Notable City Events
Silicon Valley Day 'n Night Fun Fest Returns
The family friendly Silicon Valley Day 'n Night Fun Fest is back! The event, hosted by the Rotary Club of Cupertino and sponsored by the City of Cupertino, will be held on Saturday, September 11 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Memorial Park.
This community, family, cultural, and educational event brings together Cupertino’s diverse cultures in a day of celebration and enjoyment. The Fun Fest caters to everyone and will also provide opportunities to learn and participate in fun, educative, and inspirational activities.
This year, the event is split into two parts:
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. |
4 p.m. to 6 p.m. |
• Activities in the kid’s zone • Cultural booths • Environmental booths • Balloon artists • Food trucks |
• Music by band Font72 • Local restaurant food tastings • Beer and whiskey tasting • Awards for the art exhibits • More food trucks |
Find more information at Come enjoy a day of fun and celebration!
Cupertino's Citywide Annual Garage Sale is Back
The City of Cupertino’s 16th Annual Garage Sale is back and taking place on September 18 and 19. This event is an opportunity to find hidden treasures or sell your unwanted stuff from your own front yard. Every year, more than 200 households participate by hosting their own garage sale on this weekend.
Sellers Cupertino residents who are interested in selling their unwanted items on September 18 and/or 19 can patriciate by clicking on this link here.
Register by September 3 to get your address listed on a Citywide map.
Shoppers Anyone can shop at the garage sale, no registration is needed.
You can search for bargains and find rare and unusual items throughout Cupertino. Commonly found items typically sold at garage sales include used clothing, books, toys, household decorations, sports equipment, board games, furniture, and appliances.
COVID-19 precautions will follow the Santa Clara County's guidelines.
Visit today for more information.
Successful Summer Bike Challenges 2021
During the month of July 2021, Cupertino Safe Routes to School (SR2S) hosted a series of Summer Bike Challenges intended to encourage people who live, work, or attend school in Cupertino to explore the City, exercise, and have some fun - by bike! Participants earned various prizes for completing the challenges, which they will be able to redeem at the City’s 8th annual Fall Bike Fest on Saturday, September 25 at Cupertino City Hall between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Positive feedback received about the Summer Bike Challenges included:
- "This year's bike challenges are great! Please keep continuing them! Thanks."
- "Thanks for hosting the challenges and's been fun & gotten me out on my bike!"
- "Thank you for hosting these challenges. I look forward to receiving my boba voucher!...and future, fun prizes."
- "This was so much fun!"
A total of 196 people participated in the challenges. Below are stats about each challenge along with some of our favorite photos submitted by participants.
Ride More Miles Cupertino
- 92 people signed up for the challenge
- 74 people (80%) completed the challenge by riding at least 10 miles
- 823 miles were ridden by the person who rode the most miles in July (he’s the City’s Super Rider!)
- 3 miles were ridden cumulatively by all participants of this challenge
Group Ride
- 7 groups participated
- 59 people total went on group rides
Highlight: A group of middle school students organized a group bike ride and shared this fabulous video:
Bike Date
Bike to Art
- 8 people participated
- 7 people completed the challenge by visiting all 14 works listed in the City’s ARTour app
The challenges were advertised through the Scene, social media, the SR2S newsletter, and flyers at bike shops and the library. The City’s Office of Communications had never seen such a high degree of engagement on a Twitter post since the last Bike Challenge, reminding people to submit their proof of participation. Prizes were funded by Valley Transportation Authority’s 2016 Measure B funding allocation to the City of Cupertino for Bicycle and Pedestrian Education & Encouragement projects.
National Night Out Held on August 3
After the past year and a half, the Cupertino community has never been stronger as demonstrated by the engagement of community members during National Night Out on August 3. Through the Block Leader Program, Neighborhood Watch, Cupertino Emergency Response Team, Medical Reserve Corps, and Cupertino Amateur Radio in Emergency Services, volunteers hosted 39 neighborhood events reaching an estimated 670 households, 944 adults, and 433 youth in the community.
National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes public safety, community partnership, and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community. Furthermore, it provides a great opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances.
Here is some feedback from the community:
- “We had a very good neighborhood National Night Out starting at 7 p.m. Nearly 30 people from 14 families joined and [six] kids! That is much more than what I expected! Two Sheriff’s [Deputies] came to chat with us and answered many questions for us too. We had a good time!”
- “Our National Night Out was a huge success. It was so nice to meet with our neighbors once again. We had an Ice Cream Bar Social to keep things simple with COVID. Oh, and the neighbors really loved receiving their #CupertinoCares gift bags. We also enjoyed chatting with the Sheriffs. It was a treat to get to talk to them and ask whatever questions we had. It really was a super nice evening, and very simple.”
- “Our group enjoyed getting together after such a long break.”
- “Ours went well. We had a visit from the fire station and also Sheriff’s office. We had a good number of neighbors come and many met each other for the first time.”
Kids n Fun Festival
The 11th annual Kids n Fun Festival was held on Saturday, August 14 at Memorial Park. This community festival, hosted by the Taiwanese Cultural & Sports Association, was the first large-scale festival held since the start of the pandemic. The festival included musical and dance entertainment, a food court, and numerous vendor booths. Local Boy Scout troops supported the festival by providing games for kids and logistical support for the festival organizers.
The Cupertino Citizen Corps supported the event with a First Aid booth staffed with seven volunteers from the Medical Reserve Corps and Cupertino Emergency Response Team, all of whom are members of the Cupertino community. Throughout the day, the volunteers donated 35 hours providing first aid to vendors and the public.
Though the primary function is to support the event with first aid, Citizen Corps volunteers also assisted by providing information and a safe reunification location for missing children and adults. These festivals and events also serve as an opportunity for the Citizen Corps volunteers to become familiar with the City’s Public Safety partners (Sheriff and Fire Department) and City departments (Parks and Recreation and Public Works) in advance of an actual emergency.
City Hosted Two Ribbon-Cutting Ceremonies
Vice Mayor Liang Chao emceed a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Thursday, August 19 at Linda Vista Park to celebrate the opening of the new Stevens Creek Trail, and the Lowenthal family who generously donated land to the project. You can view the video at
The second ceremony of the day, also emceed by Vice Mayor Chao, was held at McClellan Ranch Preserve. This ceremony was to celebrate the opening of the Community Garden. The video can viewed at
First Art Talk Held Featuring Mural Artist
The Fine Arts Commission held their first Art Talk on Thursday, August 19 at Blackberry Farm. This coffee-shop-style discussion featured artist Sarabjit Singh, the mural artist of Harmony, the first artwork piece to be featured in the City’s Art in Unexpected Places program. During the talk, Sarabjit discussed her background as an artist, why she loves painting murals, and how painting helps with stress. After the discussion, audience members were able to ask Sarabjit follow-up questions about her work as an artist.
The next Art Talk is planned for November; check the City’s calendar at in October for the date, time, and location.