Calabazas Creek Cleanup
The City of Cupertino’s Environmental and Sustainability teams dedicated time on September 28 to pick up litter in Calabazas Creek. Creek cleanup volunteer events at Creekside Park usually bring over 90 volunteers from the community to help clean up litter in the creek in May and September. However, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s events were cancelled. City staff, known as the Green Team pictured above, took charge to clean up and collected over 30 pounds of litter.
As our creeks and storm drains in Cupertino flow into San Franscisco Bay and ultimately end up in the ocean, we rely on our community to help create trash-free seas by removing litter upstream. Litter in our waterways can hurt wildlife and cause pollutant to build up, so we need everyone's help to keep our community clean.
For more information about volunteering to clean up litter visit cleanacreek.org.
Street Sweeping this Fall
Did you know that street sweeping plays an essential role in reducing pollution and protecting our waterways? We ask residents to voluntarily move their cars and large items such as garbage cans and basketball hoops from the roadway during street cleaning hours. As a reminder: street sweeping occurs from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., two times per month in residential areas, but may occur more frequently during heavy leaf fall. A handy way to be reminded of upcoming sweeping in your area is to sign up for text message or email notification. Check it out at www.cupertino.org/streetsweeping. With everyone’s cooperation, we can keep our streets beautiful and protect our creeks.
You have the power to help change the world. The Silicon Valley Clean Energy eHub contains free information and resources to explore what kind of impact you can have by switching to electric cars and appliances. eHub features tools that allow you to browse, compare and shop for efficient, electric appliances from the comfort of your own home. Visit SVCE EHub
Grant Opportunity
Do you have a project that helps reduce carbon emissions, plastics, waste or support climate justice? Do you need extra funding? The Love Beauty and Planet Project is awarding up to $20,000 per project to help support changemakers who are making a difference in their communities. Individuals, non-profits, and small businesses are eligible to apply. Find out more
Fires & Climate Change
Wildfires are more destructive and burning with more severity than previously in recent history. As temperatures are rising, winter snowpack melts up to 4 weeks earlier leaving the forests drier, longer. These conditions are primed for wildfires to ignite and spread. Learn more!
Welcome Brendan!
Cupertino Sustainability Team welcomes Brendan Norton as our new CivicSpark AmeriCorps Fellow. Originally from Stockton, California, Brendan is a recent graduate from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo University with a Bachelor of Science in City & Regional Planning with a Sustainable Environments Minor. Brendan has previous experience working as a planning intern for the County of San Luis Obispo and is excited to begin working with City of Cupertino’s Sustainability team on Climate Action Plan Outreach and Zero Waste research. He looks forward to collaborating with various individuals and departments at the City and understanding more about natural systems during his service year.
Upcoming Event
Sustainability Commission
October 15 | 4:00 PM | Register HERE
What do equity, zero waste, and climate emissions all have in common? They are all being discussed at Sustainability Commission meetings! On October 15, join us and give your input on the published agenda topics.
Topics of discussion include:
- Trash, Recycling, and Organic Waste Hauling Franchise Agreement
- Climate Action Plan 2.0 Draft Goals and Vision Statement
- Climate Action Plan Update Subcommittee Recommendation
Click here to view the meeting agenda, navigate to Sustainability Commission and choose the 10/15/2020 meeting date.
To register for the meeting go to follow this link https://cityofcupertino.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VeJcN2T8Rmedpg-WMfb5PA