On May 7, 2020, the City Manager issued the 10th Supplement to Public Order, which permits the following types of businesses to re-open for curbside pick-up only, with adherence to distancing and infection control protocols, beginning on Friday, May 8, 2020:
- florists
- toy stores
- music stores
- bookstores
- clothing stores, and
- sporting goods stores.
In addition, auto dealership showrooms are permitted to open for sales beginning Friday, May 8, 2020 with adherence to distancing and infection control protocols. Re-opened businesses are required to adhere to the below guidelines, which may be amended or expanded at any time. The City will always post the latest guidelines on the City’s Coronavirus webpage. If you have questions or concerns, please call (310) 253-6890 or email the City.
Curbside Pick-up in the Public Right of Way (e.g. street or alley)
On-street pick-up may be permitted with the following guidelines:
- Avoid direct hand-off of merchandise, when possible;
- Schedule pick-ups, if feasible, and create protocols to alert staff to a customer’s arrival (such as by text, call, or email);
- Require customers to remain in their cars and not congregate on the sidewalk;
- Display a door or sideway (A-frame) sign immediately in front of business frontage and/or parking spaces with the services available (e.g., takeout, curbside pick-up), instructions for pick-up, and hours of operation. Signs must not obstruct pedestrians’ passing;
- Require employees to wear cloth face coverings over their nose and mouth to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Customers are also required to wear cloth face coverings when vehicle windows or doors are open; and
- Follow all industry specific health and safety guidelines from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.
Curbside Pick-up from Interior Parking Lots (e.g. shopping center or private parking lot)
Parking stalls on private property abutting commercial frontages may be used with the owner’s permission for pick-up services with the following guidelines:
- Pick-up parking stalls/locations may not impede driveways, parking aisles, alleys, or streets;
- Drive-through pick-up may be permitted if does not impede driveways, parking aisles, alleys, streets, fire lanes, and does not create queuing into vehicular cross traffic or other business establishment frontages;
- Schedule pick-ups, if feasible, and create protocols to alert staff to a customer’s arrival (such as by text, call, email);
- Dedicated pick-up parking stalls shall be located closest in proximity (as reasonably possible) to the structure’s/business’s entrance and may not include stalls in front of another business’s frontage;
- Dedicated pick-up parking stalls (permanent or temporary) shall be signed/labeled as “curbside pick-up stalls”;
- Display a door or sideway (A-frame) sign immediately in front of the business’s frontage with the services available (e.g., takeout, curbside pick-up), instructions for pick-up, and hours of operation. Signs must not obstruct pedestrians’ passing;
- Require employees to wear cloth face coverings over their nose and mouth to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Customers are also required to wear cloth face coverings when vehicle windows or doors are open;
- Avoid direct hand-off of merchandise when possible; and
Auto Dealerships—Showroom Sales
Auto Dealerships may conduct sales in the showroom and shall adhere to the following:
- Train workers in proper hygiene practices and the use of workplace disease controls;
- Require workers to wear cloth face coverings over their nose and mouth to prevent spread of COVID-19. Customers are also required to wear cloth face coverings when in the showroom or when interacting with dealership employees;
- Provide a place for employees and customers to wash hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol;
- Routinely clean and disinfect surfaces and equipment with Environmental Protection Agency approved cleaning chemicals from List N or that have label claims against the coronavirus;
- Practice sensible physical distancing by maintaining at least six-feet between employees, between customers, and between employees and customers;
- Temporarily move workstations to provide at least six-feet in-between workstations;
- Install plexiglass partitions at workstations, if feasible; and
- Follow all industry specific health and safety guidelines from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.
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