Veterans Day Closure and Online Playlist
City of Cupertino offices will be closed tomorrow, November 11, in observance of Veterans Day and will reopen on Friday, November 12.
While we can't gather for this year's Veterans Day ceremony, you can watch previous year's events here or find it on on the City's YouTube Channel.
City Work Program First Quarter Update
The First Quarter Update on the City Work Program was presented at the City Council meeting on November 2. The City Work Program guides the major efforts of the City for the upcoming fiscal year, and ensures that staff efforts are aligned with the goals set by the Mayor and City Council, and thus, the community.
For more information on the City Work Program, watch this video.
Property Tax Summary
Growth in home sales strengthened in the summer of 2020 and many cities saw an increase in properties for sale. Sales price increases in 2020 were reflected on the 2021-2022 tax rolls. Sales prices grew due to low inventory and the declining mortgage rates. These conditions have continued to cause prices to rise this year. The median sale price of a detached single family residential home in Cupertino was $2,780,000 from January through August. This represents a $530,000 (24%) increase from last year.
The City of Cupertino experienced a net taxable value increase of 3.5% for the 2021-2022 tax roll, which was modestly less than the increase experienced Countywide at 4.6%. The assessed value increase over the previous fiscal year was $986 million. Of the increase, $243 million (25%) of the increase was attributed to a 1.036% Proposition 13 inflation adjustment. Secured roll increases, $474.1 million, were mainly reported by Campus Holdings and represented building improvements, fixture, and personal property assets that were added.
View more details in the attachments.
Cupertino One of the First Cities in the Bay Area to Join the Climate Change Race to Zero
Cupertino was recognized at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference as one of the first 100 American cities to sign on to the Race to Zero, a UN-backed global campaign to significantly reduce carbon emissions and limit atmospheric warming to 1.5°C.
The City of Cupertino joined Palo Alto and San Jose as the first public agencies in Silicon Valley to participate. The Race to Zero rallies businesses, cities, investors, and other institutions to slash carbon out of the economy by 2030 and achieve global net-zero emissions by mid-century.
By joining the Race to Zero, Cupertino demonstrates its continued commitment to climate leadership. The City is currently updating its Climate Action Plan (CAP) to guide the next decade of sustainable growth, with a draft goal of net-zero emissions by 2040. More information about the CAP process can be found at
The UN Climate Change Conference, known as the Conference of Parties or COP, is a global summit that is bringing together world leaders to discuss goals, accountability, and alignment for the next ten years of the zero carbon transition. The summit is ongoing until November 12, and updates can be found here.
Extra Sweeping in Heavy Leaf Fall Areas
The City of Cupertino has launched extra street sweeping services in designated "heavy leaf fall" areas in the City during November and December. This service supplements regularly scheduled sweeping on City streets. The extra sweeping occurs on the same day of the week as the normally scheduled sweeping, providing two extra sweeps per month in these areas to remove the accumulated leaves. To receive text or email reminders about street sweeping, visit A list of designated heavy leaf fall streets can be found in the attachments.
To accommodate the extra collection of leaves and to shorten travel time for sweepers, a section of the Creekside Park parking lot is being utilized as a temporary collection point, as has been done in the past several years.
Compost Site Season Wraps Up
The City of Cupertino's compost site has closed for the 2021 season. While the site is usually open from March to mid-November, the site was closed early this year due to recent rains that made it muddy. Muddy conditions make the site potentially impassible for vehicles and also risks sediment being tracked onto the roadways and causing stormwater pollution violations.
Compared to 2020, which saw a delayed opening because of COVID-19 and was closed multiple times due to unhealthy air from wildfires, the site did not miss a day this year until the most recent rain events. This season, 1,830 cars collected a total of 700 yards of compost for landscapes and gardens. During last year's season, despite the many challenges, 1,933 cars collected 745 yards of compost. |
The compost, which is tested and assured by the United States Composting Council, is made from yard trimmings and food waste from residential homes. That compost is processed by South Valley Organics, a Recology-owned composting facility. Through the Solid Waste Franchise Agreement, the City is provided with bulk finished compost for this program at no additional fee and offers it back to the community at no charge. The City is glad to be able to provide this popular "full circle" offering to residents each year.
Winter Recreation Schedule Available
The Parks and Recreation Department's Winter Recreation Schedule is here!
Registration is currently open for residents and registration for non-residents opens on Tuesday, November 16. Check out all of the great programs the City has coming up this winter at
Library Expansion Progress Update
October focused on the completion of the interior rough structure, including interior walls and supporting structures, electrical, security system, and insulation and drywall. The ventilation equipment was completed and is ready for to be installed and and inspected next week. Temporary ducting was replaced by new ducting. Curtain structures are halfway complete.
Exterior work, including all wall and parapet framing, all roof level penetrations, and ventilation conduits were completed. Parking lot area improvements, including new EV chargers, walkways, and added ADA ramps, have been completed. The contractor fixed all unforeseen irrigation and low voltage lines unearth during site work.
Upcoming work for November will focus on drywall taping, wirepull, curtain wall with glazing, ventilation rooftop units, ceiling install, stucco and door install, and air wall.
Following the updated construction schedule, the project is still expected to be completed in late January 2022.