Sustainability and Resilience News

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Sustainability and Resilience News

Alameda’s Draft Equitable Building Decarbonization Plan Released

Equitable Building Decarbonization Plan

Alameda's Equitable Building Decarbonization Plan lays out the process for shifting natural gas use in existing buildings towards clean, energy efficient electric buildings in accordance with our climate and equity goals. The Plan provides a phased approach to make significant progress by 2030. The Plan aligns with other citywide efforts to create affordable, safe, healthy and resilient housing and prepare the City to leverage grants and funds as they become available.

We asked and received your feedback when we were in the development process. Now we are seeking your comments and feedback on the draft plan from July 13th – August 5th, 2022. Following this public review period, we will incorporate those comments and present the final draft plan to the Planning Board on September 12th and Public Utilities Board on September 19th.

We also have a FAQ that addresses some of the common questions about the Plan and the building decarbonization process. Have other questions you want answered? Just email and ask!

Please review this draft and send your comments and questions by August 5th to

Take advantage of AMP rebates to electrify your home or business

100% clean energy

Your community-owned electric utility offers a wide variety of rebates and incentives to help you switch to electric appliances and take advatange of AMP's 100% clean energy. Check out AMP's generous rebates on electric panel upgrades, heat pump water heaters, dryers and more. Be sure to shop the new AMP Marketplace for deals on energy-saving products.Click to edit this placeholder text.

Get your home energy score

It’s important to know your home before you begin an upgrade. What projects are your best solution to reduce utility bills and make your house more comfortable? Schedule an onsite visit with an assessor who will walk through your home to determine its energy use. You’ll receive a score and a report about potential upgrades and savings. You could receive a $200 rebate. Learn more.

Apply for a paid CivicSpark fellowship


Are you a recent college graduate interested in gaining experience with critical environmental or social equity issues while working hands-on with public agencies?

If so, the City of Alameda is partnering with CivicSpark to host two Fellows for the 2022-23 Service Year. The City's Sustainability and Resilience Manager is hosting fellows to support implementation of Alameda's Climate Action and Resiliency Plan with a focus on building and transportation decarbonization, the urban forest plan update, and sea level rise planning. Learn more and apply today.

Coastal Clean Up Day - August 13th

Hope Spot

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