The Board returned from its August recess this past Tuesday. There are many important items that our office is working on and that the Board has on its upcoming calendar. Prior to starting recess, the Board of Supervisors held a special Regional Meeting on Homelessness with the Mayors and City Managers from each of Alameda County’s 14 cities. We discussed several issues and solutions to address the housing affordability and homelessness crisis. To fight the homelessness issue, which has increased by 43 percent across the county over the past two year, Alameda County launched a 3-year, $340 million plan in 2018 to address the issue on multiple fronts. At the Regional Meeting on Homelessness, we decided how $130.2 million will be invested this year. So far, the County has provided direct services to more 13,000 individuals and assisted more than 1,400 people in obtaining permanent housing. Alameda County will continue working with our cities to develop solutions to this crisis.
At our Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, the Board approved the criteria for the Enhancing Vision 2026 fund. This fund will enhance programs and services for children, youth, and families that align with our County’s Vision 2026. Alameda County’s Vision 2026 of creating a healthy, safe, livable, and a resilient county will be achieved by eliminating homelessness, poverty and hunger, having accessible infrastructure, and healthcare and employment for all. Learn more about this fund review the Board letter here and learn more about Vision 2026 here. Among many other items, the Board also recognized the 150th anniversary of the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad. The construction of the railroad was approved by President Lincoln on July 1862 and was completed on September 6, 1869. The Niles Canyon Railway corridor is the only railroad that runs on the original and best preserved alignment of the Transcontinental Railroad.
Folks will have an opportunity to visit Niles Canyon Railway at our 3rd biennial Niles Canyon Stroll & Roll. While the NCRy will not be operating any trains during the event they will have a train stationed in Sunol for folks to visit as well as displays in the Sunol Train Depot about the contributions of Chinese immigrants building of the transcontinental railway. For the third time in four years, Alameda County along with numerous other public agencies are hosting the Niles Canyon Stroll and Roll, to give pedestrians full access to the scenic roadway and to raise public awareness about a proposed public trail through the scenic canyon. Further information available in this newsletter!
We hope to see you at the Stroll & Roll.
Richard Valle
 Runners, hikers and bicyclists are gearing up for the third Niles Canyon Stroll and Roll on Sunday, September 22nd, for which a scenic stretch of Niles Canyon Road between Fremont and Sunol will be closed to automobiles to give outdoor lovers exclusive access to the Canyon.The event is being held for the third time in four years to raise awareness about a proposed new trail through the Canyon that would expand public access to its forested flanks, historic landmarks and sweeping vistas of rumbling Alameda Creek.
To make way for the Stroll and Roll, automobiles will be barred from a stretch of Niles Canyon Road between Mission Boulevard in Fremont and Main Street in Sunol from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sunday, September 22. During the first hour – from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. – the road will be open to bicyclists only to give cyclists a chance to traverse the winding thoroughfare unimpeded by others. Participants in the unusual event also will have the chance to discuss proposals for a Niles Canyon trail with staff from Alameda County and the East Bay Regional Park District.
A project study completed in 2017 suggested that a 10-foot-wide paved pathway running mostly along the north side of Niles Canyon Road would be the preferred way to enhance access to the Canyon for pedestrians, bicyclists and possibly equestrians. Alameda County Supervisors Scott Haggerty and Richard Valle have been leaders in the push for a Niles Canyon recreation trail. In October 2015, the supervisors co-sponsored the first “Niles Canyon Stroll and Roll,” an event that proved so successful it was repeated in 2017. Organizers of this year’s Stroll and Roll say they are preparing for as many as 10,000 people to participate.
Proposals for a public trail through Niles Canyon are driven by the canyon’s breathtaking scenery, which is accessible only via Niles Canyon Road, a winding two-lane portion of State Highway 84. Bicyclists have repeatedly called for a trail due to safety concerns related to sharing the narrow roadway – which includes no shoulder space in some sections - with automobiles. Recreation enthusiasts point out that hiking access to the Canyon is limited and that a trail would provide a vital link between trail networks in the Tri-Valley and Alameda County’s bay-front corridor. An in-depth environmental review of the trail proposal is now being planned, with the study expected to begin early next year.
