It is with great humility and much respect that I begin the work to deliver resources and representation to the residents of Alameda County’s Second Supervisorial District. My commitment to you is to be accessible and accountable to the constituents of District Two. Furthermore, my office will work with and engage the community to solve long standing issues that have an impact on our communities throughout the district.
Alameda County faces many complex issues that will require dedicated and steady leadership. We are facing further realignment of state services to the county’s responsibility. In addition to public protection realignment, the state will shift certain health and human services to the county. Our communities lost redevelopment and must find ways to meet state mandates for housing and climate change through land-use and transportation policies. From hospital issues throughout the county to the potential loss of our sports teams, there are a plethora of issues that my office will be engaged in looking for solutions to these difficult issues.
It is important that my office be open and accessible to you. There is a public trust between the residents of District Two and their elected representatives. It is an honor to serve you and as I have for my entire adult life I will continue to honor this trust to provide dedicated community service. Please join supporters and my office on June 26 for the swearing-in ceremony, you will find more details about this occasion below.
Richard Valle
You are cordially invited to the Swearing-In Ceremony of
Supervisor Richard Valle
to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors, District 2
With the Oath of Office to be administered by
Judge Frank Roesch
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
11 a.m. in the Board Chambers
1221 Oak Street, 5th Floor, Oakland
Reception to follow after the Board meeting, outside in the County Administrator's Building in the Plaza.
For more information or to RSVP, please contact the District 2 office at (510) 272-6692 or email District2@acgov.org
Visit the Alameda County website for a new tool created by the Registrar of Voters to help County residents determine which district (city, county, state, federal, and special district) they live in. Just enter the address to see which Alameda County Supervisorial District, as well as a listing of other districts, as a result of redistricting. To lookup what districts you live in visit http://www.acgov.org/ms/addresslookup/Default.aspx. |

“Let's Do Lunch Hayward...and breakfast too” is back this summer. Last summer, over 145,000 breakfasts and lunches were served to Hayward and Hayward Area kids. At “Let's Do Lunch Hayward...and breakfast too” kids will continue to receive a free breakfast and lunch while school is not in session. This summer, from June 11 to August 10, there will be 30 sites in Hayward, Newark, Union City, San Lorenzo, San Leandro, Ashland and Cherryland. All kids, under the age of 18, are eligible and can participate. All they have to do is visit any of the sites and they will automatically receive a free breakfast and lunch. It's that easy!
For a list of sites and schedule please contact HUSD Director of Nutrition Services Robin Jones at rjones@husd.k12.ca.us or (510) 723-3890 x28110. For a detailed map of sites click here.

The Union City Kid’s Zone is a partnership between the New Haven Unified School District (NHUSD) and multiple community based organizations to create an intensive program that will address the needs of NHUSD’s most vulnerable students. This collaboration aims to give disadvantaged students in the Decoto area the services needed to be successful “from cradle-to-career.”
We are happy to announce that the Kids Zone recently received a $175,000 grant from the Alameda County Health Care Services Agency to help get the program up and running. Also, join us in welcoming Nancy George as the Executive Director for the Kids Zone. Her work as an educator in the New Haven Unified School District was recently recognized when she received the Union City Chamber of Commerce Spirit Award for Education.
Our office looks forward to this continued partnership to improve the quality of lives of students in District Two.
 In the wake of the recent defeat of Measure H, a parcel tax that would have helped the New Haven Unified School District offset cuts caused by the ongoing state budget crisis, the New Haven Schools Foundation and the New Haven Boosters Association have launched a campaign to give individuals a chance to donate the equivalent of the $180 tax – or any amount – to student programs.
The Foundation, with fundraising help from the Boosters, this year donated $100,000 to help the District fund after-school activities such as athletics, band, forensics and choir. The donation was to have been a one-time effort but there is an ongoing need to fully fund our schools.
Join the Foundation and the Boosters in supporting our schools. More information is available online at www.newhavenboosters.org and www.nhsfoundation.com; or donors simply can send checks to: NHBA, c/o New Haven Schools Foundation, 33377 Western Ave., Union City, 94587.

