Executive Director's Welcome
This month’s newsletter features some exciting announcements from ALL IN Alameda County including the launch of our new website and the branding of our Food as Medicine work as Recipe4Health.
Recipe4Health was recently recognized as a 2021 National Association of Counties Achievement Award Winner. We have also launched our 2021-2024 Strategic Plan to help guide, scale, and support the continuity of strategies that address issues of poverty.
Despite our collective efforts, much work remains to be done as we continue to respond to and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Hunger, un/under-employment, and the digital divide remain persistent and reinforces concentrated poverty within our County. The solutions to these challenges and many more often lie within community wisdom and leadership. ALL IN is committed to holding community at the center of its work and ensuring that we listen first and work collectively to create systems change. ALL IN continues to explore ways to scale community driven best practices and grow its portfolio of partnerships.
We hope you enjoy this month’s newsletter and we hope to see you at the next ALL IN Steering Committee meeting on Wednesday, July 21 at 1:00 P.M. More information on how to participate in our monthly Steering Committee meeting is available on the Alameda County Board of Supervisors’ Committee Calendar webpage (Select ALL IN as “Meeting Type”).
In Partnership, Dr. Larissa Estes-White
ALL IN Strategic Plan (2021-2024)
ALL IN is pleased to announce the completion of our 3-year Strategic Plan (2021-2024)!
In mid-2020, ALL IN Alameda County embarked on our second strategic planning process. Over the course of 10 months, we worked with stakeholders, partners, and a strategic planning consultant to refine and align ALL IN’s key priorities and areas of focus. The process included the distribution of a Countywide survey, individual and small group discussions, as well as a crosswalk analysis of where ALL IN’s work intersects with that of its Steering Committee members and other partner organizations. We are proud of the collaborative effort that went into developing this strategic plan and believe it well positions ALL IN for further success in the future. Click here to check out our strategic plan on our website.
ALL IN Website Redesign
In June 2021, ALL IN launched a newly redesigned website. The website will host information about ALL IN’s work, acknowledge our successes, and keep our stakeholders up-to-date with the most current activities. We encourage you to visit our newly designed page at allin.acgov.org. Special thanks to ITD and ALL IN staff for helping to lay out the new website, migrate old content, and develop new content.
Food as Medicine Rebranded to Recipe4Health (R4H)
We are excited to announce that ALL IN Alameda County’s Food as Medicine initiative has a new name, ALL IN Recipe4Health (R4H) and an associated logo.
With the initiative expanding across the county, ALL IN wanted a fresh way to communicate the many “ingredients” we use to cultivate individual, community, and planetary health.
We believe that Recipe4Health better reflects our integrative model of healthcare which simultaneously addresses chronic disease and the social determinants of health. By partnering with health centers, urban farmers, health coaches, a health plan, and county officials, Recipe4Health nourishes the community, provides ongoing behavioral support/group medical visits, equips clinicians to prevent/treat/reverse chronic disease, cares for the land, creates new jobs, and more. Through these efforts, Recipe4Health leads a national movement to rebuild our food and healthcare systems and address upstream structural determinants of health, not only for the individual wellbeing of our residents, but also because rebuilding systems is our only hope to advance racial equity, reinvent public safety, and fend off climate change.
We hope that our new name and logo will symbolize the collaborative, innovative work we are doing.
Recipe4Health Wins NACo Award!
ALL IN Alameda County is excited to share that our Recipe4Health initiative (formerly known as Food as Medicine, see more below) has received the 2021 National Association of Counties Achievement Award for Best in Health. Out of 844 total entries from associations across 28 states, Recipe4Health was awarded in the Health category for its outstanding commitment to transforming health care in Alameda County. Recipe4Health is an integrated healthcare model that combines healthy food prescriptions with group behavioral supports to simultaneously address food insecurity and prevent, treat, and reverse chronic diseases.
Recipe4Health uses a racial equity lens to transform our health systems by addressing upstream social determinants of health to improve health outcomes. Recipe4Health could not have won this award without partners like Dig Deep Farms and Open Source Wellness and clinics like Native American Health Center, Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center, and Lifelong Medical Health Center. And we are also thankful to the US Department of Agriculture Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program, Alameda Alliance for Health, and the Stupski Foundation for funding support.
Congratulations to the Recipe4Health team and their community partners on receiving the 2021 National Association of Counties Achievement Award for Best in Health!"
Upcoming Events
Steering Committee Meetings ALL IN Steering Committee meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month from 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM. During the COVID-19 pandemic, ALL IN Steering Committee meetings will be held over Zoom. Please check the Alameda County Board of Supervisors' home page for the most up-to-date agendas and Zoom conference links.