Mark your calendars! The Transportation Commission will consider endorsing draft final design concepts for the Fernside Blvd Traffic Calming & Bikeways Project at its November 20 meeting.
This bulletin includes:
After over a year of work and two phases of outreach and analysis, the project team recommends the following design concept in the long term for the full corridor of Fernside Blvd from Tilden Way to San Jose Ave:
Two-Way Protected Bikeway with Pedestrian Median Islands. Along with a low-stress bikeway, this design improves pedestrian safety with new curb extensions, marked crosswalks, and flashing beacons; and reduces motor vehicle speeds with removal of the center turn lane west of High St and narrower travel lanes. It includes two motor vehicle lanes (one in each direction) and curbside parking on both sides of the street. The implementation goal is 2030 per the Active Transportation Plan, pending approval and finding funding. See the staff report and attachments for more information.
Long-term draft final design concept
The project also has the opportunity to improve safety and comfort in the near term on Fernside Blvd from Tilden Way to High St, as part of a planned pavement maintenance project for this roadway segment. Based on analysis and public feedback, the following draft final design concept is recommended:
Buffered Bike Lanes with Quick-Build Pedestrian Median Islands. This design would continue the painted buffered bike lanes currently east of High St, with hardening in the buffer at some intersections. It also improves pedestrian safety with quick-build pedestrian median islands, curb extensions, and new marked crosswalks; and reduces motor vehicle speeds with removal of the center turn lane and narrower travel lanes. It includes two motor vehicle lanes (one in each direction) and curbside parking on both sides of the street. Estimated implementation is in 2026. See the staff report and attachments for more information.
Short-term draft final design concept
On November 20, the Transportation Commission will hear a presentation, receive public comment, and consider endorsing the draft final design concepts. We hope you can join us or send your comments prior to the meeting!
Transportation Commission meeting, November 20, 6:30pm (agenda and staff report)
- Public outreach for existing conditions & initial input: November 2023-January 2024
- Public outreach for draft concept alternatives: May-June 2024
Public hearings for final design concept: Commission and City Council public hearings, November 2024 - early 2025
Resurfacing and restriping on Fernside Blvd west of High St: 2026 (planned)
Construct full corridor project: Goal of 2030, but timing will depend on finding funding
Phase 1 Public Workshop, December 2023
The Fernside Project has conducted two phases of public outreach with a wide reach:
200 total attendance at 5 Fernside Project public workshops
3 public hearings at City commissions
1,115 total responses to 3 online surveys
1,950 total flyers sent in 3 postal mail notices
20 email bulletin mailings
4 news articles
- Information boosted to homeowners’ associations, schools, and other community groups
More information is available at
While working on the draft final concept design for the corridor, the Fernside Project team recognized a need for safety improvements and updates at the Fernside Blvd/High St/Gibbons Dr intersection. On November 9, the team hosted a pop-up open house event on-site near the intersection and launched an online survey to hear feedback on proposed updates that would simplify this challenging intersection, including a partial limitation of traffic movements between Gibbons Dr and High St.
A summary of initial feedback is available HERE.
After receiving input, the Fernside team determined that finding a workable solution at this intersection will require more time, public process, and analysis than anticipated. The team is planning further traffic study and public engagement before recommending a design concept for this intersection as part of the long-term Fernside Blvd project. The corridor design concepts the commissions are reviewing mark this intersection treatment as "pending further traffic analysis and public engagement."
Thank you to all the people who have provided comments to date! The survey is still open so we can continue gathering input on this important intersection.
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