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Cupertino Celebrates Earth Month
City of Cupertino, California sent this bulletin at 04/01/2021 07:44 PM PDT
Restore our Earth Virtual Speaker Series |April 24
On April 24, join the City of Cupertino and sustainability experts in celebrating our shared planet from inside your home! The Restore our Earth Speaker Series will air on Facebook Live or YouTube Live to view for free. This event will be filled with fun speakers talking about sustainability initiatives, grassroots projects, and what Cupertino residents can do to help restore our Earth.
The festival host, Silicon Valley Youth Climate Action, will guide you through a dozen celebrity guests who will speak on topics including fast fashion, induction cooking, sustainable career pathways, cooking zero waste, how the City trims their trees, and more. For a full line up of speakers go to Cupertino.org/EarthDay.
TREEcycle Scavenger Hunt
TREEcycle is a city-wide tree species scavenger hunt that has been designed to encourage exploration, learning, and biking. From April 1-22 residents are able to submit a photo and win a prize. Celebrate our earth by spending time outdoors. Learn how to play by visiting Cupertino.org/TREEcycle.
Earth Month Bike Ride Challenge
From April 1-22, reduce your carbon emissions by replacing a car trip with a bike trip. The goal is to bike to somewhere you would usually drive. Submit your ride for a chance to win a prize. Don't delay, start your journey today at visiting our Earth Day Bike Ride page.
Clean City, Green City
You’re invited to join a network of volunteers, working to make our community a little greener! This state-wide litter clean-up event lasts through the month of April to allow for social distance and flexibility. Show your care for our earth by taking the pledge today.
Sustainability Division is looking for the next CivicSpark Fellow for August 2021
Are you interested in working with Cupertino's Sustainability efforts? Have you recently graduated from college? Applications are now open to become Cupertino's next CivicSpark Fellow. In this position you will assist the City with the Climate Action Plan Update, environmental justice, and gain local government experience.
See civicspark.lgc.org for more information about this exceptional AmeriCorps program!
Upcoming events
Sustainability Commission
April 15 | 4 - 6 p.m.
Registration information will be posted on agenda at cupertino.legistar.com the week of the meeting
Environmental Recycling Event
April 17 | 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
New location: 1675 Rogers Ave, San Jose (Recology South Bay)