April Sustainability Newsletter

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Sustainability and Resilience News

Take our Climate Action and Resiliency Plan Update Community Survey!

CARP graphic

We’re updating Alameda's Climate Action and Resiliency Plan, and we’re looking for your input! In the update, the City is looking to reflect the community’s visions, goals, and ideas to achieve our 2030 climate action goals in the areas of land use and housing, transportation, building energy use, waste management, and climate adaptation. 

Visit us at the Spring Shindig and the Bike Festival where we will have a table to promote the CARP update and have interactive activities to get community feedback.

We want to hear your vision for climate action and resiliency in Alameda! Take our survey online or stop in at one of these events and give your input on Alameda's CARP update!

Alameda's First Home Electrification Fair a Success! Attend Berkeley's E-Fair on April 20

Alameda electrification fair

Alameda’s first Home Electrification Fair was held on March 16 at Faction Brewing and saw over 200 attendees interested in learning more about how to electrify their homes on a beautiful afternoon at faction Brewing. 

The event, which was a collaboration between the City of Alameda, Citizens’ Climate Lobby Alameda, and Community Action for a Sustainable Alameda (CASA), brought together a range of nonprofits, contractors, and organizations promoting sustainable homes and appliances, rebates and tax credits.

If you missed Alameda’s Home Electrification Fair and still want to learn more, you can visit Berkeley’s Home Electrification Fair on April 20, 2-5pm, hosted by Citizens’ Climate Lobby Alameda on .

Berkeley E-Fair

“Spring” into Earth Month this April with These Events!

Earth Month poster

Upcoming Earth Month events in Alameda include:

New AMP Rebate: Socket Splitter Devices

Energy management devices

Do you want a level 2 EV charger or heat pump hot water heater without wiring a new electric line?

Socket splitters are energy management devices that can automatically manage and prioritize power between electrical devices so only one is operating at a time through a single 240-volt outlet.

Install one in your home and receive up to $150 in rebates. 

See AMP's Energy Management Device rebate page for details.

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