 SR2S Student Video Contest
Cupertino Safe Routes to School (SR2S) is holding a video competition for 6-12 grade students who live or go to school in Cupertino. We're looking for videos that advance the mission of Cupertino Safe Routes to School. Submissions will inspire people to walk, bike, scooter or wheelchair to school (once schools re-open) or provide tips on how to be safe using active transportation. Videos could be in the form of a music video, short story, public service announcement, TikTok, animation, or any other type of video. We'll be holding a Q&A Session in April (date TBD). Winners will be announced on August 11, 2021.
Submissions due: May 28, 2021
Contest Rules and Details
 Riding for Focus
Outride is a nonprofit organization born out of the Specialized Foundation. It's dedicated to improving social, emotional, and cognitive health of youth through research and evidence-based cycling programs. Their cycling program, called Riding for Focus, is designed to teach middle school students how to be safe and confident cyclists. This program provides schools with everything they need to get their 6th-8th grade students riding, including bikes, helmets, curriculum, and intensive teacher training. We have invited Riding for Focus Program Manager, Lauren Freeman, to give a presentation to our Safe Routes to School Working Group on March 10. If you're interested in learning more about this program and how it might fit into middle schools in Cupertino, we encourage you to attend our 4pm meeting.
Working Group Meeting Details
Middle School Bike Skills Classes are Back!
Registration is now open for Cupertino’s annual Middle School Bike Skills summer workshop series. These socially-distanced bike skills workshops teach middle schoolers how to ride safely to school and beyond. Students will learn how to become confident riders by learning the rules of the road, practicing bike handling skills, and participating in a group neighborhood ride. If you know any students who will be in middle this fall, please encourage them to register!
More Information and Registration
 On Your Left
When riding in parks, it's important to be courteous to other park users. One aspect of this is notifying pedestrians that you intend to pass them. Please calmly and respectfully say "on your left" when passing pedestrians on park trails.
Stay Alert
Distracted driving and walking are the leading causes of accidents. Stay safe by putting your phone away until you get to your destination. No message is important enough to endanger the lives of your fellow road users.
The safest place to be when crossing a street is in a crosswalk. Whenever a crosswalk is available, please make sure to use it, even if that means walking a little out of your way. Jaywalking is illegal and extremely dangerous.
Traffic Garden Feasibility Study & Vision Zero
City Council will be considering whether to include two major projects in their year 2021-22 Work Plan that would advance cycling in Cupertino: a traffic garden feasibility study and a Vision Zero initiative. If they decide to move these projects forward, $75k will be allocated in next year's City budget to conduct the traffic garden feasibility study. The Vision Zero initiative would be an effort driven by staff and the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, so no funding will be allocated for that initiative. Council will discuss their Work Plan at an upcoming Special City Council meeting, tentatively scheduled for March 30.
Citywide Infrastructure Updates |
Bollard Replacement on Mary Avenue Bridge
The City has installed one bollard on each end of the Mary Avenue Bridge (aka Don Burnett Bridge) to replace two bollards previously located there. The center bollard makes it easier for cyclists to enter and exit the bridge.
Cupertino High School Multi-Use Path
The City has widened the sidewalk along Cupertino High School on Finch Avenue from Tilson Avenue to the emergency access entrance just north of the school's ball field. This essentially creates a multi-use path so cyclists have space to ride off the street, and helps students traveling to Cupertino High school to safely access the bike racks!
The multi-use path will soon be getting a new curb ramp and new signage and/or striping to designate space for cyclists and pedestrians.
Social Distancing Bike Cage Signs
Cupertino Safe Routes to School has provided this sign design to our district partners. We've invited them to install it near bike racks on school campuses to remind students to practice social distancing while they lock their bikes. This design is a modification of one created by the Palo Alto Safe Routes to School team.
Stevens Creek Boulevard Class IV Bike Lanes Signal Timing Upgrade
New signals have been installed on Stevens Creek Boulevard at Wolfe Road. Bicycle signal heads alert cyclists when it is safe for them to go while a red arrow stops cars from turning right. The right arrow flashes yellow when the walk sign is on for pedestrians, alerting drivers to proceed with caution.
McClellan Road Phase III
On March 16, City Council will consider awarding Kimley-Horn a $324k design contract to redesign the intersection of De Anza and McClellan. The project will close a gap between the recently-constructed separated bike lanes along McClellan Road and Pacifica Drive. Improvements will make it easier for cyclists to travel through the corridor. A contract award to consultant Kimley-Horn is expected to go before City Council on March 16.
Working Group Meetings Hosted on Zoom
Our Safe Routes to School (SR2S) Working Group meetings are held via Zoom on the second Wednesday of most months. Members of the public who are not designated SR2S partners must register in advance to join each meeting. Visit the link below to register and to view the complete list of this school year’s working group meeting dates. Thank you, and we hope to see you at our next meeting!
Working Group Meetings
Important Upcoming Dates
Agendas will be posted 72 hours before each meeting at the links below.