This bulletin contains the following parking news in Alameda:
Shop Local this December! This month, parking is free on Saturdays at the Civic Center Parking Structure and the West End Lot.
If you drive to the Park St or Webster St areas, try these off-street parking opportunities first before looking for on-street parking. When you avoid circling for parking, you help reduce congestion and reduce the number of times you turn across crosswalks in these pedestrian-heavy areas. And if you are able, please consider walking, biking, or taking one of the many bus lines serving our business districts.
Did you know that the City Council budgeted $1 million for improvements to the Civic Center Parking Structure? The City has already upgraded the stairway lights to LEDs that are brighter and resistant to vandalism. Next year, we plan to paint walls with anti-graffiti paint, replace the pay stations, install access controls allowing the facility to close overnight for security, and more.
The Civic Center garage is within a 10 minute walk of most Park Street businesses, and it has plentiful parking at half the cost of nearby meters and lots.
The West End Lot is a 53-space lot just east of Webster Street, accessible from Santa Clara Ave or Haight Ave. It's a great place to find parking in the Webster St area (except for Tuesday and Saturday mornings, when the Alameda Farmers’ Market takes place in the northern section).
This lot is bigger than it looks! Sometimes it appears full from the Santa Clara Ave entrance, but just out of view has plenty of parking closer to Haight Ave. Parking meters operate from 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Monday - Saturday, excluding holidays.
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