From the day I was sworn in, June 11, 2012, I have been fully committed both in time and attention to serve Alameda County as Supervisor for District 2. As a lifelong resident of Alameda County, nothing is more important to me than listening to your concerns, being accessible to you, and addressing the problems and challenges that affect us all.
In July, I announced that I would take a reduced role at Tri-CED Community Recycling. To that end, I am now transitioning operations at Tri-CED over to the leadership team there that will continue to provide employment opportunities for youth in District 2. My staff and I are moving forward and I am fully engaged in my work as Supervisor for District 2.
Over the last few months, our office has been meeting with many constituencies and has begun numerous initiatives in partnership with various community groups. Visit https://www.acgov.org/board/district2/ to learn more about these initiatives. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if we can be of assistance.
 Alameda County faces some major challenges over the coming months, from dealing with the loss of redevelopment to addressing realignment of services from the State to the County. Collaboration between cities, the county, special districts and our community are important for developing solutions to long standing problems. Supervisor Valle presented to the Cities of Hayward, Union City and Newark recently, in an effort to educate the constituents on some of the District 2 initiatives in their neighborhood. Please join us for the next town hall, in Fremont, to learn more about District 2.
When: Wednesday, September 26
Time: 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Location: Niles Veteran’s Hall
37154 – 2nd Street, Fremont
For more information, please contact the District 2 office at (510) 272-6692 or email District2@acgov.org

The 57th Annual Newark Days Parade was held on Saturday, September 22, 2012. Newark Days is a 4 day celebration of the City of Newark’s Birthday from September 20-23. District 2 had a blast marching in the parade and participating in the festivities this past weekend!
 The 2nd annual Science in the Park will be held on Saturday, October 6. The District 2 office has partnered to host this free event for children and families to encourage kids to get excited about science and health. Science in the Park will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Alden E. Oliver Sports Park in Hayward.
Science in the Park is a family exploration of the intersecting worlds of Earth, Health and Science. This annual free event makes science compelling and accessible to children, families and the general public. The event includes interactive/hands-on activities, live animal demonstrations, health screenings, environmental education, an egg drop contest, water rocket launches and live entertainment.
Join Congressmember Barbara Lee for National Voter Registration Day on Tuesday, September 25 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Alameda County Registrar of Voters at 1225 Fallon Street in Oakland.
This event will provide constituents:
· The opportunity to register to vote
· Learn about California voting rights laws
· Hear from local, state, and federal officials on the importance of voting
On September 13, Supervisor Valle was invited to provide the keynote address to Chabot Community College students on the 2nd Annual Law & Democracy Lecture Series. This event was a fun filled presentation that engaged the students in the importance of being involved in their communities. District 2 wishes all these bright students success in their academic endeavors.
Don’t forget that Wednesday, October 3 is International Walk and Roll Your Child to Work Day. Join District 2 in participating in your schools activities that day. Visit TransForm’s Safe Routes to School to learn more about the program or how to organize an event at your school.
 78-year-old Margaret went into her doctor appointment one day with a large bruise on her knee. Concerned, her doctor asked about it and found out that she had tripped on a rug at home and fallen. This may seem like a minor event, however, falls in people of Margaret’s age are the leading cause of injury-related visits to emergency departments in the United States and the primary cause of accidental deaths in persons over the age of 65 years.
LIFE ElderCare’s Fall prevention program offers older adults the knowledge and tools to improve balance and reduce the risk of falls. Student nurses visit participant’s homes to provide simple balance training exercises. With the support from the County, cities, foundations and local businesses the program is offered for free.
To sign up for the program or to receive more information, please call LIFE ElderCare Fall Prevention at (510) 574-2087.
LIFE ElderCare is a 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization housed in the City of Fremont Human Services building. LIFE ElderCare has been providing direct services to Tri-City seniors since 1975. This program is funded through the Cities of Newark and Fremont and Union City, Alameda County, and many caring individual donors.
The 4th Annual Mutt Strut will be held on October 13, at Masonic Homes of California, 34400 Mission Boulevard, Union City. This fun walk/run with your canine friend helps raise funds for New Haven Schools Foundation. Registration begins at 8 a.m. and post run/walk activities begin at 10 a.m. Activities include games for the dogs, a dog costume contest, awards, music and a prize drawing.
Registration costs begin at $25, for more information or to register visit New Haven Schools Foundation website.