This Wednesday, the Transportation Commission will review updated striping plans for the Commercial Streets sections of Park Street and Webster Street. The Commercial Streets program launched in 2020 as an emergency measure to support businesses during the pandemic, and in 2021 the City Council authorized its continuance through November 2023.
The updated striping proposal brings parking back to the curb, fulfills City Council direction to place concrete barricades around parklets, and uses the remaining space for striped bike lanes. It will reduce confusion and utilize empty space where businesses did not choose to create parklets.
The City Council will consider the updated striping proposal this summer, and modifications to the parklet program by October. In the coming years, long-range planning for these corridors will be done as part of Active Transportation Plan implementation.
Transportation Commission
Transportation Commission Meeting (AGENDA)
Staff Report (Item 6A)
Wednesday, May 24, 6:30 pm
Attend in person or via Zoom:

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