On May 29, 2012 the District Two office sponsored the Ice Cream Social at Sunol Glen Elementary to honor and celebrate Heroes Day.
Here are some of the kids' notes of appreciation:
- “Thank you soooooo much for all of the ice cream. It was delious, it tasted like rainbows! If your wondering that is amazing! Thank you so much. I am so grateful for the rainbow tasting ice cream."
- “Thank you so much for proving us with super yummy ice cream. With out your generous donation, Heroes Day wouldn't have been yummy."
- "Thank you for the ice cream on Heroes Day. I haven’t had a Neapolitan ice cream sandwich in an incredibly long time, and I really appreciated having it again, as it is my favorite type of ice cream sandwich. It really helped improved the hot day!”
- “Thank you for the ice cream and the general contribution to Heroes’ Day! I did not realize ice cream was being served, so unfortunately I didn’t get any. I’m sure that those who did get some loved it, so thanks on their behalf."
"Thank you ever so much for the ice cream. I’m sure we all enjoyed it and even if some didn’t, we appreciate your contribution. The thought counts and you gave yours, and ice cream. Once again, thank you."
A big thank you from the District Two office to the students, parents, and teachers of Sunol Glen as well as the Sunol Business Guild for honoring our local heroes. We look forward to next year!
Supervisor Nate Miley and the Alameda County Consumer Affairs Commission invite you to the California Mortgage Crisis in Review Conference.
Saturday, June 23
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Castro Valley Library
3600 Norbridge Avenue, Castro Valley, CA 94546
Keynote by Senator Ellen Corbett
If you are:
· Struggling to pay your mortgage
· Facing a foreclosure
· Have already lost your home to foreclosure
Learn how the recent National Mortgage Settlement can help!
A light lunch will be served to registered participants
 This year’s Fair marks a milestone – the Alameda County Fair turns 100. The centennial celebration, “100 Years of Memories Made Here,” will run from June 20 through July 8, closed on Mondays. Over the past five years the Alameda County Fair has been host to close to 3 million fairgoers, 30,000 part time employees and hundreds of thousands of exhibitors, artists, performers and participators.
The first Alameda County Fair was held from October 23 to October 27, 1912. Local leaders sought to form a modern fair, and in 1939 the Alameda County Fair Association was born. Once considered a racing fair, the Fairgrounds is home to the oldest one mile Race Track in America dating back to 1858. The Alameda County Fair now boasts livestock and agriculture, thrilling carnival rides, beautiful quilt exhibits, baking contests, fast-paced horse racing, classic fair foods and much more! Come join the celebration as the Alameda County Fair celebrates its 100th milestone.
Visit the Fair’s website at www.AlamedaCountyFair.com or call (925) 426-7600 for more information.
 · Alameda County Public Works Agency (ACPWA) was recently recognized for lowering the County’s environmental footprint and saving the county $180,000 per year in energy costs by replacing nearly 7,000 streetlights with Light Emitting Diode fixtures throughout the unincorporated county. The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) presented ACPWA with the Preserving and Protecting the Environment Award at its spring General Assembly on April 19. Additionally in May, Public Works received the American Public Works Association accreditation becoming only the third public works agency in California and one of the few in the nation to receive this prestigious national accreditation.
· On the regional level the Board of Supervisor approved placing Measure B3 on the November 2012 ballot. This measure will raise $7.8 billion for transportation services, local street and road repairs, and important projects like Dumbarton Rail. This important measure and other efforts occurring at the regional level will help secure funding to reduce our carbon footprint, repair our aging infrastructure, and create jobs throughout the county.
· Congratulations to local bus manufacturer, Gillig Corporation, for being awarded the AC Transit contract to purchase buses from the Hayward company.
· BART rail cars are over 40 years old, making them some of the oldest rail cars in the nation, yet maintaining an on-time rating over 95%. Good news for the dedicated maintenance workers who keep these trains running, BART recently received federal funding and awarded a contract to begin purchasing the next generation of rail cars. The new cars are expected to be in service in 2015.