 Plastics Ordinance Could Come to Cupertino
The City of Cupertino is looking to reduce the unnecessary use of single-use disposable plastic food service ware (such as cups, utensils, and containers) by restaurants and other food facilities. A proposed ordinance includes switching to compostable fiber foodware and requiring reusable plates, cups, and utensils when dining on site at a restaurant beginning in mid 2023.
Survey results from 111 customers indicate that most are concerned about the environmental impacts of these items and would support businesses that implemented non-plastic alternatives, even for cold beverages.
Meanwhile, results from a survey of 100 food facilities indicated that businesses are open to switching the type of foodware they use, but they have concerns about the costs of non-plastic alternatives and are worried about customer satisfaction if they use different cups and containers or if they charge for single-use items. They also worry about safety if more people bring their own containers. If an ordinance were adopted, businesses are interested in receiving technical and financial assistance to help make the changes.
There is still time to have your opinion heard. A City Council Study Session is planned for March 1, 2022, and you can get more details, submit written comments, sign up for notifications, and view the entire survey results at engagecupertino.org/single-use-plastics.
Composting isn't just a good idea... it's the law
Food Scraps and Soiled Paper go in the Organics Cart or Bin
New California state law, SB 1383, is changing the way many people dispose of their food scraps and organic waste.
The new regulations require all residents and businesses to sort their organic waste into their organics cart or bin.
It can be easy to collect your food waste with these tips: 1. Request a free kitchen collection container at cupertino.org/foodscraps 2. Line your kitchen collection container with a BPI certified compostable plastic bag or a paper bag. 3. Empty your container often. 4. Some people freeze their scraps until pick-up day, which helps prevent rotting, keeping your bin cleaner. 5. Remove food from containers and other packaging unless it is paper packaging. Pizza boxes, paper to-go boxes, Chinese food paper boxes are all okay to put in your cart. No glass or plastic! 6. Adding collected food waste to your cart after there are yard trimmings already in the cart will help keep it cleaner.
Learn how this law effects you in Cupertino at cupertino.org/SB1383.
Water Conservation Grants
Do you have an idea on how to reduce pollution in our waterways?
Or maybe you have a passion to improve your local creek, making it healthier and better for the plants and wildlife that live there.
If you have a creative and innovative project that furthers our mission of providing safe, clean water for a healthy life, environment and economy, Valley Water can help you bring that project to life.
Learn more here.
Clean Water Activity for Kids
Are you familiar with your local watersheds?
Watersheds are areas of land that drain into a body of water such as a bay or a lake. When you do your part to help keep our local watersheds free of litter and debris, we keep our waterways like the San Francisco Bay clean and healthy!
The Santa Clara County Clean Water Program has developed an activity book for young children to learn about the watershed.
Download this Clean Water Activity Book and have a great time learning.
Free Resource to Help Residents Go All Electric
Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE) has launched a free online resource to help Cupertino residents make easy, informed choices about switching to all-electric living.
The eHub features information on how change starts with clean electricity, how driving electric is the biggest single action you can take to stop pollution while saving money, and how you can improve your indoor air quality at home with efficient, electric appliances. Visit the new eHub here.
Earth and Arbor Day Festival Returning April 2022
Now Recruiting Vendors, Sponsors, and Volunteers
On April 23, 2022 Cupertino's 12th Annual Earth and Arbor Day is scheduled to occur in Library Park.
Recruitment is now open for businesses and individuals who are looking to table, volunteer, or sponsor the event. We hope you will celebrate Cupertino's 12th Annual Earth Day and Arbor Day with us and grow this year’s attendance beyond the 5,000+ community members that attended in 2019!
Tabling Partners: We are looking for food trucks, non-profits, environmentally minded businesses, and more to share information, host activities, and sell products and services that inspire environmental protection and stewardship. Partner registration closes March 13th!
Volunteers: Anyone is welcome to support the festival by volunteering their time. If you are looking for additional leadership experience, we offer Lead Volunteer positions to a select few individuals. Lead volunteer applications are due February 20. Space is limited so don't delay.
Sponsors: We are recruiting sponsorships to help offset the financial burden to the community. Your support is a great way to get your business advertised. Three sponsorship levels available to accommodate desired contribution.
Your participation supports the City in planning a successful event that will engage community members in the diversity of programs and services that ensure Cupertino is healthy, sustainable, and resilient for generations to come.
Learn more and register online at cupertino.org/earthday.
Save the Date, Save the Earth
Environmental Recycling and Paper Shredding Event
Saturday, January 22 | 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. De Anza College Parking Lot A Find more details at cupertino.org/environmentalday
Single-Use Plastics at City Council
Study Session: Tuesday, March 1 | 5:00 to 5:30 p.m. City Council First Reading of Ordinance: Tuesday, April 5 City Council Second Reading of Ordinance: Tuesday, April 19 No registration required. Find the link to join in the Meeting Agenda on cupertino.legistar.com
Home Composting Education Workshop
Saturday, March 5 | 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Cupertino Community Hall Register at ucanr.edu/compost
Earth and Arbor Day Festival
Saturday, April 23 | 11:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. Library Park Field, no registration required
Welcome Steven!
Steven grew up in Cupertino and is thrilled to be working for his hometown. He studied Environmental Science at SJSU and then got a Masters in Urban and Regional Planning from SJSU as well. He has a passion for educating customers about waste diversion per state and local laws and is extremely excited to assist Cupertino with California’s new comprehensive climate pollutant reduction law, known as SB1383.
Here is a message from Steven –
“I am thrilled to be working alongside a team that matches my passion for the environment and is committed to making necessary improvements in the world.”
We are hiring a Sustainability Intern!
The City of Cupertino is seeking a highly motivated individual interested in an opportunity to join a fast-paced, dynamic organization as a paid Sustainability Intern.
This position will support sustainability programs, data collection and reporting, and engagement. You will help with projects such as the Climate Action Plan Update, Green Business Certification, and Cupertino Climate Challenge.
Find out more and apply online at governmentjobs.com.