Event Descriptions – Ongoing Adult and Teen Events:
- Teen Book Club: Teen book club members choose what we read from a variety of titles and genres each month and every book club member receives a free copy of the book to keep. The title we will be discussing in March is The Silence That Binds Us by Joanna Ho. All teens, ages 13 to 18, are invited to join the book group. Registration link is on the calendar. We will be meeting in person in the Stafford Room at the Main Library. Masks are strongly encouraged.
- Girls Who Code: Intended for girls in grades 6-8, participants learn from fun and simple online coding tutorials, build community through interactive activities, and learn about inspiring role models. Teams work together to design and build a Girls Who Code project that solves real world problems through code. Please see the online calendar for the registration link.
- Teen Advisory Board: Do you wish the library would do more events and programs that you’re interested in? Have you been anxiously awaiting a new book and you want the library to buy it? Do you need an impressive membership to put on your applications and resumes? Join the Teen Advisory Board (TAB) to let the library know what you’re interested in. The Teen Advisory Board is your chance to make a difference in the library for yourself and other teens in Alameda. Members of the Teen Advisory Board will help plan teen programs and choose teen events. Teen Advisory Board members will earn community service hours for every meeting and event that they participate in.
- Game Break: Don’t forget to take a break…A GAME BREAK! Try out our new games and/or watch others play. No registration needed, masks strongly encouraged. Teens only!
- Dungeons & Dragons: Want to try Dungeons & Dragons but can’t find a group? Looking for a new party? Come to our Dungeons & Dragons Teen Meetup! We will be playing a stand-alone adventure in 5th edition. No previous experience required. Character sheets will be provided as well as rules explanations and dice. Registration is encouraged; please see the online calendar for the registration link.
- A Cup of Coffee and a Good Book Club: Wondering what to read next? Instead of a monthly book everyone reads, A Cup of Coffee and a Good Book Club will discuss what everyone is currently reading or has read recently that they enjoyed. This is a fun and informal way to get some recommendations and give some too. The March theme is Book to Movie. Please email the facilitator, Lynda, at llyndaw@gmail.com for more information.
- Movie Night - Violet: Join us for a screening of Violet. When Violet (Olivia Munn) realizes the guiding voice inside her head is undermining her happiness, she must learn to silence her relentlessly negative inner thoughts (voiced by Justin Theroux) in order to regain control over her life and learn to trust herself. Light snacks provided. If you are sensitive to quick flashes of light, this movie may not be suitable for viewing.
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