There will be free parking for participants. On the Sunol side, parking will be provided in the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission lot at 11600 Pleasanton Sunol Road. On the Fremont side, parking will be provided at the Quarry Lakes Regional Recreation Area, 2100 Isherwood Way, Fremont. Participants are encouraged to use public transportation to get to the event. Free shuttle service will be available at Quarry Lakes and the Fremont BART station to transport participants to and from the event.
Go to www.84strollroll.com to learn more about the Niles Canyon Multi-Use Trail proposal and the September 22 roadway closure.
 Please join us for a luncheon welcoming the City of Union City's new city manager, Joan Malloy and the New Haven Unified School District's new superintendent, John Thompson.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
11:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Union City Crowne Plaza 32083 Alvarado-Niles Rd, Union City, CA 94587
Tickets are $25
Please RSVP at www.tinyurl.com/y28wxjsc or through UnionCityChamber.com
Contact District2@acgov.org
 The Hayward Volunteer Recognition and Awards Dinner is a cherished time every year to honor outstanding volunteers who give their time and energy to benefit individuals, local human services, non-profits and other programs in Hayward.
This year 39 volunteers will be recognized by local non-profits for their outstanding efforts, known as the “Hearts of Hayward”. More information can be found on these winners and details about the dinner at https://www.facebook.com/HeartsOfHayward. The Hayward Volunteer Dinner and Recognition Awards will be held on
Tuesday, October 8
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
St. Rose Hospital’s Grand White Tent
Formal invitations have been mailed, for more information please contact Ginny DeMartini at (510) 670-6150.
 The St. Rose Hospital Foundation helps St. Rose Hospital carry out its mission by raising the necessary resources needed to meet the hospital’s current and future needs. The Foundation provides support and a level of assistance that enables the Hospital to serve all those in need in our diverse community.
This year they invite you to participate in the St. Rose Hospital Foundation's signature black-tie event Under the Grand White Tent at St. Rose Hospital! St. Rose is celebrating their 31st Spectacular - The Greatest Show were you can look forward to a wonderful evening of gourmet dining, live music, fabulous entertainment and an extensive silent and live auction.Your partnership with the St. Rose Hospital Foundation plays a vital role in their success. It is your generous contribution that will allow them to continue to provide services at the highest technical level with state-of-the-art facilities to our community and the under served population. Net proceeds from the event will support Surgical Services at St. Rose Hospital. District 2 hopes to see you there!
Saturday, October 5
5:00 PM to 10:00 PM
St. Rose Hospital’s Grand White Tent
For more information about the event or for sponsorship opportunities please call or email at (510)264-4007 or srhfoundation@srhca.org
The New Haven Schools Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3 foundation dedicated to supporting schools in the New Haven Unified School District, founded in 1981. Our mission is to partner with parents, teachers and other District employees and other members of the New Haven community to raise money for scholarships, classroom grants, and enrichment activities. Our goal is to help develop and empower every student to be productive, responsible and successful.
In 2019, the Foundation’s Pathways to Success program awarded a record-setting $155,000 in scholarships for our students. This brings the total of scholarship funding since our incorporation in 2007 to over $1,000,000! We funded projects for classrooms and after school activities to the tune of $66,000.
Every dollar of support we receive stays right here in our local school district, serving children and youth living in Union City and parts of Hayward.
Mutt Strut
One of the most popular events of the year is the New Haven Schools Foundation Mutt Strut. Families with dogs are invited to participate and enjoy the scenic views along the route in the Union City foothills at the Masonic Home. The event also includes a pancake breakfast, entertainment, games, contests, and prizes.
October 5, 2019
8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Masonic Home, 34400 Mission Blvd Union City, Ca
Diamonds in Education
The New Haven Schools Foundation’s annual gala raises funds that support educational and extra-curricular programs in our schools. The event features dinner and cocktails, casino games and prizes, DJ dancing, and auction items.Tickets are available online, at www.nhsfoundation.org. Please join to support our students!
