Dear District 2 Residents,
We’re nearly a year into the COVID -19 pandemic and I know many of you are anxious for vaccine information. Our Health Care Services Agency has been working diligently to provide our communities with quick, efficient, and equitable vaccine distributions. As more and more people are getting vaccinated, our infection and hospitalization rates have decreased and the trend will hopefully continue.
Thanks to partnerships with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, California Office of Emergency Services, Stanford Health Care – ValleyCare, and Sutter Health, we were able to announce the opening of two mega county run vaccination sites earlier this month, one at the Oakland Coliseum and another at the Alameda County Fairgrounds. We also moved to California’s Phase 1b Tier 1 which opened the vaccine eligibility to individuals aged 65+ and essential workers in food & agriculture, emergency services, and education & childcare sectors.
The County is also opening community points of distribution (PODs) which are being launched in heavily impacted communities across the county with the first one in Fruitvale. Additional locations will be brought online in the coming weeks with the unincorporated Cherryland neighborhood as another priority location. In these community PODs, an emphasis will be placed on having local outreach, ensuring cultural and linguistic competency, and creating a welcoming environment.
For information on how to schedule an appointment for your vaccination at the Coliseum or Alameda County Fairgrounds as well as general vaccine information, please refer to the vaccination article below.
Additionally, further pandemic relief is on its way as we anticipate a $7.6 billion stimulus package from the state. More than $2 billion of the stimulus will be used for grants up to $25,000 for small businesses impacted by the pandemic. The plan also allocates $50 million for cultural institutions.
Furthermore, the agreement partially conforms California tax law to new federal tax treatment for loans provided through the Paycheck Protection Plan, allowing companies to deduct up to $150,000 in expenses covered by the PPP loan. All businesses that took out loans of $150,000 or less would be able to maximize their deduction for state purposes. Larger firms that took out higher loans would still be subject to the same ceiling of $150,000 in deductibility. More than 750,000 PPP loans were taken out by California small businesses. This tax treatment would also extend to the Economic Injury Disaster Loans as well.
For further information on the statewide stimulus package click here.
You can also visit the small business grant website here for more information on applying for grants.
I hope this encouraging news will provide hope for our residents who have worked so hard in compliance with the health orders over the past year. It has not been easy, but with the increase in vaccination rates, decrease in infections and hospitalizations, and federal and state relief programs in the works, we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Until we are all safe to gather without restrictions again, please remember to continue practicing physical distancing, wear masks (double masking in high risk situations), and practice good hygiene.
Take care and stay well,
Richard Valle
Vaccinations in Alameda County are now open to individuals in the Phase 1b Tier 1 eligibility which includes individuals aged 65+ and essential workers in food & agriculture, emergency services, and education & childcare sectors. No insurance is necessary to get vaccinated. To schedule an appointment, please use the information below.
As of February 23, 2021 330,712 vaccine doses have been administered with 244641 first doses and 43,316 second doses. Visit: https://covid-19.acgov.org/data for up-to-date data on the vaccination progress.
For vaccinations at the Coliseum site:
- Open 7 days a week from 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
- To make an appointment for the Coliseum site, go to California's vaccine appointment website: ca.gov, or call 833-422-4255.
For vaccination at the Alameda County Fairgrounds site:
In addition, Alameda County Healthcare Services Agency advises that residents:
Contact their health care provider - Members or patients of Kaiser Permanente, Sutter Health, and Stanford Health Care are encouraged to seek the vaccine first through their health care provider. Kaiser and Sutter receive their own distribution of the vaccine directly from the state. The County also shares its vaccine allocation with eight federally qualified health centers and two community health centers.
Look for outreach via their employer and/or community organizations - Alameda County is working with employers and local community groups to issue invitations directly to high-risk workers and communities.
Sign up to get notification when it's their turn for vaccine - Visit https://covid-19.acgov.org/vaccines to register for vaccine eligibility notification.
 Join the discussion to help plan the new trail! The Alameda County Public Works Agency and its project partners, including the Cities of Fremont and Union City, East Bay Regional Park District, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, and the Alameda County Water District are planning a new trail that links the Niles District in Fremont and the unincorporated community of Sunol.
