.."
Driver: "Thank you for the cones. I have been dealing with traffic in this area for 55 years. This is the best idea ever."
Kennedy Dad: "This is great. It's about time."
If your student goes to school in the tri-school area, encourage them to bike to school this week and next to see how they like it!
Send any stories about the commute to SafeRoutes@Cupertino.org.
Cupertino Bicycle Network Prioritization
Guest article by Cupertino High School Student Representative: Juliet Shearin
In 2021, local advocacy group Walk-Bike Cupertino ran a Network Prioritization Tool (NPT) to give a better idea of what areas in Cupertino are most in need of bicycle safety improvements. A complete map of the tool’s prioritization of roads (divided into tier priority) can be found here. Overall, the highest priority roads tend to be busy main connectors, while second-highest priority roads — such as Bandley Drive, Greenleaf Drive and Whitney Way — are more diverse.
The tool was developed by the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition in collaboration with consulting company Copenhagenize. It takes many different factors into account, including proximity to destinations, danger (such as how many crashes were reported on the routes), existing network connectivity and the need level of the area. Unlike other prioritization methods, the NPT is objective and data-driven, comparing the same criteria for all roads instead of relying on intuition or advocacy from residents to identify high-danger streets. For Cupertino, the emphasis was weighted towards network connectivity and proximity to community centers, schools and jobs to help people more easily get around on a bicycle. A complete methodology of the tool — including detailed descriptions of each weighting criteria — can be found here. SVBC collated data from the US Census, in a process described here.
Walk-Bike Cupertino hopes the results will inform the City’s next combined bicycle-pedestrian master plan, and direct the city’s investment in bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure.
Safety Tips
Share The Road!
Car Lanes
Car lanes are travel lanes for cars observing the speed limit. If there is no bike lane, bikes may use the travel lane.
Bike Lanes
Bike lanes are for bikes and other faster moving objects. Cars may cross the bike lane to turn but must look for and yield to bikes.
Sidewalks are for pedestrians. Bikes and scooters may share the space but must go slowly and yield to pedestrians.
Accepting Applications!
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission
If you are an adult who is passionate about walking or biking, the City needs you! One of the City’s Bicycle Pedestrian Commissioners has resigned, leaving an unscheduled vacancy. The City is initiating a special recruitment to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term, which runs through January 30, 2025.
Apply today to be on Cupertino’s Bicycle Pedestrian Commission (BPC). As a Commissioner, you will advise City Council on City-funded transportation projects that relate to bicycle and pedestrian traffic, parking, education, and recreation within Cupertino.
Here are the dates to know:
- Deadline to apply: 4:30 p.m. on Friday, April 15
- Applicant interview date: 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 26
For information about the BPC and how to apply, visit:
High School Student SR2S Working Group Representatives
Are you passionate about sustainable transportation? Would you like to make a difference reducing traffic congestion and enhancing safety around your school? Would you like more people to understand the needs of people in wheelchairs? If you will be in high school next year and answered yes to any of these questions, we need you!
Cupertino Safe Routes to School (SR2S) is currently recruiting students to be on the SR2S Working Group next school year. The Working Group meets monthly to share ideas about how to implement the goals of the Safe Routes to School program in Cupertino. Input from High School Student Representatives has been invaluable to the Working Group since 2018.
Every year we select two high schoolers to represent each high school in Cupertino. If you are selected, in addition to other great opportunities, you will be given the opportunity to work with the other high school representative at your high school to apply for the new SR2S High School Grant Program described above to bring SR2S programming to and make a difference at your school. The selection process has become extremely competitive in the last couple of years. We hope you’ll apply!
Applications due May 30.
Apply here: www.Cupertino.org/SafeRoutes/HSRep
SR2S Working Group Dates 2022/23 |
Would you like help ensure that your child's school is educating and encouraging their students to walk, bike, and carpool to school? Join our working group and become a Safe Routes Parent Championl!
Contact us if you're interested in getting involved: SafeRoutes@Cupertino.org
July - none August 24 September 14 October 12 November 9 December - none January 11 February 8 March 8 April 12 May 10 June 7 |
Parent Champions Needed:
Collins Elementary
Eaton Elementary
Faria Elementary
Hyde Middle
Lawson Middle
Lincoln Elementary
Stevens Creek Elementary
Local Road Safety Plan
Reminder: The City of Cupertino is looking for input from you about where road safety improvements would be beneficial. If there's an intersection or stretch of road in the City that you find challenging to navigate by foot, bike, or car, please let us know by submitting a comment and/or marking it on the Local Road Safety Plan Map. This is your opportunity to make Cupertino a better place!
Feedback is due by April 30.
If you'd like to know more about the Local Road Safety Plan the City is developing, the plan's timeline, or subscribe to receive updates, check out the City's Local Road Safety Plan website.
Middle School Bike Skills
 Registration is open for summer bike workshops! Give your child (and yourself) the gift of bike safety skills and independence this summer. These workshops are designed for students entering middle school in school year 2022/23. Workshops prepare students to ride to school and beyond with a crash course on the rules of the road, practice with bike handling skills, and a neighborhood bike ride. Tuition covers participation of student and guardian. Learn more and sign up here:
Internship Opportunity for High School Students:
Join us for Our Working Group Meetings
Our Safe Routes to School (SR2S) Working Group meetings are held via Zoom on the second Wednesday of most months. Check the Important Upcoming Dates section below to learn about the main agenda items in the upcoming months. If there's a topic you'd like the Working Group to discuss, email us! SafeRoutes@Cupertino.org
Visit the link below to register, access agendas, and view the complete list of dates for this school year’s Working Group meetings. Thank you, and we hope to see you at our next meeting!
Working Group Meetings
Important Upcoming Dates
Agendas will be posted 72 hours before each meeting at the links below.
- Monday, April 4 - Friday, April 15
Separated Bike Lane Pilot on Bubb Road at Kennedy Middle School
- Wednesday, April 13, 4:00 p.m.
SR2S Working Group Meeting Topic: Cupertino SR2S Five Year Plan
- Wednesday, April 20, 6:30 - 8 p.m.
Driving Workshop for Teens and Parents, offered by Stanford Health and Impact Teen Drivers Topic: How to stay safe on the road
- Wednesday, April 20, 7:00 p.m.
BPC Meeting Topic: TBD
- Saturday, April 23, 10 a.m. (registration begins at 9 a.m.)
Earth Day Family Bike Ride
- Wednesday, May 11, 4:00 p.m.
SR2S Working Group Meeting Topic: Car Counts at Cupertino High School
- Wednesday, June 8, 4:00 p.m.
SR2S Working Group Meeting Topic: High School Representative Grant Presentations