Webster Street restriping between Central Avenue and Lincoln Avenue is scheduled to begin this month. The new street configuration will move on-street parking back to the curb, add more disabled parking and loading zones, and add bike lanes. Concrete barriers, stained green to enhance the aesthetics of Webster Street, will be utilized to protect the existing parklets. In-street bike racks will be upgraded to maximize bike storage of all sizes and have improved safety and preservation features.
After construction is complete, people should park their vehicles at the curb. Red curbs will be added to areas where no parking is permitted at any time. Double parking in bike lanes is always prohibited and vehicles will be ticketed. The Webster Street restriping project is scheduled to be complete by the end of spring. Park Street restriping is being scheduled for later this spring.
Construction work hours are anticipated to be overnight, Monday through Friday, to minimize impact to local businesses and daytime traffic. During construction, the road will not be closed to traffic, but road users may experience disruptions in travel routes, temporary loss of parking spaces, and noise and dust. Access for emergency vehicles will always be maintained.
The City appreciates your cooperation and patience during this construction period. Questions or information about the project should be directed to Mr. Robert Vance, Deputy Director, Public Works Department at 510-747-7900 or at RVance@alamedaca.gov. Additional information is available on the project website.
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