Join the conversation to achieve net zero by 2040
Share your opinion at the next virtual workshop
What would a carbon-free Cupertino look like? Build this picture with us during a virtual workshop on Monday, October 11, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.
Our team will share some ideas on how we can achieve a carbon-neutral Cupertino by 2040. We will look at current and future climate challenges and ways to prepare for these challenges. Then, we will open the floor for participants to share feedback and ideas. We will touch on different actions and themes, such as switching to electric appliances, public transportation, carbon capture, reducing waste and consumption, and community resilience.
This workshop is a space for you to ask your questions and share your creative ideas to protect the climate in your community. This will be the second of the three public workshops led by Cupertino’s Sustainability Division aimed to help create the Climate Action Plan 2.0. This community plan hopes to focus on equity, innovation, urgency, and adaptation as it moves the City of Cupertino to net zero carbon by 2040.
Everyone is welcome, accessibility services are available by request.
You can register for the workshop now by visiting Cupertino.org/ClimateAction.
Can't attend the workshop? Take our survey about possible actions or leave a message on the ideas board.
 Leaves in your cart, not in the gutter
Leaf fall season is upon us! You and your family can become a steward of the earth by managing your tree leaves responsibly.
Unfortunately, leaves that clog or go down the storm drain can cause flooding and pollute our waterways.
Please collect unwanted leaves and put them in your green or brown organics cart. Do not pile leaves in the street.
If you notice the storm drain inlet is full of leaves, please call 408-777-3269 and our maintenance department will respond.
 Litter cleanup win in your neighborhood
On September 18, we celebrated Coastal Cleanup Day by collecting litter with the help of 40 volunteers.
219 pounds of waste were collected along 2.5 miles of Calabazas Creek.
Although Coastal Cleanup Day has passed, we encourage you to clean up litter in your own neighborhoods to help keep our City streets and waterways clean, healthy, and free of debris.
To stay up to date with future cleanup opportunities visit: cleanacreek.org
Access Valley Water's phone application
Access Valley Water app is a real-time way to send requests, questions, complaints, and compliments directly to Valley Water.
See litter or downed trees in a creek? Want to report graffiti, dumping, or other problems?
This app will let you use your location and upload a photo. A case will be created immediately and you can follow the progress.
Download it today from the app store on your phone.
Want to save energy and money at home but don’t know where to start?
The Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN) is hosting a series of free informational session and virtual fair for all Bay Area residents. Join to learn about how energy bills are changing and what energy-saving programs and resources are available to residents.
Homeowners and renters will hear about how best to address energy use in the home and learn about programs from PG&E, local electricity providers and community organizations that provide assistance and incentives to make their homes healthier, safer, more comfortable, all while saving money in the process.
Join us on the following dates to get the answers to your questions.
English: October 26, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Cantonese: October 27, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Mandarin: November 2, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Spanish: November 3, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Register at bayren.eventbrite.com
Save the Date, Save the Earth
Climate Action Workshop
Monday, October 11 | 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Register Here: Cupertino.org/ClimateAction
Sustainability Commission
Thursday, October 21 | 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. No registration required. Find the link to join in the Meeting Agenda on cupertino.legistar.com
Environmental Recycling and Paper Shredding Event
Saturday, November 13 | 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. De Anza College Parking Lot A Find more details at Cupertino.org/EnvironmentalDay
City Council Study Session for Climate Action Plan 2.0
Tuesday, November 16 | 5:00 to 5:30 p.m. No registration required. Find the link to join in the Meeting Agenda on cupertino.legistar.com
Welcome Karen!
Cupertino's Green Team is welcoming this year's Civic Spark Fellow.
Karen came to us with a interest in public health, sociology and the environment. The sustainability field brings these interests together and allows Karen to help make an impact on the earth. She will be working on Cupertino's Climate Action Plan 2.0 and creating a vulnerability index. Here is a message from Karen -
"I am excited by the City’s commitment to sustainability and look forward to supporting its climate action work!"