October 19, 2019
6:00 PM to 11:00PM
Mirage Ballroom, 4100 Peralta Blvd Fremont, Ca
 The Washington Hospital Healthcare Foundation’s 33rd Annual Top Hat Gala will take place on Saturday, October 12 under the Grand Tent. This year's gala will raise funds towards the Washington Hospital 3D Mammography Program.
This sophisticated diagnostic tool will benefit patients by providing a much clearer picture of breast masses, making it easier to detect breast cancer. This allows for early detection, reduces instances of false positives and cuts down on unnecessary biopsies.
Sponsorship opportunities are now available! New this year is exclusive sponsorship for select areas of the event such as the Jazz Lounge, Signature Cocktail, Entertainment and more. Please review the sponsorship benefits and levels found here.
Join our Chairs Fremont Police Chief Kimberly Peterson, Dr. Rohit Sehgal and Dr. Seema Sehgal for an incredible evening!
Saturday, October 12, 2019
6:00 PM to Midnight
The Grand Tent at Washinton West 2500 Mowry Ave Fremont, CA 94538
Please call (510) 818-7350 or email foundation@whhs.com for more information.
 The East Bay is a world-class leader when it comes to innovation and entrepreneurship. Presented by the East Bay Economic Development Alliance, the East Bay Innovation Awards celebrates and honors the extraordinary companies and organizations that contribute to the East Bay’s legacy of innovation. The annual awards ceremony showcases outstanding organizations that embrace innovation in their manufacturing, products, services, design and information. The celebration also provides attention to outstanding innovative companies and organizations to increase their market strength and position them for investment and partnerships. Often referred to as the "Academy Awards of the East Bay," the East Bay Innovation Awards is the premiere program of its kind the 8th Annual 2020 East Bay Innovation Awards will be held on March 26, 2020 at the historic Fox Theater in Downtown Oakland. East Bay EDA is now accepting nominations for the 2020 East Bay Innovation Awards (iAwards)! This year’s nomination areas will include Advanced Manufacturing, Arts & Culture, Built Environment, Community Impact, Education, Engineering & Design, Food, Health/Life Sciences, Sustainability and Technology. The 2020 Innovation Awards nomination period will close in October 2019, so be sure to submit your nominations today!
As the East Bay Regional Park District celebrates its 85th anniversary, they have partnered with the Regional Parks Foundation to launch a community engagement survey. They are seeking public input, to help inform the District’s future priorities and interests on the recreational needs of the East Bay’s evolving multi-cultural community.
the link below is available in English, Spanish, Korean, and Chinese.
Thank you for considering! Together, we can help preserve, protect, and enrich the natural beauty of open space in Alameda and Contra Costa counties for years to come.
 The County of Alameda is the 17th largest county in the nation, with 14 cities and over 140,000 residents living in unincorporated communities. Alameda County is responsible for direct local government services in the unincorporated areas, which includes rural, urban, and suburban communities. With less than 1,000 residents in an area of 86 square miles, the rural unincorporated community of Sunol is the lone unincorporated community in District Two. The small rural town of Sunol is bordered by Fremont to the south and west, Pleasanton to the north, and Livermore to the east. Sunol is home to many natural and historic community resources like Alameda Creek, the largest watershed in the Southern San Francisco Bay. Sunol is the eastern terminus for the scenic Niles Canyon Road which the Niles Canyon Railway runs along on the historic transcontinental railroad alignment.
As an unincorporated community the County is responsible for direct government in these areas. Being represented by both District One and District Two, the community and County established the Sunol Citizen's Advisory Council (SCAC) to provide increased local community involvement in decision making and governance.
The Sunol Citizen's Advisory Council (SCAC) was established to provide increased community involvement in decision making and governance. The Council advises the Board of Supervisors on all matters concerning services which are or may be provided to Sunol by the County or other local governmental agencies, including but not limited to advice on matters of public safety, welfare, public works, and planning. Meetings are the 3rd Wednesday of every month, 6:30 p.m. at Sunol Elementary School. Members must be residents of Sunol who live in District 2.
To Apply: To apply to serve on the Sunol Citizens Advisory Council please provide a resume and complete the application here. Email both the completed application and your resume bosdist2@acgov.org.