Upcoming Events to Help Save the Earth.
Climate Action Virtual Workshop July 29 at 5:30 p.m.
Take the future of Cupertino's climate action into your own hands by attending the virtual workshop on July 29, from 5:30-7:00 p.m.
During this workshop we will help build your knowledge of climate initiatives in Cupertino. Then we open the floor to get your feedback and ideas. This workshop is a space for you to ask questions, tell us your climate priorities, and share creative ideas to fight the climate battle in our community. We will be including topics like transportation emissions, waste reduction, energy conservation, water conservation, green buildings, and natural spaces.
This will be the first of three public workshops led by Cupertino's Sustainability Division to help inform the Climate Action Plan 2.0. This community plan hopes to focus on equity, innovation, urgency, and adaptation as it moves the City of Cupertino to net zero energy by 2040.
We need your input to help shape the future of Cupertino. You can register for the workshop now by visiting Cupertino.org/ClimateAction.
 Environmental Recycling Day
August 21 | 8 am - 12 n De Anza College Parking Lot A
Bring confidential documents for free paper shredding. 3 box max.
Dispose of appliances, electronics, batteries, and light bulbs safely for free.
Drop off items for donation like furniture, toys, or clothing.
For additional details about the event, visit Cupertino's Environmental Day webpage.
 18th Annual Garage Sale
September 18 + 19 Your Drive Way! Citywide
Register your sale for free promotion and have your address listed on an interactive online map.
This weekend long garage sales draws many shoppers.
We promote reuse and resale to keep items out of the landfill.
Seller registration begins in August. Learn more at Cupertino's Garage Sale.
 Creek Cleanup Volunteer Event
September 18 | 9 am - 12 n Creekside Park
Volunteer to pick up litter in Calabazas Creek in Cupertino to celebrate international Coastal Cleanup Day.
When you help keep our creeks clean, it helps keep the bay and ocean clean too.
This opportunity is suitable for all ages.
Sign up to be notified when registration is available.
Resources + Rebates
Water Savings
With little rain in recent years, the State of California and County of Santa Clara are in the second consecutive year of a drought.
On June 9, Santa Clara Valley Water District (Valley Water) held a special meeting where a resolution was passed unanimously, declaring a water shortage emergency condition within the County. This resolution also called for water retailers to achieve a water use reduction target equal to 15% of the water use in 2019.
Rebates are available for landscape conversion from turf to drought-friendly plants, rain capture devices, drip-irrigation, greywater irrigation installation, and more.
Free water conservation supplies are now available to any Santa Clara County resident at Valley Water's shopping cart tool.
Cupertino residents either receive water service from San Jose Water Company (SJ Water) or Cal Water Service Company (Cal Water). Both water retailers have drought, water conservation measures and rebate programs on their websites.
Plastic Free July
Choose to refuse single-use plastic and join the Plastic Free July challenge! Plastics often up in the landfill or as litter polluting our streets and waterways.
Plastic Free July is a global campaign that encourages participants to reduce plastic waste by refusing single-use plastic and using plastic free alternatives for everyday items during the month of July and beyond.
Join the 326 million participants worldwide to be a part of the change to make our Earth a cleaner and healthier place to live. Visit plasticfreejuly.org to sign up for the challenge and receive helpful tips and resources.
Climate Action at Home
Did you know that 40% of US emissions result from household activities? We have solutions but we need your help. The Cupertino Climate Challenge is here to make it easy to lower your greenhouse gas emissions, save money, and engage in the fight against climate change.
This FREE tool has dozens of possible actions that give you helpful tips and links to resources tailored just for you. Choose from over 70 actions in categories like home energy, transportation, food & waste, and water conservation. Every household is unique, so whether you’re just starting out or you're already a “climate champion,” the Cupertino Climate Challenge has options for you.
Sign up today and start exploring impactful everyday actions. Who knows how far you’ll go! Visit CupertinoClimateChallenge.org to get started.