The City Council Agenda and Project staff report will be available for viewing at City Hall and online no later than 72 hours prior to the meeting date and time. Submit comments BEFORE 3 PM on Monday, October 24, 2022, by LETTER to Culver City Current Planning Division, Attention: Jose Mendivil, 9770 Culver Boulevard, 2nd Floor, Culver City, CA 90232, FAX at (310) 253-5721, EMAIL to, or PHONE at (310) 253-5757. City Hall Hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM, and closed every other Friday (Closed October 7th and October 21st). The Project file including the plans are currently available to view by contacting the case planner.
***The public may attend this meeting in person or via video conference.***
How to Submit a Written Public Comment Prior to a Meeting: Once the agenda is published: Find the active eComment link to the right of the agenda date, then add your comment to the agenda item you choose. Watch a video tutorial on How to Make an eComment
How to Watch the Meeting: In person, via Webex, on the City's website, YouTube channel, or cable channel.
If Attending the Meeting via WebEx: Register to Attend on Webex after which you will receive an email with directions and a link to join the meeting, once it has begun. Watch a video tutorial on how to register on WebEx.
Process for Public Comments for those attending In-Person and Via Webex: We encourage everyone who wishes to speak to Register to Attend on Webex, after which you will receive an email with directions and a link to join the meeting, to be used if you choose to attend virtually. Please indicate how you will attend (in-person or virtually) and the agenda item(s) for which you wish to make a comment. In-person attendees may also register to speak upon arrival. Speakers will be called in chronological order, based on when they registered to attend/speak. Requests to speak that are received after the start of the public comment period for that agenda item will not be considered. If an internet connection is not available, or you think you may have other issues joining the meeting, please call (310) 253-5851 in advance for assistance.
More information on the City of Culver City response to coronavirus is available online.