City Launches "Engage Cupertino," a Comprehensive Engagement Platform
This week the City of Cupertino launched Engage Cupertino, a platform to gather feedback, discuss topics, and inform the public about important policy, planning, programs, and projects taking shape in the community.
The City's Climate Action Plan Update is the first project to utilize the platform. The public now has the chance to take surveys, ask questions, leave comments, and learn about upcoming meetings all in one place.
Those interested in viewing the platform, and participating in the Climate Action Plan Update project, can visit
Join the Cupertino Climate Action Plan Workshop
Take the future of Cupertino's climate action into your own hands by attending the Climate Action Virtual Workshop on Thursday, July 29 from 5:30 to 7 p.m.
During this workshop, you will learn about climate initiatives in Cupertino and share your questions, feedback, and ideas. Discuss topics like transportation emissions, waste reduction, energy conservation, and much more. Everyone is welcome, no matter your level of background knowledge about climate change.
This will be the first of three public workshops led by Cupertino's Sustainability Division to help inform the public about Climate Action Plan 2.0. This community plan focuses on equity, innovation, urgency, and adaptation as it moves the City of Cupertino towards net zero energy.
Shape the future of Cupertino by registering for the workshop now by visiting
Separated Bikeway Improvements Project Update
Work is nearing completion on the Bubb Road Separated Bikeway Improvements Project.
The primary goal of the project, located between Stevens Creek Boulevard and McClellan Road, is to encourage bicycling and enhance the safety of bicyclists. This was done by providing a physical separation between bicyclists and motor vehicles.
The project also incorporates facility improvements for pedestrians and transit, including a new sidewalk, two mid-block pedestrian crossings with pedestrian-actuated flashing beacons, and a new transit island for commuter shuttles that will not impede vehicle or bicycle traffic. |
Finally, vehicle lanes have been reduced to one lane in each direction. This was done to calm vehicle traffic and provide additional safety for pedestrian crossings. |
Funding for the design and construction of this project was provided by Apple.
City of Cupertino Nationally Recognized for Transparency through 311 System
The City of Cupertino was nationally recognized in a case study by Rock Solid, the City's Cupertino 311 system vendor.
Cupertino 311 is the City's user-friendly and streamlined system providing residents with improved access to reporting issues and obtaining other helpful City information. Through Cupertino 311, residents are able to easily and quickly report a wide variety of issues in their community to the City, such as graffiti, potholes, trash, and more.
Rock Solid's case study noted the City's initial goal and challenge of being more transparent with residents and staff within its 311 operations as part of a Citywide focus on data. The City had been researching a data-focused solution that would connect seamlessly with the existing Cityworks asset management system, while also improving visibility, efficiency, and customer service for residents.
The article highlighted the partnership between the City and Rock Solid to provide a multiplatform 311 citizen request solution for residents and staff. Rock Solid's technology behind its mobile app made it possible to directly integrate 311 requests with Cityworks. This transfer of information happens in real time and brings all service requests into the City's existing workflow. As a result, the highly integrated service request management platform and citizen portal have helped the City create transparent and effect service delivery that residents, staff, and City leaders take pride in.
View the full article here. To access Cupertino 311, click here.