We hope to see you virtually on: Thursday, March 11, 2021 6:30pm
If you want to learn more about the trail, ask the team questions, or provide comments, join us via the link below: https://zoom.us/j/99314513456?pwd=Y0I5RTBlV0pnTVZEMS9yUTByZjRNUT09
For more information, please send questions to info@nilescanyontrail.org
Applications for Grand Jury service are accepted throughout the year. Official recruitment begins in January and final selection of the jury takes place at a public hearing shortly before July 1st of each year. Grand Jurors serve for one fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). The process starts with Superior Court judges interviewing applicants who meet the basic qualifications. The court has the responsibility to select 30 finalists divided among the county’s supervisorial districts. During the final selection hearing, the names of the 30 finalists are placed in a selection bin. The Presiding Judge can hold over up to ten jurors to serve a second term, and once those holdover jurors are chosen, the remaining slots are filed by random selection from the 30 finalists to make up a panel of 19 jurors total.
The qualifications to become a grand juror require:
- US citizenship
- Residence in Alameda County for at least one year
- At least 18 years of age
- Sufficient knowledge of the English language.
Convicted felons and those who have been discharged from service on a Grand Jury within one year are ineligible for Grand Jury service.
Persons selected for Grand Jury service must make a significant time commitment for a period of one fiscal year. The jury meets on Wednesdays and Thursdays (in Oakland) but most grand jurors devote additional time to their service.
Soon after the selection process, empaneled grand jurors receive a month long orientation on local government and must complete a statement of economic interests (FPPC Form 700). Grand jurors are provided training and support throughout their service. They must be willing to participate in questioning witnesses, reading and analyzing investigative materials, and in writing their final reports. Grand juror are paid $15 per day plus mileage and/or public transportation reimbursement.
Click here for more information.
 Since the onset of Covid-19, the District Attorney’s office has seen an uptick in crime against Asian Americans and particularly elderly Asian Americans. Given the escalation in these crimes, the DA’s Office will coordinate victims’ services and victims contact with law enforcement. Members of the team speak Cantonese and Mandarin, and will be able to build trust and engagement with the victims.
As many people immigrate to America from countries where police do not protect them, the DA’s Office wants to make sure that their victim engagement team will be in the community to build trust. In addition, if there are multiple crimes from different units with the same defendant, the special team will handle all of the crimes.
If you see a hate crime please call the Hate Crime hotline 510-208-4824.
 Dig Deep Farms is a non-profit that provides farming internships, healthcare food prescription delivery, and job opportunities to individuals recently released from prison.
Dig Deep Farms grows healthy vegetables in the Alameda County communities of Ashland, Cherryland, and San Leandro. They currently have about 8 acres of land available for farming, with two small farm parcels in the flatlands and one large parcel in the hills of San Leandro. They have a 500 fruit-tree orchard at City View Farm in addition to vegetable plantings.
Founded in 2010 by residents of Ashland and Cherryland in partnership with the Deputy Sheriffs’ Activities League and the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office, their mission is to improve the health and wellbeing in the Eden Area by creating jobs and making fresh, locally grown food accessible to all.
Watch this short documentary film that follows the story of Dig Deep Farms.
 Are you having issues with your finances? Has COVID-19 put you or your family in a tight financial situation? Need help with prioritizing payments for expenses such as housing, food, and insurance? Financial Navigators are available over the phone to help all residents of Alameda County access available programs and services to manage income disruptions and other financial concerns.
All Alameda County residents can access these remote services by completing an online form or calling the Fremont Family Resource Center at 510-574-2000 to sign up.
 The Alameda County Workforce Development Board is here to help point businesses in the right direction in mitigating impacts to local businesses amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Please learn about all of the resources available to assist local businesses by visiting our Business COVID-19 resources.
Call the no cost hotline for all your HR solutions: 888-202-5668
Hotline Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
They have partnered to bring businesses and employers a FREE hotline to answer some of your most pressing questions about hiring, paid leave, COVID-19 issues and much more! See flyer for details to get answers to your questions today!
The Alameda County Arts Commission announces the 2021 ARTSFUND Grant Program for Alameda County-based nonprofit arts organizations. Information can be found at the Arts Commission website www.acgov.org/arts click on Programs. Standard grant awards are $1,000-$2,500 each. The application deadline is March 31, 2021.
The ARTSFUND Grant Program supports all types of arts programs such as dance, music, theater, visual arts, literature, media arts, and other arts forms presented by Alameda County nonprofit organizations. Last year’s ARTSFUND program awarded grants to 45 nonprofit organizations throughout Alameda County. The Alameda County Arts Commission, a division of the County of Alameda, is dedicated to improving the quality of life in Alameda County by nurturing a thriving environment for the arts, promoting economic opportunities for Alameda County’s artists and arts organizations, and encouraging public participation in the arts. The arts are an essential component to Alameda County’s leadership in promoting communities that are vibrant, prosperous, safe, healthy and inclusive in support of Alameda County’s Vision 2026 goals.
