Clement Avenue Final Design Concept – Opportunity for Final Comments
The City of Alameda has been working for several years on a redesign of Clement Avenue and the Cross Alameda Trail from Alameda Point to the Miller Sweeney Bridge. Parts of the Trail are complete, parts are under construction, and parts are still in the planning phase. City staff will be presenting the final design concept for the redesign of Clement Avenue between Grand Street and Broadway to the Transportation Commission on Wednesday, May 27, and to the City Council for final approval in late June or July. We invite you to participate in the following ways:
Web Page: To review the final design, please refer to the project web page:
Email List: Sign up to receive Clement Avenue project updates via email. Please send an email to Gail Payne – – requesting to be added to the Clement Avenue Safety Improvement Project email list. Note that future correspondence about this project is expected to be primarily via email rather than U.S. regular mail.
Transportation Commission and City Council: Attend the Transportation Commission (TC) meeting on Wednesday, May 27, at 7:00 pm via phone or web conference call. To add your email to the TC email list, please email City staff/consultant team are expected to request City Council approval of the concept revision in late June or July.
Final Design: As shown in the diagrams below, the final design provides for:
- Two 11 foot travel lanes for automobiles and trucks;
- One 14 foot protected, two way bicycle lane from Grand to Walnut and from Elm to Oak, and a 9-10 foot two way bicycle lane from Walnut to Elm and from Oak to Broadway; and
- One 8 foot parking lane on the south side of the street from Grand to Walnut and two 7 foot parking lanes on the south and north sides of the street from Park Street to Broadway.
To accommodate the Cross Alameda Trail, daylight intersections for pedestrian safety, comply with ADA for a continuous path of travel, and provide adequate space for trucks servicing businesses along the corridor, the total number of public on-street parking spaces on Clement Avenue between Grand Street and Broadway will be reduced from approximately 300 to approximately 155 spaces.
 Note: The Oak to Park segment is two feet wider, which allows for eight feet parking.