Food for Thought: A Lunchtime Chat with City Manager Deb Feng and Councilmember Hung Wei
Sit down for lunch with City Manager Deb Feng and a councilmember to receive digestible bites of news and updates. Residents are invited to these meetings where they can discuss any topic they want with two of the City’s decision makers. This month's event features Councilmember Hung Wei and will be held on Friday, February 19 from noon to 1 p.m.
Register for the event here.
Input Needed for Bollinger Road Improvements
The City of Cupertino is collaborating with the City of San José on the Bollinger Road Corridor Safety Study. This study will identify improvements to enhance pedestrian, bicycle, and motor vehicle operations and safety on Bollinger Road between De Anza Boulevard and Lawrence Expressway.
Staff from the two cities are seeking your input to identify the areas of greatest need to improve safety for everyone along Bollinger Road.
 The Bollinger Road Corridor Safety Study Public Participation Webpage is available for residents and motorists to learn more about the study, provide feedback, and eventually access the online public meeting portal.
Safety enhancements for consideration may include:
- Bike lane improvements
- Crosswalk installations and improvements
- Auto lane and striping reconfigurations
- Pedestrian ramp installations
- Sidewalk improvements
The Feedback Map and Survey will be available until Friday, February 26.
Unscheduled Commission Vacancy Filled
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission member Muni Madhdhipatla submitted his resignation from the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission on February 3. Mr. Madhdhipatla was appointed to the Planning Commission on January 25 and was sworn into office on February 4, which created an unscheduled vacancy with a term ending January 30, 2023. The unexpired portion of the term will count as a partial term. The City Council appointed Jack Carter as Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Second Alternate in January and he will fill the vacancy as per Council resolution.
View the letter of resignation from Muni Madhdhipatla in the attachments below.
2021 CREST Awards Nomination Period Open
Do you know someone who should be recognized for their efforts in volunteering, sustainability, or public safety?
For more than 30 years, the City of Cupertino has recognized its outstanding community volunteers with an awards program. Hundreds of residents and community organizations have been honored with the award, now known as the CREST (Cupertino Recognizes Extra Steps Taken) Awards.
For the past three years, the City has presented awards in six categories to better reflect the Cupertino community. The categories are:
- Lifetime Achievement Award (Volunteer) – Recognizes a member of the community who has volunteered in the City of Cupertino for 10+ years.
- Volunteer of the Year – Recognizes individuals who have made a difference to the Cupertino community through volunteer service.
- Organization of the Year – Recognizes organizations that have made a difference to the Cupertino community through volunteer service.
- Rising Star Award (Volunteer) – Recognizes an individual who has volunteered in Cupertino for three or less years but shows a continued commitment to the future of the Cupertino community.
- Public Safety Champion of the Year – Recognizes an individual or group that has made an outstanding contribution to the safety of Cupertino.
- Sustainability Champion of the Year – Recognizes a person or group committed to maintaining a sustainable and healthy place to live, work, and play in Cupertino.
Award criteria and nomination requirements are on the application form, which can be found on the City's CREST Awards page. Complete the information and attach your answers to the required questions. Please be as detailed as possible. Applications are due by Friday, February 26.
Follow-up questions can be sent to Communications Officer Brian Babcock at
Info-Teeno: Making Good Money Decisions
The final session of a financial preparedness webinar, Info-Teeno: Making Good Money Decisions, closed out a three-part series on January 24. The City of Cupertino's Parks and Recreation Department, the Youth Activity Board, and KeyPoint Credit Union partnered to give youth and teens the knowledge to make wise financial decisions in college and beyond. The third and final session taught attendees how to manage money, set goals, build a personal budget, and make wise fiscal decisions.
In total, over 180 youth and teens participated in the three-part webinar series, Info-Teeno: Financial Preparedness. The first two sessions are available now on the City’s YouTube channel with the final session to be uploaded soon.