In This Issue
Local Health Officials Urge Immediate Vaccination and Issue Orders Requiring Face Coverings Indoors
Vaccination continues to protect against severe COVID-19 illness, but with the COVID-19 Delta variant now infecting a small percentage of vaccinated people as well as many unvaccinated people, eight Bay Area health officers have issued Health Orders requiring masks indoors in public places. The Orders went into effect on Tuesday, August 3, requiring all individuals, regardless of vaccination status, to wear face coverings when indoors in public settings, with limited exceptions.
The new Health Orders require wearing a well-fitting mask indoors in public settings. Indoor settings, whether public or private, are higher risk for COVID-19 transmission, especially when you are with people you do not live with. Health officials also recommend that all employers make face coverings available to individuals entering their businesses, and businesses are required to implement the indoor face covering order.
These Health Orders aim to reduce community transmission of COVID-19 and protect everyone. Health officials are very concerned by the substantial levels of community transmission now found across the Bay Area, especially among unvaccinated people. In part, this is due to the widespread COVID-19 Delta variant, which is substantially more transmissible than previous forms of the virus. Recent information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also indicates that even fully vaccinated individuals can, in some cases, spread the Delta variant to others, and so indoor use of face coverings provides an important added layer of protection.
Vaccines remain the most powerful tool in the fight against COVID-19, including the Delta variant. Nonetheless, the Delta variant is infecting a small percentage of the vaccinated in the Bay Area—who still remain strongly protected against severe illness, hospitalization, and death. In those instances of infection in a vaccinated person, a face covering prevents further spread. As of July 30, 2021, 84% of residents aged 12 and older have received their first dose, and 78% of residents aged 12 and older are fully vaccinated. Bay Area health officials urge all unvaccinated residents 12 years and older to get vaccinated as soon as possible.
More information on the County’s health order can be found on the Public Health Orders webpage. The latest information about vaccines and appointments is available on the County’s vaccine website at sccfreevax.org.
Appointments Available for City of Cupertino In-Person Services
The City of Cupertino is reserving appointments for in-person services for Building permits, Planning permits, Public Works permits, Business Licenses, and City Clerk's notary services.
For more information about the City's reopening of in-person services, programs, and events, as well as to access the booking calendar and reserve an appointment, visit cupertino.org/reopening.
NOTE: Due to Santa Clara County recommendation, anyone entering a City facility (whether vaccinated or unvaccinated) must wear a face covering.
Via-Cupertino Shuttle Service Returning in the Fall
After taking a year-long pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Via-Cupertino community shuttle program is ready to hit the road again. Service is expected to resume in the fall and as early as October (pending favorable public health conditions).
The community shuttle program is coming back with added improvements and more vans (meaning less wait time!). The new vans, provided by Via, will be Chrysler Pacificas and include the following upgrades:
- Expanded service zone that now includes all of Cupertino (as well as the Sunnyvale Caltrain station, Kaiser Santa Clara, and Rancho San Antonio)
- Bicycle racks that can be reserved in the app
- Lower ground clearance to help riders enter and exit the vans more easily
- Two of the nine vans will be dedicated wheelchair accessible vehicles (WAVs), serving persons with disabilities
- Plexiglass dividers to separate riders and drivers for a safer environment
- New wraps that better reflect the character of the community
When the Via service relaunches, it will operate from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday. The base fare will be $4 with a discounted $2 fare available to seniors, students, low-income, and those with a disability. Weekly and four-week passes will be offered.
For more information, visit cupertino.org/shuttle. You can also call Via customer service to set up an account by phone, and request rides by phone, at (669) 201-1892. Download the app in the App store or Google Play.
Note: To create the safest riding environment for everyone, riders will be required to wear a properly fitting face covering until further notice. Vans will also be disinfected on a continuous basis.
Library Expansion on Track to Open in January
If the flags in the picture look a little like party streamers, it's because the City recently celebrated a milestone this month as part of the Cupertino Library Expansion. The expansion, which began in March, is starting to take shape.
The structural steel frame has been completed, as has the framing of the interior walls and the infrastructure for plumbing and electrical systems. |
We’re halfway there and on track to open the new space to the public in January 2022. The much needed additional space will allow the library to fulfill its mission of encouraging life-long learning and self-improvement. The expanded library will connect the beloved Memorial Grove to a new courtyard, and physically establish a center for the library.
In addition, the Cupertino Library Foundation is accepting donations for the project. Donors will have their names featured on a block as part of the Courtyard Donor Wall. For more information and to donate, visit thecupertinolibraryexpansion.com. |
For more information on the Library Expansion, including a livestream of the construction, visit cupertino.org/libraryexpansion.
Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan Available
The City of Cupertino has completed the Citywide Parks and Recreation System Master Plan. As part of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-2021 City Work Program, City Council approved an item to complete the Strategic Plan that address the immediate and short-term opportunities identified in the Parks and Recreation System Master Plan.
This Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan has recently been completed and published on the City's Master Plan webpage for members of the public to access. The Strategic Plan includes two formats that outline existing and planned progress towards the implementation of opportunities identified in the Master Plan. This document will be updated annually as new projects and programs are implemented.
Notable City Events
Annual India Flag Raising Ceremony on Tuesday, August 17 at 9:30 a.m.
The City of Cupertino and Cupertino-Bhubaneswar Sister City Initiative present the Flag Raising Ceremony for the 75th India Independence Day. The event will be held on Tuesday, August 17 from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at the Civic Center Plaza, 10350 Torre Avenue.
Two Ribbon-Cutting Ceremonies to be Held on Thursday, August 19
The City of Cupertino is hosting two ribbon-cutting ceremonies on Thursday, August 19 for the Linda Vista extension of the Stevens Creek Trail and the Cupertino Community Garden.
The first ceremony will be held at 9 a.m. at Linda Vista Park, 11111 Linda Vista Drive, near the meadow to celebrate the opening of the new trail. Speakers will include Mayor Darcy Paul, a representative from the Friends of Stevens Creek Trail, and the Lowenthal family who generously donated land to the project.
The second ceremony will be held at 10 a.m. at McClellan Ranch Preserve, 22221 McClellan Road, to celebrate the grand opening of the Community Garden.
City Communications Regarding COVID-19
Last year, the City of Cupertino closed its facilities to protect public health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of the City's programs, services, and events are coming back in-person in the coming months with many online services continuing. For information on the City's reopening plans and to reserve an in-person appointment, visit cupertino.org/reopening.
The City continues to provide essential services online at cupertino.org and by phone at (408) 777-3200. These essential services include responding to 311 requests and maintaining the City’s infrastructure, among others. Find more details here. For detailed and up-to-date information regarding COVID-19, visit U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Santa Clara County Public Health Department.
NOTE: Due to Santa Clara County recommendation, anyone entering a City facility (whether vaccinated or unvaccinated) must wear a face covering.
City Hall Contact Information
*Please note some lines may be unattended from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Upcoming Agenda Items and Law Enforcement
View attachments here, which include the City Council agenda forecast through September 21 and the Sheriff’s weekly reports for July 26 – August 8.