
Tell Us Where Our Roads Need Work
Through Cupertino's Local Road Safety Plan
The City of Cupertino is looking for input from you about where road safety improvements would be beneficial. If there's an intersection or stretch of road in the City that you find challenging to navigate by foot, bike, or car, please let us know by submitting a comment and/or marking it on the Local Road Safety Plan Map. This is your opportunity to make Cupertino a better place!
Feedback is due by April 30.
If you'd like to know more about the Local Road Safety Plan the City is developing, the plan's timeline, or subscribe to receive updates, check out the City's Local Road Safety Plan website.

Tell Us If You Need Help Linking to
the Cupertino Safe Routes to School Website
Over the past few weeks, we've cleaned up our website. All the same content is there, but many of our URLs have changed. If you maintain a website that links to any of our pages, we recommend checking the links. Please let us know if you need us to send you any updated URLs. Pro tip: most of our pages can be found in the left navigation pane on our Safe Routes to School landing page. Email us at SafeRoutes@Cupertino.org if you need any help.
Thank you!
Join us for our Working Group Meetings
Our Safe Routes to School (SR2S) Working Group meetings are held via Zoom on the second Wednesday of most months. Check the Important Upcoming Dates section below to learn about the main agenda items in the upcoming months. If there's a topic you'd like the Working Group to discuss, email us! SafeRoutes@Cupertino.org
Visit the link below to register, access agendas, and view the complete list of dates for this school year’s Working Group meetings. Thank you, and we hope to see you at our next meeting!
Working Group Meetings
Important Upcoming Dates
Agendas will be posted 72 hours before each meeting at the links below.
- Wednesday, March 9, 4:00 p.m.
SR2S Working Group Meeting Topic: Network Prioritization Tool
- Wednesday, March 16, 7:00 p.m.
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Meeting Topic: SR2S Coordination for Earth Day Family Ride
- Monday, March 28
Fine Arts Commission Topic: Incorporating the Arts into Safe Routes to School Programs
- Wednesday, April 13, 4:00 p.m.
SR2S Working Group Meeting Topic: Car Counts at Cupertino High School
- Wednesday, April 20, 7:00 p.m.
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Meeting Topic: TBD
- Saturday, April 23, 10:30 a.m. (registration begins at 9 a.m.)
Earth Day Family Bike Ride
- Wednesday, May 11, 4:00 p.m.
SR2S Working Group Meeting Topic: TBD