The Arts Commission staff will present two webinars to assist organizations in preparing their grant application. The next workshop will be held on Friday, March 5 at 10:00 a.m.
Workshops are free, open to the public, and reservations are not required. For details about how to join the webinars and to learn more about the ARTSFUND Grant Program visit the Alameda County Arts Commission website at www.acgov.org/arts click on Programs. The Arts Commission staff can also be reached by email at artscommission@acgov.org or phone 510-208-9646.
Funding for the ARTSFUND Grant Program is provided by the County of Alameda, individual contributions submitted with County property tax payments, and donations to the Foundation for the Arts in Alameda County.
Eden Housing is a non-profit whose mission is to build and maintain high quality, well-managed, service-enhanced affordable housing communities that meet the needs of lower income families, seniors, and persons with disabilities. As many of Eden Housing's youngest residents continue to distance learn, the need for virtual tutoring has increased! Eden Housing are continuing their search for interested virtual volunteers to support their Expanded Learning Programs.
Eden's Expanded Learning Programs are focused on closing the achievement and opportunity gap for low-income students. The program seeks to improve educational outcomes and the trajectory for youth by providing access to high quality programming. Click here if you are interested in virtual tutoring with Eden youth!
 Save the date for the 77th Annual Hayward Chamber of Commerce Gala honoring Hayward's Business Person, Educator, Firefighter & Police Officer of the Year. The Virtual Celebration will be on March 20, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. For more information 510-537-2424 or http://www.hayward.org/
 District 2 has openings on the Alameda County Boards, Commissions & Committees.
If you reside in District 2 (Hayward, Union City, Newark, Sunol or North Fremont) and would like to participate in one of our County Commissions.
Please apply and visit https://www.acgov.org/bnc/#/board and be sure to register and make an account!
Advisory Commission on Aging – 1 seat
Objective: To act as an independent advocate for older persons as mandated by the Older Americans Act, and the Mello-Granlund Older Californians Act by taking positions on matters pertaining to federal, state and local policies, programs and procedures, and any legislation affecting older persons.
Location: 6955 Foothill Blvd Suite #300 Oakland CA 94605
Term: 4 years, and not to exceed 2 four-year terms.
Meetings: Monthly, 2nd Monday, 9:30 a.m.
Qualifications: Members shall be older individuals who are participants or who are eligible to participate in programs assisted under this Act, representatives of older individuals, local elected officials, and the general public, to advise continuously the area agency on all matters relating to the development of the area plan, the administration of the plan and operations conducted under the plan.
Click here to apply to the Advisory Commission on Aging
Assessment Appeals Board – 1 seat
Objective: Serves as the Board of Equalization for the County of Alameda.
Location: 1221 Oak Street, Room 536 Oakland CA 94612
Term: 3 years
Meetings: As needed, Monday and Wednesday, 1221 Oak Street, Oakland, CA 94612
Qualifications: Members must have a minimum of five years' professional experience in the state of California as one of the following: certified public accountant or public accountant, licensed real estate broker, attorney, or property appraiser accredited by a nationally recognized professional organization. No person shall be qualified to be an assessment appeals board member who has, within three years immediately preceding his or her appointment, served as a legal representative for, or was employed by, the County.
Click here to apply to the Assessment Appeals Board
Measure A Oversight Committee – 1 seat
Objective: Committee shall annually review the expenditure of the Essential Health Care Services Tax Fund for the prior year and shall report to BOS on the conformity of such expenditures to the purposes set forth in Paragraph 2.08.251 Measure A Ordinance.
Location: 1000 San Leandro Blvd., Suite 300 San Leandro CA 94577
Term: 4 years
Meetings: Monthly, 4th Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., Health Care Services Agency, 1000 San Leandro Boulevard, Suite 300, San Leandro, CA 94577
Qualifications: 2-League or Women Voters, reflecting north and south/east county; 1- Alameda County Taxpayers; 1- Alameda County Mental Health Boards; 1- Public Health Advisory Board; 2 - SEIU; 1-East Bay Hospital Council staff; 1-Alameda County/Contra Costa Medical Association; 2 - Mayors Association.
Click here to apply to the Measure A Oversight Committee
Tree Advisory Board – 1 seat
Objective: Established to assist in making policy decisions related to Ordinance Chapter 12.11 to Title 12 of the General Ordinance Code of Alameda County and shall hear all appeals as provided in this Chapter.
Location: 399 Elmhurst Street Hayward CA 94544
Term: 2 years
Meetings: Quarterly, 3rd Wednesday of the month, 951 Turner Court, Room 230, Hayward, CA 94544 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Qualifications: N/A
Click here to apply to the Tree Advisory Board