NOC of a Draft EIR for 8833, 8825 National (Crossings Campus Apple) and Public Meeting Notice

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culver city public notification







8833, 8825 National Blvd - Crossings Campus (Apple)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all responsible agencies and interested parties that the City of Culver City (City), as the Lead Agency, has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) for the Crossings Campus project, summarized below. The Draft EIR has been prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), as amended Public Resources Code Section 21000 et. seq.), and the CEQA Guidelines for Implementation of CEQA (California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15000 et seq.).

PROJECT TITLE:        Crossings Campus (formerly known as Project Crossings)

CASE NO.:                   P2022-0144-CP/ZCMA and P2021-0272-EIR

APPLICANT/OWNER: Culver Crossings Properties LLC

PROJECT ADDRESS:8833, 8825 National Boulevard and 8771 Washington in Culver City,    California, 90232 (Culver City Parcel); and 8876, 8884, 8886 and 8888 Venice Boulevard and 8827 and 8829 National Boulevard in Los Angeles, California, 90232 (Los Angeles Parcel)                    

PROJECT LOCATION: The Project Site is bounded by Venice Boulevard to the north, Washington Boulevard to the south, National Boulevard to the west, and existing commercial uses to the east. The Project Site is comprised of two properties, one located in the City of Culver City (Culver City Parcel) and one located in the City of Los Angeles (Los Angeles Parcel).  See attached figure.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Project Site is currently improved with low-rise warehouses that have been converted into retail and office uses as well as surface and enclosed parking lots serving the existing uses on the Project Site. The Project would demolish the existing buildings on the Project Site and construct two four- to five-story buildings that would provide a total of 536,000 square feet (sf) of new office floor area, which is intended to be occupied by Apple Inc. The two buildings would have the ability to be connected via a shared wall. The Project would provide a total of 1,216 vehicular parking spaces within two separate three-level subterranean garages under each proposed building. The Project would also provide 175 bicycle parking spaces, including spaces for employees and visitors, short-term spaces, and long-term spaces in compliance with respective City codes. The proposed office buildings would be designed to accommodate creative office uses and could include associated production spaces for small format multimedia content creation and capture, as well as amenities for building tenants including a cafeteria, coffee stations, employee shuttle service, and other ancillary uses typical of an integrated office complex development. The Project would also include pedestrian-facing landscaping at the ground floor on National Boulevard and Venice Boulevard, a publicly accessible, privately maintained amenity area along Washington Boulevard in a small park-like setting, as well as an internal courtyard for the use of employees and occasional private tenant events.

ANTICIPATED SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS: The Draft EIR analyzed potential effects associated with: Aesthetics (for informational disclosure purposes), Air Quality (all but odors), Cultural Resources (historic and archaeological resources), Energy, Geology and Soils (all but landslides, septic tanks), Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Hazards and Hazardous Materials (all but airport hazards and wildland fires), Hydrology and Water Quality (all but inundation), Land Use and Planning (consistency with plans and policies), Noise (all but aircraft noise), Public Services (fire protection and police protection), Transportation, Tribal Cultural Resources, and Utilities and Service Systems (water, wastewater, solid waste, and electric power and natural gas). Based on the analyses contained in the Draft EIR, implementation of the Project would result in significant impacts that cannot be mitigated with respect to (1) Project-level and cumulative air quality impacts during construction of the Project; (2) Project-level and cumulative on-site and cumulative off-site noise sources during construction; and (3) Project-level and cumulative off-site construction vibration (human annoyance) impacts. All other impacts were found to be less than significant or less than significant with mitigation.

COMMENT PERIOD: The public review period for the Draft EIR begins on July 21, 2022 and ends on September 6, 2022.   Written comments should be received by the City on or before September 6, 2022. Written comments should be labeled with “Subject: Crossings Campus Draft EIR” and be directed via email to or by mail to:

Jeff Anderson, Contract Planner

City of Culver City Current Planning Division

9770 Culver Boulevard, Culver City, CA  90232

The Draft EIR can be viewed or downloaded at the Culver City Current Planning Division website, or City Hall at the Current Planning Division counter, and the following libraries: Culver City Julian Dixon Library, Baldwin Hills Branch Library, and Los Angeles Central Library.

