In This Issue
County Remains Under Stay at Home Order
The County of Santa Clara currently remains under the State's Regional Stay at Home Order that was issued on December 3, 2020. The State issued the Order that creates five regions within California and imposes tight restrictions on any region in which intensive care unit (ICU) capacity drops below 15%. Because of the significant lag between when people become infected with COVID-19 and when they may need to be hospitalized, and based on local data, including but not limited to the fact that ICU capacity in Santa Clara County has already fallen below the State’s 15% threshold, the County Health Officer and other Health Officers in the Bay Area have determined it was necessary to implement the State Regional Stay At Home Order immediately. This decision was based on the alarming increase in the number of Bay Area residents contracting COVID-19, the number of patients hospitalized and in the ICU with COVID-19, and the need to take steps to slow the surge before hospital capacity is completely overwhelmed.
In Santa Clara County, the new State restrictions were issued through the new Mandatory Directive for Implementing State’s Regional Stay at Home Order. This Directive shall remain in effect until 12:01 a.m. on the day after the California Department of Public Health announces that the County is no longer subject to the Regional Stay at Home Order, unless the County Health Officer modifies or extends it.
Santa Clara County residents and businesses must follow both the State and County Health Officer Orders, and where there is a conflict between the two, the stricter Order must be followed.
This Directive is mandatory, and failure to follow it is a violation of the Health Officer’s Order issued on October 5, 2020.
COVID-19 Vaccine Information
The County of Santa Clara has announced in addition to all healthcare personnel in Phase 1A, those 75 years of age and older are now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine through their healthcare provider.
Individuals who are eligible to be vaccinated should contact their healthcare provider for more information or to make an appointment, or visit sccfreevax.org.
General City News and Updates
Library Expansion Project to Begin Construction Soon
 The Cupertino Library Expansion project is set to begin construction in late February or early March. This is an exciting project that will add multi-functional spaces at the library, for use by library patrons and the public-at-large.
Starting at the end of January, pending the City’s approval of the temporary site plan, you will see the beginnings of a construction site with the appearance of a job trailer and temporary fencing. The parking lot will have areas dedicated to the construction site, and this will influence vehicle access in the rear of the library and Community Hall. Related to the construction project, we will provide regular updates to the Library Expansion Project page on the City’s website, including photos and videos. Public events, such as virtual site tours and a Q&A forum with members of the design and construction team, will also be held for the public.
The construction will continue through December 2021 with an opening date in December or January 2022.
Environmental Day Rescheduled
The City of Cupertino has canceled the January 16 Environmental Day event due to COVID-19 restrictions. The next scheduled event will be held April 24 assuming it is safe to do so at that time. We ask you to store your belongings in a safe place until a proper means of disposable is available. We thank you for your understanding and efforts to keep waste out of the landfill.
Learn more on the City's Shredding and Environmental Recycling page.
Create a Safer and Healthier Climate from Home
Did you know that 40% of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States result from household activities? The Cupertino Climate Challenge is here to make it easy to lower your greenhouse gas emissions, save money, and engage in the fight against climate change from inside the comfort of your own home. The City’s Sustainability Team has developed this free tool with helpful tips and links to resources tailored just for you. These actions cover topics including waste, transportation, energy, water, and more. Using the Cupertino Climate Challenge you can form a group or team with your company, school, church, neighborhood, or family and have a little healthy competition as we all work together towards a sustainable city.
Whether you’re just starting out or already a “climate champion,” the Cupertino Climate Challenge is for you. Together we can create a safer, healthier future and a better today. Sign up online at CupertinoClimateChallenge.org.
Notable City Events
Completion of Bollinger Road Project
The City has fully completed work on the Bollinger Road project and a substantial amount of work has been completed on the McClellan Road project.
The Bollinger Road project was a joint project with the City of San Jose that included a rubberized asphalt overlay from Miller Avenue to 100 feet west of Lawrence Expressway.
The McClellan Road Separated Bikeways project included installation of separated bike lanes and rubberized cape seal on McClellan Road and Pacifica Avenue from Bubb Road to Torre Avenue. Remaining work includes three utility pole relocations, installation of a few traffic legends, and minor concrete improvements.
Due to COVID-19 the annual asphalt project that improves streets with a low Pavement Condition Index in the City was deferred until this spring.
Extra Street Sweeping Concludes
To keep Cupertino streets and storm drains free of leaf buildup, the City launched extra street sweeping service in designated "heavy leaf fall" areas during November and December. This annual service increases sweeping from twice a month to weekly for certain neighborhoods, and the street sweeper is provided with a temporary leaf collection area at Creekside Park to dump debris and continue sweeping more efficiently. Now that leaf fall season has largely concluded, street sweeping has resumed its usual schedule. Residents and businesses may sign up for Street Sweeping Notifications.
Santa's Virtual Visit to Cupertino
The City of Cupertino's Parks and Recreation Department brought holiday cheer to many Cupertino residents with the Zoom with Santa program to close out 2020.
Santa and his elf called in from the North Pole and hosted Zoom calls with Cupertino families. Santa spent 10 minutes with each family listening to wish lists, answering questions, and spreading holiday cheer.
Participants gave City staff great feedback, saying:
“This was much more personalized than any other Santa experience we’ve ever had!”
“I love that Santa knew so much about Rachel! Really added to the magic. And he was very attentive and answered all our questions.”
City Communications Regarding COVID-19
The City of Cupertino continues to monitor the effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) as the safety of our residents remains our highest priority. All City facilities remain closed until further notice. While City Hall is closed to the public, the City continues to provide essential services online at cupertino.org and by phone at (408) 777-3200. These essential services include responding to 311 requests and maintaining the City’s infrastructure, among others. For detailed and up-to-date information regarding COVID-19, visit U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Santa Clara County Public Health Department.
City Hall Contact Information
*Please note some lines may be unattended from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
The Scene
The year 2020 has been unlike any other. While it’s been a difficult year for many, the City of Cupertino would like to reflect on some of the notable events of the past year, and look ahead to 2021. Also read about package theft prevention, the City’s new Climate Victory Garden program, and more in the December/January Scene: cupertino.org/scene.
Upcoming Agenda Items and Law Enforcement
View attachments here, which include the City Council agenda forecast through January 19, 2021 and the Sheriff’s weekly reports for December 14, 2020 – January 10, 2021.