PUBLIC MEETING: A virtual Public Meeting focused on the Draft EIR, will be held on August 16, 2022. The City will conduct a Public Meeting for public agencies and interested individuals to provide an overview of the findings in the Draft EIR, explain the process for providing comments on the document, and outline the remaining process for completion of a Final EIR. The Public Meeting being held during the public review period for the Draft EIR is not required by CEQA, and is intended to be informational. Attendance is voluntary and is not a prerequisite for submitting comments on the Draft EIR.

The meetings will be held in an online format using Zoom. You may join, view, and participate in the meeting by using the Zoom application, by your web browser, or by phone. Register for the virtual meeting by visiting: Crossings Campus Draft EIR Meeting. This will provide you with a confirmation and join link, as well as call-in numbers. City staff, the Applicant and team, and the EIR consultants will be available during this meeting. The meeting will be open to the public and all stakeholders. Verbal and written comments received during the Public Meeting on the Draft EIR will be responded to in writing as part of the Final EIR. A separate detailed instructions page is included in this communication.

The Public Meeting on the Draft EIR will begin at 7:00 P.M. and end at approximately 8:00 P.M.

Copies of the documentation can be reviewed online using the above link, or by requesting copies from the Current Planning Division Office, City Hall, Second Floor, 9770 Culver Boulevard, Culver City, CA 90232-0507 (handicapped accessible location). City Hall business hours are 7:30 A.M. – 5:30 P.M., Monday through Friday, except alternate Fridays. Please telephone in advance to assure staff availability at (310) 253-5710 or phone Jeff Anderson at (310) 253-5728.

PUBLIC HEARINGS: The Culver City Planning Commission and City Council will hold a public hearing to take action on the Project and the Final EIR on a later date. A separate public hearing notice will be sent to property owners and occupants within a 1,000-foot extended radius of the Project Site, and other interested parties, announcing the public hearing once the public review period for the Draft EIR has been concluded.


Jeff Anderson, Contract Planner                                     07/18/2022

Campus Crossings Aerial map


Virtual Meeting Instructions

A virtual Public Meeting on the Draft EIR will be held on the proposed Project and the results of the Draft EIR on August 16, 2022.

The Public Meeting on the Draft EIR will be from 7:00–8:00 P.M.

How to Participate

Joining, viewing and participating in the virtual meeting can be done a few different ways. Below are instructions on joining using the Zoom application, by your web browser or by phone. Instructions about providing oral comment during the meeting, as well as how to receive tech support prior to and during the virtual meeting, are also outlined.

Register for the virtual meeting through Zoom by visiting: Crossings Campus Draft EIR Meeting. This will provide you with a confirmation and join link as well as call-in numbers.

Joining the Public Meeting on the Draft EIR

Zoom Application (Preferred Method)

•           For the best experience we recommend downloading and installing Zoom on your computer before the meeting begins. You can download the Zoom software in advance or at the moment you join the meeting for free at


Zoom Through Web Browser

•       You do NOT need to install Zoom software on your computer to participate and provide comments. When you click on the meeting link provided at registration a new browser tab or window will open (depending on your browser settings). To join the meeting, click the link near the bottom of the window that states “start from your browser”. We recommend Google Chrome, Safari or Firefox.

Join by Phone

•      Dial: (888) 788-0099.

•      Webinar ID: 830 0113 7371.

•             Phone Shortcuts:

−           *6 to mute and unmute yourself

−           *9 to raise your hand

•              Note: if you are calling into the meeting you will not be able to see the visual content presented, but you can listen and participate. Copies of the presentation will be provided on the City’s website after the meetings.

Providing Oral Comments

As you enter the Zoom meeting you will be automatically put on mute. To speak during the session, you will need to virtually raise your hand and a moderator will unmute you. Here’s how to raise your hand and speak during the meeting:

  1. Mouse over the bottom of the Zoom application and locate the hand icon.
  2. Select the hand icon to virtually raise your hand or dial *9 if you are joining by
  3. A moderator will call your name and unmute you to speak.

Once you have been called on your hand will be lowered and if you would like to speak again you will need to press the hand icon or press *9 to be placed back in the queue.



Screenshot of audio settings bar showing raise hand icon
Screen shot  showing Audio settings


Audio Check

You are encouraged to test your audio connection prior to joining the meetings. Click the “Audio Settings” on the lower left and make sure the microphone and speaker are assigned to the correct device. You also can do your audio check while you are waiting for the meeting to start.

Tech Support

To provide a seamless experience for all users there will be tech support prior to the virtual meetings as well as during. If you are having issues before and would like assistance, please contact

Screenshot showing Audio settings chat icon